• csreddy7799
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Hi I want to skip records base condition in trigger while data import. For ex: Am importing records in to accounts, now i want to skip accounts where city is Mumbai, how can i achieve this thriough trigger?

Hi, what is the difference between setRedirect(true) and setRedirect(false). I want to pass values from one page another page which have different controolers without using querystring. How can i pass more than 100 values?



I have created new release. When i clicke on Upload, new relase creation got failed because of trigger test methods. Those trigger are not related to package. How those triggers are included in new release?. Even objects which are not related to package also are included in new release. Now i want to reomove those un related components from new release. But i can't find any delete button to delete un related components.



Am trying to fetch records where child name same as parent name. For ex:


Select Name , ( select Name from Child__r where Name =: Parent__c.Name ) from parent__C ; This query is not working


How can i write  query like this?

I have created one wrapper class with sObject and index for sObject and am getting and setting list of wrapper to show on VF page. On VF page im showing some fields from that sObject and provided one button to clone that record so that cloned record  will be shown on next row. In the controller if i assign values directly from wrapper (i.e. new wrapper instance = wrapper instance to be clone) its getting cloned and displayed on VF but while saving its giving me error as "id" of sObject is also get clonned. If i try to get field values one by one from wrapper its giving me null values. (eg new wrapper.sObject.field = wrapperToBeCloned.sObject.field), sObject from the wrapper to be cloned is giving null values. How to solve this problem ?


Here are two possibilities as below when i clicked on clone button in vf page


1.  JobSuite__job__c obj = new JobSUite__Job__c();
     obj.Name = '';
     obj.JobSuite__Job_Description__c = wrapJob.objJob.JobSuite__Job_Description__c;
     obj.JobSuite__Dummy_Picklist_2__c = wrapJob.objJob.JobSuite__Dummy_Picklist_2__c;
     jbw.objJob = obj;

If i use above code the record is assigned by blank values.

if i print wrapJob.objJob, it is displaying null in system.debug.


But when i used below code record is getting cloned and displayed in vf page 



    here am copying record from previous wrapper record
     jbw.objJob = wrapJob.objJob;


 If i use above code the record is copied but while saving it is throwing exception because of same record ID.


I have created page with renderAs pdf. I have used style rotation in that page. It is displaying properly in normal vf page, but not working in PDF page.




Thanks in advance

I want to implement payment gateway in salesforce for credit card and debit card payments. I have done research and got information only to create paypal buttons. After payment submission i want to get transaction id and message from paypal. How can i achieve this?






I have added Component inside visualforce page. The component contains page block table. In visualforce page i have implemented pagination using StandardSetController outside of component. Now, when i clicked on next button, i want to refresh component with new values. But component do not getting refreshed. i have added reRender tag in next button and added component id in rerender.

hi all,


 How to use CEILING in apex controller. 

For Ex: i want to use 1.1 as 2 in my calculation . how can i acheive this?



       In production we have installed our package, in one page am getting null pointer exception. I have created same page and controller in sand box and deployed in same production, now am not getting that exception even though it is same code. Pl help.



    I have crated customized login page and multiple pages for booking application. Now, i want to manage logged in user information throughout the booking process. How can i achieve this implementation?







     i want to customize object detail page title. Is it possible, if possible then how to do.






   Below is my code which is working properly in Dev org but not in Production. From production am geeting exception.


caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject


Class.JobSuite.RetrieveTaskNewTesting.<init>: line 731, column 1



public List<Job_Task__c> lstJT{get;set;}


public RetrieveTaskNewTesting(ApexPages.StandardController st)
jobId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
Job__c objJob=[Select Id,Campaign__c from Job__c where Id=: jobId LIMIT 1];
lstJT=[Select Name, Start_Date__c,Days__c,Due_Date__c,Task_Order__c,Assigned_Users__c,Marked_Done__c,Completion_Date__c,Revised_Due_Date__c from Job_Task__c where Job__c =: jobId Order By Task_Order__c];
lstJobTeam=[Select Id, Role__c,Staff__c, Job__r.Name from Job_Team__c where Job__c =: jobId order by createddate];



  Thanks in advance









       Up to  today i have worked on force.com development only. Now i want to go through sales and marketing  applications provided by salesforce. Are there any documents or material to undestand sales and marketing applications?







I am creating user record using VF page and Apex class. When an Org does not contains sufficient user licenses of Type Salesforce, then I get following message.


But I want to display these message in customized way. For example, Message as "Your Org does not have sufficient Licenses"


System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: LICENSE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, License Limit Exceeded: []


Now i want display page message instad of exception. is it possible?



         Am trying to move my entire code from one developer org to another developer org. We have overriden some buttons on custom objects with visualforce pages in first org. Now when am trying to move the code using eclipse, because of tab overriden, it is showing error about synchronisation. Is there any another way to move entire code?



Thanks in advance




Hi, I have added visualforce page inside tab using <apex:dynamicComponent>. when i click on a button in visualforce page inside iframe, it's redirecting inside iframe only. How to redirect to another entire page out of iframe? 



         Am trying to move my entire code from one developer org to another developer org. We have overriden some buttons on custom objects with visualforce pages in first org. Now when am trying to move the code using eclipse, because of tab overriden, it is showing error about synchronisation. Is there any another way to move entire code?



Thanks in advance




Hi I want to skip records base condition in trigger while data import. For ex: Am importing records in to accounts, now i want to skip accounts where city is Mumbai, how can i achieve this thriough trigger?

Hi, what is the difference between setRedirect(true) and setRedirect(false). I want to pass values from one page another page which have different controolers without using querystring. How can i pass more than 100 values?



I have created new release. When i clicke on Upload, new relase creation got failed because of trigger test methods. Those trigger are not related to package. How those triggers are included in new release?. Even objects which are not related to package also are included in new release. Now i want to reomove those un related components from new release. But i can't find any delete button to delete un related components.

I have created one wrapper class with sObject and index for sObject and am getting and setting list of wrapper to show on VF page. On VF page im showing some fields from that sObject and provided one button to clone that record so that cloned record  will be shown on next row. In the controller if i assign values directly from wrapper (i.e. new wrapper instance = wrapper instance to be clone) its getting cloned and displayed on VF but while saving its giving me error as "id" of sObject is also get clonned. If i try to get field values one by one from wrapper its giving me null values. (eg new wrapper.sObject.field = wrapperToBeCloned.sObject.field), sObject from the wrapper to be cloned is giving null values. How to solve this problem ?


Here are two possibilities as below when i clicked on clone button in vf page


1.  JobSuite__job__c obj = new JobSUite__Job__c();
     obj.Name = '';
     obj.JobSuite__Job_Description__c = wrapJob.objJob.JobSuite__Job_Description__c;
     obj.JobSuite__Dummy_Picklist_2__c = wrapJob.objJob.JobSuite__Dummy_Picklist_2__c;
     jbw.objJob = obj;

If i use above code the record is assigned by blank values.

if i print wrapJob.objJob, it is displaying null in system.debug.


But when i used below code record is getting cloned and displayed in vf page 



    here am copying record from previous wrapper record
     jbw.objJob = wrapJob.objJob;


 If i use above code the record is copied but while saving it is throwing exception because of same record ID.


I have created page with renderAs pdf. I have used style rotation in that page. It is displaying properly in normal vf page, but not working in PDF page.




Thanks in advance



I have added Component inside visualforce page. The component contains page block table. In visualforce page i have implemented pagination using StandardSetController outside of component. Now, when i clicked on next button, i want to refresh component with new values. But component do not getting refreshed. i have added reRender tag in next button and added component id in rerender.



     i want to customize object detail page title. Is it possible, if possible then how to do.






   Below is my code which is working properly in Dev org but not in Production. From production am geeting exception.


caused by: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject


Class.JobSuite.RetrieveTaskNewTesting.<init>: line 731, column 1



public List<Job_Task__c> lstJT{get;set;}


public RetrieveTaskNewTesting(ApexPages.StandardController st)
jobId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
Job__c objJob=[Select Id,Campaign__c from Job__c where Id=: jobId LIMIT 1];
lstJT=[Select Name, Start_Date__c,Days__c,Due_Date__c,Task_Order__c,Assigned_Users__c,Marked_Done__c,Completion_Date__c,Revised_Due_Date__c from Job_Task__c where Job__c =: jobId Order By Task_Order__c];
lstJobTeam=[Select Id, Role__c,Staff__c, Job__r.Name from Job_Team__c where Job__c =: jobId order by createddate];



  Thanks in advance









       Up to  today i have worked on force.com development only. Now i want to go through sales and marketing  applications provided by salesforce. Are there any documents or material to undestand sales and marketing applications?







         Am trying to move my entire code from one developer org to another developer org. We have overriden some buttons on custom objects with visualforce pages in first org. Now when am trying to move the code using eclipse, because of tab overriden, it is showing error about synchronisation. Is there any another way to move entire code?



Thanks in advance




I'm planning to take developer certification in couple of weeks.

Any tips and or suggestions from people who took the test?



any documents, questions please email to kalpanar01 @ yahoo.com




Hi, I have added visualforce page inside tab using <apex:dynamicComponent>. when i click on a button in visualforce page inside iframe, it's redirecting inside iframe only. How to redirect to another entire page out of iframe? 

I am working under payment gateway , I am new to this



is it require to encode for sending our request .

 I have to  send four things through this


session id , application number , amount, type of process


first one is how to get session id in salesforce


after encoding ,is it the right process add each one and attach to the endpoint at the end..


please help me

I am having following error in apex class while reading a word document which is uploaded in Document object .


"BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string".



Devendra Natani

I need examples for the foll:

1) How to create Sample HelloWorld WebService using Apex?.

2) How to generate WSDL for this Sample HelloWorld WebService ?. 

3) How to consume that Sample HelloWorldWebService in VisualForce page?..


Any Help would be appreciated.









I tried to make the visualforce page renderas PDF in landscape with following styles


<style >
    @page {


But it is not working now. Is anybody face the same issue? or have any idea to render the PDF as landscape??



  • August 18, 2009
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