• j_panchal
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tried installing managed package on Sandbox but getting the following error :


"Your request install failed.Please try again later.None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error. If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number : "


it shows only the above error message and nothing else, so i'm not able to figure out why the installation is failing.


Please help








not able to close the pop-up window when parent is closed in chrome.


i added a custom section on Accounts tab in Salesforce which is displayed below Account Detail section.

The custom section and pop-up both are VF pages.


In this custom section after clicking on a button a pop-up window is displayed. what i want to do is, when someone closes the parent page i.e. the Accounts tab the child pop-up should get closed.


tried using showModalDialog but it is not working in chrome (in chrome the parent is still accessible if we use showmodalDialog to open a pop-up).


is there a way we can apply javascript on Accounts tab's onunload or onbeforeunload events, so that we can close the child window.


really stuck into this issue, Please help.



Need HELP !!!!!!
I'm getting following message while saving or updating any class or VF page "Organization Administration Locked".
Please provide me guidance .Its urgent.

Thanks In Advance



i have a custom section with a custom button on Account tab, from the section a VF page is opened as modal dialog after the custom button is clicked. On the modal dialog some records are updated and then i want to redirect to another VF page in the dialog window itself (i.e. the redirect should happen in the modal dialog itself) 


the code of the VF page which is opened as modal dialog is as below - 


public PageReference updateRecords()
    // update some records


   //code to redirect to another VF page after the update is done 

  PageReference newPage = new PageReference('/apex/UpdateResult?Message=Record Updated Successfully'); 
  return newPage;




when i execute the above code in Firefox it works fine and redirects to newPage inside the modal dialog, but in IE it opens a new window instead of redirecting when i click the button on modal dialog.


i've used "window.showModalDialog('/apex/VFPage') ;"  to open modal dialog and show the VF page, and the version of internet explorer is 9.


Please provide any suggesstion on how to do this.


Thanks in Advance.



i'm getting the error - 'You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out'  when performing  updates for multiple object or calling multiple update statements.


i have two sObjects 1) Contact and 2) Account as below -


sContact = [SELECT c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Title FROM Contact c WHERE c.Id = :contactId];
sAccount = [SELECT a.Id, a.Name,a.Website FROM Account a WHERE a.Id = :accountId];


after this inside a loop i'm updating some filed values of both objects as -


   for(Integer i=0 ; i<selRecords.size() ; i++)
              if(selRecords[i].AttributeType == 'contact')
                    if(selRecords[i].AttributeType == 'CompanyType')

               update sContact;
               update sAccount;


during the call "update sAccount" it throws the error - You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out.


i tried Database.SaveResult[] SR = database.update(updatesArr);   also, where updatesArr is array of SObject in which both of the above sObjects are assigned, but can't get it working.


Please suggest that how can we call multiple update statements or perform multiple sObject updates.


Thanks in advance.




i made a list object to get company details from an external API, the code is below - 


List<Company> lstCompanies = getCompanyById('36482'); 


//Company is a class in which some properties are defined and has method getCompanyById. 


now, the data returned from lstcompanies is like --  


" {Company:[Address=916 W College St, BusinessType=null, City=Florence, CompanyName=Bridge,  Contacts=(Contact:[FirstName=ABC, Gender=Male, LastName=Bridges, Title=Owner])} "


i need to get attribute values from the above list , but before that have to check that the attribute is present in the list or not. i.e. need to search whether an attribute is present in the list.


For eg.  if FirstName is present in lstCompanies then i have to get its value from the list , similarly for othe attributes.

So, is there any way this can be done, tried using Contains method but it works only for Set and can't find any method like get  for fetching the attribute value by passing their name. 


As it is a list of class that we made and not a custom object, hence can't figure out how to use SObject also. 


Please help.


Thanks in Advance.



i have a method updateRecords to update selected records from VF page on button click, below is the code


    public PageReference updateRecords()
            List<StareAndCompare> selRecords = GetSelectedRecords();
            Contact updateContact;
            String strFieldName;
            if(selRecords.size() > 0)
                updateContact = [SELECT c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Title, c.Email, c.Phone, c.MailingStreet, c.MailingCity,   c.MailingState FROM Contact c WHERE c.Id = :selRecords[0].Id];

                for(Integer i=0 ; i<selRecords.size() ; i++)

                     strFieldName = selRecords[i].SFFIeldName;

                     updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;
                update updateContact;
            return null;


i need to assign the column Name by using a varibale, and the problem is on lines inside the loop i.e. -- 

                     strFieldName = selRecords[i].SFFIeldName;

                     updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;


need to assign fieldName from List variable "selRecords" to the string varibale and use it as the column name in next line . For eg. if strFiledName = 'FirstName' then on the line

"updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;" the string value is not used, but it treats strFieldName as columnName.

Please help as i'm stuck i this issue.


Thanks in Advance.





i have to questions :


1. Is there a way to select dummy column in SOQL like in SQL queries, like

     [select Name, Phone , 'testDummyColumn' from Contact]


2.  Is there a gender field in Contact sObject in SalesForce, and if not, from where we can select the gender of a contact. i have

     to display a list of contacts on VF page along with their gender.


Thanks in Advance. 



Are there any APIs that salesforce provide to get list of Companies, Accounts and Contacts that we can use in customController in APEX code.


I am a newbie to salesforce development, so please provide the detail or any link about SalesforceAPIs.




Being a newbie to salesforce development this may seem a very basic question.


I made a custom Controller and want to get list of companies or organization that are listed/present in salesforce and display them on visualforce page.

So, is there any API OR sObject (like Account, Contact) in Salesforce to get the company list..


Below is the controller code which I am using currently



public string orgName;


public String getName() {
List<Organization> org = new List<Organization>();
org = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Organization];

for(Integer i=0; i<org.size();i++)
orgName += org[i].Name +',';
return orgName;


but it returns only 'GMail' as output.


I am also not able to find any APIs or API list of salesforce which we can access in apex controllers to get the data.
Please help me out.




Being a newbie to salesforce development this may seem a very basic question.


I made a custom Controller and want to get list of companies or organization that are listed/present in salesforce and display them on visualforce page.

So, is there any API OR sObject (like Account, Contact) in Salesforce to get the company list..


Below is the controller code which I am using currently



public string orgName;


public String getName() {
List<Organization> org = new List<Organization>();
org = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Organization];

for(Integer i=0; i<org.size();i++)
orgName += org[i].Name +',';
return orgName;


but it returns only 'GMail' as output.


I am also not able to find any APIs or API list of salesforce which we can access in apex controllers to get the data.
Please help me out.





not able to close the pop-up window when parent is closed in chrome.


i added a custom section on Accounts tab in Salesforce which is displayed below Account Detail section.

The custom section and pop-up both are VF pages.


In this custom section after clicking on a button a pop-up window is displayed. what i want to do is, when someone closes the parent page i.e. the Accounts tab the child pop-up should get closed.


tried using showModalDialog but it is not working in chrome (in chrome the parent is still accessible if we use showmodalDialog to open a pop-up).


is there a way we can apply javascript on Accounts tab's onunload or onbeforeunload events, so that we can close the child window.


really stuck into this issue, Please help.





i'm getting the error - 'You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out'  when performing  updates for multiple object or calling multiple update statements.


i have two sObjects 1) Contact and 2) Account as below -


sContact = [SELECT c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Title FROM Contact c WHERE c.Id = :contactId];
sAccount = [SELECT a.Id, a.Name,a.Website FROM Account a WHERE a.Id = :accountId];


after this inside a loop i'm updating some filed values of both objects as -


   for(Integer i=0 ; i<selRecords.size() ; i++)
              if(selRecords[i].AttributeType == 'contact')
                    if(selRecords[i].AttributeType == 'CompanyType')

               update sContact;
               update sAccount;


during the call "update sAccount" it throws the error - You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out.


i tried Database.SaveResult[] SR = database.update(updatesArr);   also, where updatesArr is array of SObject in which both of the above sObjects are assigned, but can't get it working.


Please suggest that how can we call multiple update statements or perform multiple sObject updates.


Thanks in advance.




i have a method updateRecords to update selected records from VF page on button click, below is the code


    public PageReference updateRecords()
            List<StareAndCompare> selRecords = GetSelectedRecords();
            Contact updateContact;
            String strFieldName;
            if(selRecords.size() > 0)
                updateContact = [SELECT c.FirstName, c.LastName, c.Title, c.Email, c.Phone, c.MailingStreet, c.MailingCity,   c.MailingState FROM Contact c WHERE c.Id = :selRecords[0].Id];

                for(Integer i=0 ; i<selRecords.size() ; i++)

                     strFieldName = selRecords[i].SFFIeldName;

                     updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;
                update updateContact;
            return null;


i need to assign the column Name by using a varibale, and the problem is on lines inside the loop i.e. -- 

                     strFieldName = selRecords[i].SFFIeldName;

                     updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;


need to assign fieldName from List variable "selRecords" to the string varibale and use it as the column name in next line . For eg. if strFiledName = 'FirstName' then on the line

"updateContact.strFieldName = selRecords[i].InfoValue;" the string value is not used, but it treats strFieldName as columnName.

Please help as i'm stuck i this issue.


Thanks in Advance.





i have to questions :


1. Is there a way to select dummy column in SOQL like in SQL queries, like

     [select Name, Phone , 'testDummyColumn' from Contact]


2.  Is there a gender field in Contact sObject in SalesForce, and if not, from where we can select the gender of a contact. i have

     to display a list of contacts on VF page along with their gender.


Thanks in Advance. 



Are there any APIs that salesforce provide to get list of Companies, Accounts and Contacts that we can use in customController in APEX code.


I am a newbie to salesforce development, so please provide the detail or any link about SalesforceAPIs.




Being a newbie to salesforce development this may seem a very basic question.


I made a custom Controller and want to get list of companies or organization that are listed/present in salesforce and display them on visualforce page.

So, is there any API OR sObject (like Account, Contact) in Salesforce to get the company list..


Below is the controller code which I am using currently



public string orgName;


public String getName() {
List<Organization> org = new List<Organization>();
org = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Organization];

for(Integer i=0; i<org.size();i++)
orgName += org[i].Name +',';
return orgName;


but it returns only 'GMail' as output.


I am also not able to find any APIs or API list of salesforce which we can access in apex controllers to get the data.
Please help me out.

