• Steve101
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I have a Workflow rule that creates a Task each time a specific type of Lead is created.  I have a custom field in this Task that needs to be populated upon creation but I cannot accomplish this with the Workflow so I am creating a trigger. 


I get the following error when I save the trigger


Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '}' at line 5 column 12


Here is the trigger


trigger PubProductUpdate on Task (before insert){

    for (Task PU : Trigger.new){
        if (PU.RecordTypeId = '012U0000000Z6qBIAS' && PU.Subject = 'Pitch Networks' && PU.Pub_Products__c = null)
    PU.Pub_Products__c = 'Pub Opening Pitch';


I am new to Apex Triggers and not sure where my select criteria goes wrong. 



I have a Workflow rule that creates a Task each time a specific type of Lead is created.  I have a custom field in this Task that needs to be populated upon creation but I cannot accomplish this with the Workflow so I am creating a trigger. 


I get the following error when I save the trigger


Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: '}' at line 5 column 12


Here is the trigger


trigger PubProductUpdate on Task (before insert){

    for (Task PU : Trigger.new){
        if (PU.RecordTypeId = '012U0000000Z6qBIAS' && PU.Subject = 'Pitch Networks' && PU.Pub_Products__c = null)
    PU.Pub_Products__c = 'Pub Opening Pitch';


I am new to Apex Triggers and not sure where my select criteria goes wrong. 

