• rvader
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I am extending a VF page which resides in a managed packaged. 
code is as follows:

<apex:page controller="myController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:include pageName="ManagedPackage__managedPage" />

the purpose of myController is simply to inject some javascript remoting into the managed page.

when this page renders, I get the following error:
Apex class 'ManagedPackage.myController' does not exist

the apex:page resides in the default namespace as does the custom myController. why is the page then attempting to reference myController in the managed package namespace. how do I coerce it to refer to the custom controller in the default namespace?
  • September 02, 2014
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I am extending a VF page which resides in a managed packaged. 
code is as follows:

<apex:page controller="myController" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" >
<apex:include pageName="ManagedPackage__managedPage" />

the purpose of myController is simply to inject some javascript remoting into the managed page.

when this page renders, I get the following error:
Apex class 'ManagedPackage.myController' does not exist

the apex:page resides in the default namespace as does the custom myController. why is the page then attempting to reference myController in the managed package namespace. how do I coerce it to refer to the custom controller in the default namespace?
  • September 02, 2014
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In a visualforce I used an autocomplete feature (in JQeury) for an input field and that works great.

It's based on a remote action define in my controller which is called by the javascript.


Now, I want to put my visualforce in an apex iframe but when the frame is shown, the warning message : "Javascript proxies were not generated for controller myController : may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe".

And my apex remote action is of course never called.....


Do someone has an idea to resolve that ?


Thanks in advance for your help.



  • November 21, 2011
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