• haripriya.maturi
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Iam unable to use Custom Label , {!$ObjectType.Object__c.LabelPlural} in chart header / title from dashboard edit layout. 


Please suggest me to achive this.


Thanks and Regards,




I have a check box in one of my object and its functioanlity is, if a record is created with that check box "checked", no other records can be created with that checkbox "checked" , need to show an error that " other record has been checked "


So I have written a validation rule as below :


AND(VLOOKUP($ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.xenonproto__Goal_Level2__c , $ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Name , Name)==True,
VLOOKUP($ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Id , $ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Name , Name) != Id)



Note: here Goal_Level2__c is of type checkbox.


but the above validation is not working for me.


Please anyone suggest me.


Thanks and Regards,




I have implemented java script remoting in Edit layout (where generally we will provide ID for all elements) and working fine there , also I want to implement the same in Detail view page. but unable to succeed.


on change of a field I am updating another field . but its not working, can any one suggest me with example.


My code in Detail view page:



$("#CF00NE0000002oG27j_id0_taskDetail_j_id35").on("change", function(event){ getOwningGroup(this,CF00NE0000003kDyqj_id0_taskDetail_j_id35_ileinner);
} );



function getOwningGroup(obj,obj2) {








Thanks in advance,


I want to display Owner (standard field) in the enhanced list view of one of my Object, in Step 3 of Enhanced List Edit View, I did not found Owner field, instead of that I found Owner Alias, Owner First Name, Owner Last Name.


But there is no use for me with those extra fields, I need to show "Owner" in the list view. How can I achieve this ? Plz any one suggest me.




I have created workflow rule for one of my object, and I want to specify a "lookup field" in the "Rule Criteria" section. But no look up fields are visible in the drop down. How can I achieve this.


Plz any one suggest me.




The apex controller which iam using is extending DynamicListController. In the constructor i have the code


public Level2Controller(){

super('select Id,Name,Approved_By__c,Approval_Date__c,Level2_Active_Status__c,Level2_End_Date__c from Level2__c');



and in the below method i have the code


public override String getWhereClause() {




return 'where Level1__c= \''+useractivelevel[0].Level1__c+'\' and Level2_Active_Status__c=True and (Level2_End_Date__c >='+myDate+' or Level2_End_Date__c=\''+null+'\')';



but Iam getting following error


Attempt to de-reference a null object


An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.


If at all I query with >=mydate but not with =null , then the query is working fine. Also same conditions working in filter criterias, formula fields and SOQL .


Please any body look into this and suggest me.






I have created 2 ListViews for an object and using them in 2 different visualsource pages(<apex:EnhancedList>), iam using a attribute called " listId " they are working fine in my development organization. But, facing problem after installation of our package in other organization. Error is list id is org specific. As the ID's differ in other organization


<apex:enhancedList id="tasks" listId="00BE0000002lPpc" height="480" rowsPerPage="25" customizable="false"  rendered="true" />


below is the enhancedList which iam using in aother page 


<apex:enhancedList id="mytasks" listId="00BE0000002lMJL" height="480" rowsPerPage="25" customizable="false"  rendered="true" />


So, is there any other way to use those listviews.Kindly help me out. 



Thanks in advance,




I follwoed the instructions found here:  http://blog.jeffdouglas.com/2011/08/12/roll-your-own-salesforce-lookup-popup-window/  which are pretty straight forward to try to override the standard lookup functionality.  I implemented this within my apex component and it is never getting inside the function openLookup that I have defined within my component.  Is there anything that would need ot be done differently when called from a component vs a VF page?



Below is the snippet of the code that I am using to send single e-mails to the users in my organization. For the first we hit a daily limit of 500 e-mails and the users are unable to approve the process and also receoive the e-mails. My requirement is not to send external e-mails but to send e-mails to users in my organization. Do i have to make any changes in the code to avoid hitting the limit?


I came to know that the single e-mail limit will be hit only when we try to send e-mail to external e-mail addresses. Do I have to make any changes in my query to prevent this scenario?


Thank You in advance for the help.   



public static void sendEmailToProgTeam(Id objId,string status,Id progId,string OpsBillingName)
        OpsBillingproc__c TestToBeUpdated = new     OpsBillingproc__c();
        TestToBeUpdated = [Select Id,name,ApprovalComments__c,customownerid__c from  OpsBillingproc__c where id=:objId];
        List<ProgramTeamMember__c> lstProgTeam = new List<ProgramTeamMember__c>();
        List<User> lstUser = new List<USer>();
        Set<Id> setUserId = new Set<Id>();
        lstProgTeam = [select id,TeamMemberId__c,RelatedprogramId__c from ProgramTeamMember__c where RelatedprogramId__c = : progId]; 
             for(ProgramTeamMember__c obj : lstProgTeam)
         Program__c objProg = [select id,ownerid from Program__c where id = : progId];
         if(objProg !=null)
         lstUser = [select id,name,email from User where id IN : setUserId];        
         List<String> toAddress= new List<String>();
          string body='';
          for(User u : lstUser)
          //if S&M approver rejectes the record
          if(Status == 'Complete')
                 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();                     
                         body ='<html><body><pre>';
                         body += 'Dear Users';
                         body += '<br/><br/>This is to inform you that the OpsBilling Record \''+ OpsBillingName +'\' has been Approved.';
                         body += '<br/><br/>Approval Comments : '+TestToBeUpdated.ApprovalComments__c;
                         body += '<br/></br>Kind Regards';          
                         body += '<br></br>Salesforce App Team';
                        mail.setSubject('OpsBilling Record Approved');                    
                        mail.sethtmlbody( body );                       
                        Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });                     



I have a check box in one of my object and its functioanlity is, if a record is created with that check box "checked", no other records can be created with that checkbox "checked" , need to show an error that " other record has been checked "


So I have written a validation rule as below :


AND(VLOOKUP($ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.xenonproto__Goal_Level2__c , $ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Name , Name)==True,
VLOOKUP($ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Id , $ObjectType.xenonproto__Level2__c.Fields.Name , Name) != Id)



Note: here Goal_Level2__c is of type checkbox.


but the above validation is not working for me.


Please anyone suggest me.


Thanks and Regards,


I want to display Owner (standard field) in the enhanced list view of one of my Object, in Step 3 of Enhanced List Edit View, I did not found Owner field, instead of that I found Owner Alias, Owner First Name, Owner Last Name.


But there is no use for me with those extra fields, I need to show "Owner" in the list view. How can I achieve this ? Plz any one suggest me.




The apex controller which iam using is extending DynamicListController. In the constructor i have the code


public Level2Controller(){

super('select Id,Name,Approved_By__c,Approval_Date__c,Level2_Active_Status__c,Level2_End_Date__c from Level2__c');



and in the below method i have the code


public override String getWhereClause() {




return 'where Level1__c= \''+useractivelevel[0].Level1__c+'\' and Level2_Active_Status__c=True and (Level2_End_Date__c >='+myDate+' or Level2_End_Date__c=\''+null+'\')';



but Iam getting following error


Attempt to de-reference a null object


An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.


If at all I query with >=mydate but not with =null , then the query is working fine. Also same conditions working in filter criterias, formula fields and SOQL .


Please any body look into this and suggest me.






Is there a way to remove the search box in the header? I need to provide my own search feature and ideally I can keep the search box but make it return the search results in the format I want it to look. Is there a way to do this?

