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Hi Experts,

I have a scenario where I want to query all pending approval requests for a particular Delegated Approver.
Is it possible through Apex Code or any other configurable way 


A learner
Hi All,

I have Multi Currency Org enabled.

There are 2 objects with MD relationship.
My Global currency is USD and local User Currency is SGD.
The problem is that when I select a particular currency on Master Record,Child records pickups the numeric value as per Master Record currency but doesnot picks up the correct currency symbol.

E.g If I select USD on Master record and enter 100 on Child record,it is treated as 100 USD internally,but displays as SGD 100 on child record.

Any comments plz?
I have embedded a dashboard in Visualforce using Iframe

When i click on the component inside dashboard ,it does not drill me down,instead it remains stucked there itsef.

Please help.
Hi ,

I am looking to create a pivot styled report in Salesforce.
Matrix report could have been a gud option but it only allows row grouping for maximum 2 fields.

I want row level grouping with 4 fields.
Is it possible to do OOTB in any way possible.

If not,what would be the best way to customize it .
Also,ideally the count against each row should be clickable so that user can see the records associated to that count.


Hi Guys,


I am a bit confused at to what is the significance of Merging records in Salesforce.

Example:if we merge two account records using Merge Statement

What wll final record look like

Hi Experts,

I have a scenario where I want to query all pending approval requests for a particular Delegated Approver.
Is it possible through Apex Code or any other configurable way 


A learner
Hi All,

I have Multi Currency Org enabled.

There are 2 objects with MD relationship.
My Global currency is USD and local User Currency is SGD.
The problem is that when I select a particular currency on Master Record,Child records pickups the numeric value as per Master Record currency but doesnot picks up the correct currency symbol.

E.g If I select USD on Master record and enter 100 on Child record,it is treated as 100 USD internally,but displays as SGD 100 on child record.

Any comments plz?