i am writing a unit test of a rest service in apex
My Test Class is
global class Feedpost9 { // your methods here... static testMethod void testRest() { // set up the request object System.RestContext.request = new RestRequest(); RestContext.request.requestURI = '/v.9/notifications/preferences/ritesh'; // Invoke the method directly Member__c member=new Member__c(name='ritesh'); insert member; Notification_Settings__c no=new Notification_Settings__c(member__c=member.Id); no.Event__c='Category|Cloud Foundry' ; no.Event_Per_Member__c='12'; insert no; NotificationRestService.retrievingNotificationSettings(); RestContext.request.requestURI = '/v.9/notifications/preferences' ; NotificationRestService.retrievingNotificationSettings(); RestContext.request.requestURI ='/v.9/notifications/preferences/ritesh.xml'; NotificationRestService.retrievingNotificationSettings(); } }
when test unit reach at this point then i got an error RestContext.request.requestURI = '/v.9/notifications/preferences' ;
error is
System.NullPointerException: Attempt to de-reference a null object Class.NotificationRestService.retrievingNotificationSettings: line 46, column 1 Class.Feedpost9.testRest: line 23, column 1
and the segment where i am getting this error is
List<Notification_Settings__c> note1=[SELECT id,name,Member__r.name,Do_not_Notify__c,Event__c,Event_Per_Member__c,Notification_Method__c from Notification_Settings__c WHERE Member__r.name= :userName Limit 1]; Notification_Settings__c note; if(note1 !=null ) {if(note1.size() >0) note=note1.get(0); }
and error is on the line {if(note1.size() >0) i am unable to figure if note1 is not equal to null then it will come to next line but in next line it is giving me error why note1 is null in next linel and passing first if statement.query should return empty list .please someone help!!