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Mobile number should not take alphabets and special characters
String phoneNumber = eachMob.Contact_Number_Mobile__c;
Pattern isnumbers = Pattern.Compile('^[0-9]+$');
Matcher MobileMatch = isnumbers.matcher(phoneNumber);
- anillll
- August 22, 2014
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Test class not covering
trigger TaskCreatepromotionmember on Promotion_Member__c (before update) { Set<Id> createdByIds = new Set<Id>(); Set<Id> Managerid=new Set<Id>(); List<User> lstU2 = [select id,email,TL__c,ManagersId__c from User]; try { List<Promotion_Member__c> t2=[select id,Verification_Status__c,Verified__c from Promotion_Member__c WHERE Verification_Status__c='Complaint' LIMIT 1]; for(User u1:lstU2) { for(Promotion_Member__c pr:Trigger.New) { createdByIds.add(pr.createdById); Managerid.add(u1.ManagersId__c); } } Map<Id, User> userMap = new Map<Id,User>([select Name, Email,ManagersId__c from User where Id in :createdByIds]); for(Promotion_Member__c eq : Trigger.New) { Promotion_Member__c beforeUpdate = System.Trigger.oldMap.get(eq.Id); if(eq.Verification_Status__c=='Complaint' && eq.Verified__c==true && beforeUpdate.Verification_Status__c!= eq.Verification_Status__c) { // Promotion_Member__c eq=[select id,Complaint_Remarks__c,Complaints__c,Suggestion__c,Suggestion_Remarks__c,Call_Center_Remarks__c,createdbyId from Promotion_Member__c where id=:tsk.id]; //system.debug('Enquiry'+eq); Task Tk = new Task(); Tk.ownerid = userMap.get(eq.createdById).ManagersId__c; Tk.Call_Center_Comments__c=eq.Call_Center_Remarks__c; Tk.WhatId=eq.id; Tk.Suggestion__c=eq.Suggestion__c; Tk.Complaint__c=eq.Complaints__c; Tk.ActivityDate=system.today(); Tk.Priority='Normal'; Tk.Subject='PromotionMember Complaint'; insert Tk; Task Tk1 = new Task(); Tk1.ownerid =eq.createdbyId; Tk1.WhatId=eq.id; Tk1.Suggestion__c=eq.Suggestion__c; Tk1.Complaint__c=eq.Complaints__c; Tk1.ActivityDate=system.today(); Tk1.Call_Center_Comments__c=eq.Call_Center_Remarks__c; Tk1.Priority='Normal'; Tk1.Subject='PromotionMember Complaint'; insert Tk1; } } }Catch(Exception e) {} } @isTest(SeeAllData=True) Public Class TestTaskCreatepromotionmemberClass { Static TestMethod Void Emailpromotion() { Test.StartTest(); User lstU2 =[select id,email,TL__c,ManagersId__c from User where profile.Name='BD' LIMIT 1]; Tour_Program__c tr=new Tour_Program__c(); tr.From_Date__c=date.newinstance(2014, 3, 1); tr.To_Date__c=date.newinstance(2014, 3, 15); insert tr; List<Tour_Plan1__c > TourPlan=new List<Tour_Plan1__c >(); Tour_Plan1__c tp=new Tour_Plan1__c(); tp.Name='Tour Palan1234'; tp.Tour_Program__c=tr.id; insert tp; Site_Visit__c sv=new Site_Visit__c(); sv.Tour_Plan1__c=tp.id; sv.Architects_Meet_Actuals__c=1; sv.Boarers_Meet_Actuals__c=2; sv.Builders_Meet_Actuals__c=3; sv.Verification_Type__c='Complaint'; sv.Verified__c=true; insert sv; Promotion__c prm=new Promotion__c(); prm.Date__c=System.today(); prm.Type__c='Dealers Meet'; prm.Site_Visit__c=sv.id; insert prm; Promotion_Member__c pm=new Promotion_Member__c(); pm.Verified__c=true; pm.Promotions2__c=prm.id; pm.Verification_Status__c = 'Complaint'; pm.Call_Center_Remarks__c='Remarks'; pm.Call_Status__c='Completed'; insert pm; update pm; //Promotion_Member__c pm1= [SELECT id,Verification_Status__c FROM Promotion_Member__c WHERE id=:pm.id]; //update pm1; Task Tk1=new task(); Tk1.ActivityDate=system.today(); Tk1.Priority='Normal'; Tk1.Subject='Site Visit Complaint'; Tk1.whatId=pm.id; Tk1.Call_Center_Comments__c='Test'; Tk1.OwnerId=lstU2.ManagersId__c; insert Tk1; Task Tk2=new task(); Tk2.ActivityDate=system.today()+2; Tk2.Priority='Normal'; Tk2.Subject='Site Visit Complaint'; Tk2.whatId=pm.id; Tk2.OwnerId=userinfo.getuserid(); Tk2.Call_Center_Comments__c='Type'; insert Tk2; Test.StopTest(); } }
- anillll
- July 31, 2014
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Apex Sharing Rules
And for Distributors records are shared manually , the users who are shared distributors has to view dealers under them automatically./
for ex:i have Distributor called ABC Enterprise and under this distributor it has 60 dealers so when i share ABC distributor to 4 users dealers has to be shared automatically
- anillll
- July 24, 2014
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Incrementing two custom fields based on Location
I have two custom fields Chennai_DC_No__c,Bangalore_DC_No__c and Location__c (picklist) contains Bangalore,Chennai
One field is incrementing and another one is not incrementing , every time it display 1.
trigger ChennaiNos on Demo__c (before insert) { List<Demo__c> OpList = new List<Demo__c>(); OpList=[SELECT Chennai_DC_No__c FROM Demo__c]; for(Demo__c c : Trigger.new){ if(OpList.size() > 0){ if(c.Location__c!= 'Bangalore'){ if(OpList[0].Chennai_DC_No__c!= null){ c.Chennai_DC_No__c =OpList[0].Chennai_DC_No__c +1; } else{ c.Chennai_DC_No__c =0+1; } } } if(OpList.size() > 0){ if(c.Location__c== 'Bangalore'){ if(OpList[0].Bangalore_DC_No__c!= null){ c.Bangalore_DC_No__c =OpList[0].Bangalore_DC_No__c +1; } else{ c.Bangalore_DC_No__c =0+1; } } } } }
- anillll
- July 10, 2013
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How to update a value using a trigger
when we create a new record a field should be updated with the previous record value
- anillll
- June 04, 2013
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incrementing a number field when opportunity is closed won
I have a custom field in Opportunity is Auto_Number__c
i have a trigger like this
trigger updateactive on Opportunity(before insert){ for(Opportunity c : Trigger.new){ if(c.StageName == 'Closed Won') c.Auto_Number__c=c.Auto_Number__c+1; } }
I want to increment the old record Auto_Number__c and update like2,3,4 etc like that when opportunity is closed won
- anillll
- May 29, 2013
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Test Coverage
trigger promoteOrdertoAsset on Item_Order__c (after insert, after update) { 2 3 public List<Asset> listOfAssets = new List<Asset>(); 4 public List<Asset> listOfUpdateAssets= new List<Asset>(); 5 Schema.DescribeSObjectResult objDescribe = Asset.SObjectType.getDescribe(); 6 List<Status__c> status = [select id, Name from Status__C]; 7 Map<Id,String> statusMap = new Map<Id, String>(); 8 for (Status__c stat : status) 9 { 10 statusMap.put(stat.Id, stat.Name); 11 } 12 13 List<OrderToAssetMap__c> conversionMap = OrderToAssetMap__c.getall().values(); 14 Map<String,String> ignoreList = new Map<String, String>(); 15 Map<String,String> mapList = new Map<String, String>(); 16 for (OrderToAssetMap__c mapField : conversionMap ) 17 { 18 if(mapField.Ignore__c= true) 19 { 20 ignoreList.put(mapField.Asset_Field__c,mapField.Asset_Field__c); 21 } 22 } 23 24 for (OrderToAssetMap__c mapField : conversionMap ) 25 { 26 System.debug(' mapField.Ignore__c is: ' + mapField.Ignore__c); 27 System.debug(' mapField.Asset_Field__c is: ' + mapField.Asset_Field__c); 28 System.debug('mapField.Order_Field__c is: ' +mapField.Order_Field__c); 29 if(mapField.Asset_Field__c!=null) 30 { 31 mapList.put(mapField.Asset_Field__c,mapField.Order_Field__c); 32 } 33 } 34 System.debug('mapList is: ' + mapList ); 35 List<String> itemIds = new List<String>(); 36 List<String> parentItemIds = new List<String>(); 37 for(Item_Order__c ord : Trigger.new ) 38 { 39 itemIds.add(ord.Item_ID__c); 40 } 41 for(Item_Order__c ord : Trigger.new ) 42 { 43 if(ord.Parent_Item__c != null) 44 { 45 parentItemIds.add(ord.Parent_Item_Id__c); 46 } 47 } 48 System.debug('parentItemIds: ' + parentItemIds); 49 List<Asset> updateAssetList = [select Id, Item_Id__c from Asset where Item_id__c in : itemIds]; 50 List<Asset> parentAssetList = [select Id, Item_Id__c from Asset where Item_id__c in : parentItemIds]; 51 System.debug('parentAssetList : ' + parentAssetList ); 52 Map<String, Asset> updateAssetMap = new Map<String, Asset>(); 53 Map<String, Asset> parentAssetMap = new Map<String, Asset>(); 54 for(Asset asset : updateAssetList ) 55 { 56 updateAssetMap.put(asset.Item_Id__c, asset); 57 } 58 for(Asset asset : parentAssetList ) 59 { 60 parentAssetMap.put(asset.Item_id__c, asset); 61 } 62 for(Item_Order__c ord : Trigger.new ) 63 { 64 System.debug('Order Id: ' + ord.Account__C); 65 if(statusMap.get(ord.Status__c) != null && statusMap.get(ord.Status__c) == 'Published' && updateAssetMap.get(ord.Item_Id__C) == null) 66 { 67 System.debug('Creating Asset for Order: ' + ord); 68 Asset asset = new Asset(); 69 asset.AccountId = ord.Account__c; 70 if(ord.Parent_Item__c != null) 71 { 72 asset.Asset__c = parentAssetMap.get(ord.Parent_Item_Id__c).Id; 73 } 74 asset.InstallDate = System.today(); 75 for (String field : objDescribe.fields.getMap().keySet()) 76 { 77 if(ignoreList.get(field)== null && mapList.get(field)== null) 78 { 79 if(ord.get(field) != null) 80 { 81 asset.put(field , ord.get(field)); 82 System.debug('Asset is: '+ asset); 83 } 84 } 85 if(mapList.get(field)!= null) 86 { 87 String orderField = mapList.get(field); 88 asset.put(field , ord.get(orderField )); 89 System.debug('orderField is: '+ orderField ); 90 System.debug(' orderField Asset is: '+ asset); 91 } 92 } 93 listOfAssets.add(asset); 94 } 95 else if (updateAssetMap.get(ord.Item_Id__C) != null && (ord.Action__c =='Change' ||ord.Action__c =='Renew') && ord.Action_Type__c != 'Cancel') 96 { 97 Asset asset = new Asset(Id=updateAssetMap.get(ord.Item_Id__C).Id); 98 for (String field : objDescribe.fields.getMap().keySet()) 99 { 100 if(ignoreList.get(field)== null) 101 { 102 asset.put(field , ord.get(field)); 103 System.debug('Asset is: '+ asset); 104 } 105 } 106 listOfUpdateAssets.add(asset); 107 } 108 else if (updateAssetMap.get(ord.Item_Id__C) != null && ord.Action__c =='Cancel' && ord.Action_Type__c != 'Cancel') 109 { 110 Asset asset = new Asset(Id=updateAssetMap.get(ord.Item_Id__C).Id); 111 asset.Status = 'Cancel'; 112 listOfUpdateAssets.add(asset); 113 } 114 115 116 } 117 118 System.debug('listOfAssets: '+ listOfAssets); 119 if(listOfAssets!=null) 120 { 121 insert listOfAssets; 122 } 123 if(listOfUpdateAssets != null) 124 { 125 update listOfUpdateAssets; 126 } 127 }
Line no:68-112 are not covering
can u pls help in these
- anillll
- April 19, 2013
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Update a field
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public List<Contact> con{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { try { D = [Select Name,Id,VersionNo__c,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Account_Executive__r.Name,License_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet,Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:controller.getRecord().id]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c,Ingram_Transfer_Price__c,Ingram_Special_Price__c,Ingram_Purchase_Value__c,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); con=[select Id,Name,Email,Phone,MobilePhone from Contact where id=:D.Account_Executive__c]; } catch(Exception e) { system.debug('Exception'+e); } } public void attach() { try{ Deal__c D=new Deal__c(); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+c); myAttach.name =''+''+ c +''; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; D.VersionNo__c=myAttach.name; update D; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message (ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = ''+''+ c +''; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); try{ myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); } catch(Exception e){} //insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } /*public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b=pdf.getcontent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; }*/ /*test methods here*/ public static testMethod void testAttachController() { Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); insert U; Account acc=new Account (Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); insert acc; system.debug('########555'+ acc); Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); insert opp; system.debug('########7765'+ opp); Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); insert myAttach1; system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); system.debug('%%%%%'+atc); PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); Blob b; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', opp.id); AttachController atc1 = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); //ApexPages.StandardController stc = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp); //AttachController qe = new AttachController(stc); // qe.QA(); atc.attach(); //atc.QA(); atc.back(); atc.cancel(); atc.QA(); return; /* public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); insert myAttach1; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; }*/ //Attachment atchoo = [Select Id, From Attachment where Name like 'Quotation.pdf' /* if (Test.isRunningTest()) { b=Blob.valueOf('Test Blob String'); } else { b= pageRef.getContent(); }*/ } }
I want to get the myattach.name in VersionNo__c field of Deal__c object shoulb get updated
Ref Line no:42
- anillll
- April 04, 2013
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Google Docs, Notes, & Attachments ,,,Title Name
public void attach() {
Attachment myAttach = new Attachment();
myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id');
System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId];
Integer c=at.size()+1;
myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf';
PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'));
myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf();
insert myAttach;
In this i want to get the Google Docs, Notes, & Attachments ,,,Title Name when i attach Quotation by clicking the button
D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf';==aaa1.pdf
and when i attach manually finaldraft.doc
and when again i attach D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf';==aaa3.pdf but it should be aaa2.pdf
its urgent can u help me
- anillll
- April 04, 2013
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Populate Lookup based on other lookup
i have two Objects Product_Master__c and Order_Product__c having look up relation,how can i get the updation of Product_Master__c look up fields in Order_Product__c when i select Product master record in Order Product all the look up fields in Order Product should be updated
- anillll
- March 29, 2013
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Look Up Formula Fields
I Have two Objects Product_Master__c and Order_Product__c,in Order_Product__c i have given look up to Product_Master__c ,,,,,,,i want to get look up fields of Product_Master__c in Order_Product__c...........i am getting the value but its in id form how can i get it in text type
- anillll
- March 25, 2013
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Test Class Coverage
trigger AddQuickLead on Lead (after insert) { for (Lead l : Trigger.new) { Quick_Lead__c reg = new Quick_Lead__c( Name=l.Name, Email__c = l.Email, Street_Address__c = l.Street, city__c = l.City, state__c = l.State, Country__c = l.Country ); if(l.FirstName==null) { reg.Name= l.LastName; } else { reg.Name= l.FirstName+''+''+l.LastName; } insert reg; }
how to get coverage for line:
reg.Name= l.FirstName+''+''+l.LastName;
- anillll
- March 21, 2013
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Test Coverage for the controller class
public class MyAccountListCntrlr { 2 3 4 // PROPERTIES 5 public String subject { get; set; } 6 public String body { get; set; } 7 public string ccaddress{set;get;} 8 public string bccaddress{set;get;} 9 10 public List<ContactWrapperCls> acctList {get;set;} 11 public List<String> selAccountNames{get;set;} 12 public Boolean hasSelAcct {get;set;} 13 public final Deal__c opp; 14 public task t = new task(); 15 // CONSTRUCTOR 16 public MyAccountListCntrlr(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ 17 try 18 { 19 acctList = new List<ContactWrapperCls>(); 20 selAccountNames= new List<String>(); 21 opp = [SELECT Name,id,Account__c FROM Deal__c 22 WHERE Id = :controller.getRecord().id]; 23 system.debug('opportunity@@@@@@@@@@'+opp); 24 25 for(Contact a : [SELECT Name,id,Email,Account.Name,Account.Id FROM Contact where Account.id=:opp.Account__c ]){ 26 acctList.add(new ContactWrapperCls(a)); 27 Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:opp.Account__c]; 28 } 29 30 } 31 32 catch(Exception e) 33 { 34 system.debug(e); 35 } 36 } 37 // METHODS 38 public void displaySelectedAccountNumbers(){ 39 selAccountNames.clear(); 40 hasSelAcct = false; 41 for(ContactWrapperCls cWrapper : acctList){ 42 if(cWrapper.isSelected){ 43 hasSelAcct = true; 44 selAccountNames.add(cWrapper.cContact.Email); 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 49 public PageReference send() { 50 51 try 52 { 53 // Define the email 54 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 55 56 // Reference the attachment page and pass in the OpportunityID 57 PageReference pdf = Page.Quotation; 58 pdf.getParameters().put('id',(String)opp.id); 59 pdf.setRedirect(true); 60 61 // Take the PDF content 62 Blob b = pdf.getContent(); 63 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 64 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 65 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 66 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 67 Integer c=at.size()+1; 68 myAttach.name =opp.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 69 myAttach.body = b; 70 insert myAttach; 71 72 73 // Create the email attachment 74 Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); 75 efa.setFileName(myAttach.name); 76 efa.setBody(b); 77 78 String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {ccaddress}; 79 String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'emailtosalesforce@28wj1f7u1jx4d0rk7syg098pe8grkt8ir75tm5j0vhveterlrr.z-87epmai.z.le.sandbox.salesforce.com'}; 80 String addresses; 81 /* if (con[0].Email != null) { 82 83 address = con[0].Email; 84 // Loop through the whole list of contacts and their emails 85 86 for (Integer i = 1; i <con.size(); i++) { 87 if (con[i].Email != null) { 88 address += ':' + con[i].Email; 89 } 90 } 91 }*/ 92 // addresses = con.Email; 93 String[] toAddresses = selAccountNames; 94 95 96 97 98 // Sets the paramaters of the email 99 email.setSubject( subject ); 100 email.setToAddresses( toAddresses ); 101 102 string UserId = UserInfo.getUserId(); 103 User user = [select email, IsActive from User where id = :UserId]; 104 105 106 107 //email.setCcAddresses(toAddresses); 108 //email.setBccAddresses(bccaddress); 109 email.setReplyTo(user.email); 110 email.setBccSender(true); 111 email.setHtmlBody(body); 112 email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce'); 113 email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); 114 115 // Sends the email 116 Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); 117 118 t.subject ='Email:'+myAttach.name+ subject; 119 t.status = 'Completed'; 120 t.description = body; 121 t.type = 'Email'; 122 t.ActivityDate = System.today(); 123 t.Whatid=opp.id; 124 125 insert t; 126 } 127 catch(Exception e) 128 { 129 System.debug(e); 130 } 131 //PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 132 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 133 134 pr.setRedirect(true); 135 136 System.debug('Inside back'); 137 return pr; 138 139 //return null; 140 } 141 142 public class ContactWrapperCls { 143 public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} 144 public Contact cContact {get;set;} 145 146 public ContactWrapperCls(Contact cContact){ 147 this.cContact = cContact; 148 } 149 } 150 public static testMethod void testMyAccountListCntrlr() { 151 Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; 152 153 User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', 154 LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, 155 TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); 156 insert U; 157 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 158 Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); 159 160 Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); 161 insert acc; 162 system.debug('########555'+ acc); 163 164 Contact con = new Contact(); 165 con.FirstName = 'Anil'; 166 con.LastName = 'Dutt'; 167 con.AccountID=acc.id; 168 con.Email = 'anil@swiftsetup.com'; 169 insert con; 170 171 Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); 172 insert opp; 173 ID id = opp.id; 174 task t=new task(subject ='hfhfg',status='completed',type='email',ActivityDate = System.today(),Whatid=opp.id); 175 insert t; 176 177 178 MyAccountListCntrlr myAcc= new MyAccountListCntrlr(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); 179 180 181 182 183 PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; 184 pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); 185 Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); 186 Blob b; 187 188 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 189 myAttach.ParentId =opp.id; 190 myAttach.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 191 myAttach.body = blob.valueof('test'); 192 193 insert myAttach; 194 myacc.send(); 195 196 197 198 199 //myAcc.displaySelectedAccountNumbers(); 200 201 202 } 203 }
8 public void displaySelectedAccountNumbers(){ 39 selAccountNames.clear(); 40 hasSelAcct = false; 41 for(ContactWrapperCls cWrapper : acctList){ 42 if(cWrapper.isSelected){ 43 hasSelAcct = true; 44 selAccountNames.add(cWrapper.cContact.Email);
Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 64 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 65 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 66 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 67 Integer c=at.size()+1; 68 myAttach.name =opp.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 69 myAttach.body = b; 70 insert myAttach; 71 72 73 // Create the email attachment 74 Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); 75 efa.setFileName(myAttach.name); 76 efa.setBody(b); 77 78 String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {ccaddress}; 79 String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'emailtosalesforce@28wj1f7u1jx4d0rk7syg098pe8grkt8ir75tm5j0vhveterlrr.z-87epmai.z.le.sandbox.salesforce.com'}; 80
String addresses;
String[] toAddresses = selAccountNames; 94 95 96 97 98 // Sets the paramaters of the email 99 email.setSubject( subject ); 100 email.setToAddresses( toAddresses ); 101 102 string UserId = UserInfo.getUserId(); 103 User user = [select email, IsActive from User where id = :UserId]; 104 105 106 107 //email.setCcAddresses(toAddresses); 108 //email.setBccAddresses(bccaddress); 109 email.setReplyTo(user.email); 110 email.setBccSender(true); 111 email.setHtmlBody(body); 112 email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce'); 113 email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); 114 115 // Sends the email 116 Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); 117 118 t.subject ='Email:'+myAttach.name+ subject; 119 t.status = 'Completed'; 120 t.description = body; 121 t.type = 'Email'; 122 t.ActivityDate = System.today(); 123 t.Whatid=opp.id; 124 125
insert t;
These three methods are not covered ,,please help me in this
Thanks in advance
- anillll
- February 28, 2013
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- 0
Please help in getting coverage for this class
public class MyAccountListCntrlr { 2 3 4 // PROPERTIES 5 public String subject { get; set; } 6 public String body { get; set; } 7 public string ccaddress{set;get;} 8 public string bccaddress{set;get;} 9 10 public List<ContactWrapperCls> acctList {get;set;} 11 public List<String> selAccountNames{get;set;} 12 public Boolean hasSelAcct {get;set;} 13 public final Deal__c opp; 14 public task t = new task(); 15 // CONSTRUCTOR 16 public MyAccountListCntrlr(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ 17 try 18 { 19 acctList = new List<ContactWrapperCls>(); 20 selAccountNames= new List<String>(); 21 opp = [SELECT Name,id,Account__c FROM Deal__c 22 WHERE Id = :controller.getRecord().id]; 23 system.debug('opportunity@@@@@@@@@@'+opp); 24 25 for(Contact a : [SELECT Name,id,Email,Account.Name,Account.Id FROM Contact where Account.id=:opp.Account__c ]){ 26 acctList.add(new ContactWrapperCls(a)); 27 Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:opp.Account__c]; 28 } 29 30 } 31 32 catch(Exception e) 33 { 34 system.debug(e); 35 } 36 } 37 // METHODS 38 public void displaySelectedAccountNumbers(){ 39 selAccountNames.clear(); 40 hasSelAcct = false; 41 for(ContactWrapperCls cWrapper : acctList){ 42 if(cWrapper.isSelected){ 43 hasSelAcct = true; 44 selAccountNames.add(cWrapper.cContact.Email); 45 } 46 } 47 } 48 49 public PageReference send() { 50 51 try 52 { 53 // Define the email 54 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 55 56 // Reference the attachment page and pass in the OpportunityID 57 PageReference pdf = Page.Quotation; 58 pdf.getParameters().put('id',(String)opp.id); 59 pdf.setRedirect(true); 60 61 // Take the PDF content 62 Blob b = pdf.getContent(); 63 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 64 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 65 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 66 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 67 Integer c=at.size()+1; 68 myAttach.name =opp.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 69 myAttach.body = b; 70 insert myAttach; 71 72 73 // Create the email attachment 74 Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); 75 efa.setFileName(myAttach.name); 76 efa.setBody(b); 77 78 String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {ccaddress}; 79 String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'emailtosalesforce@28wj1f7u1jx4d0rk7syg098pe8grkt8ir75tm5j0vhveterlrr.z-87epmai.z.le.sandbox.salesforce.com'}; 80 String addresses; 81 /* if (con[0].Email != null) { 82 83 address = con[0].Email; 84 // Loop through the whole list of contacts and their emails 85 86 for (Integer i = 1; i <con.size(); i++) { 87 if (con[i].Email != null) { 88 address += ':' + con[i].Email; 89 } 90 } 91 }*/ 92 // addresses = con.Email; 93 String[] toAddresses = selAccountNames; 94 95 96 97 98 // Sets the paramaters of the email 99 email.setSubject( subject ); 100 email.setToAddresses( toAddresses ); 101 102 string UserId = UserInfo.getUserId(); 103 User user = [select email, IsActive from User where id = :UserId]; 104 105 106 107 //email.setCcAddresses(toAddresses); 108 //email.setBccAddresses(bccaddress); 109 email.setReplyTo(user.email); 110 email.setBccSender(true); 111 email.setHtmlBody(body); 112 email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce'); 113 email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); 114 115 // Sends the email 116 Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); 117 118 t.subject ='Email:'+myAttach.name+ subject; 119 t.status = 'Completed'; 120 t.description = body; 121 t.type = 'Email'; 122 t.ActivityDate = System.today(); 123 t.Whatid=opp.id; 124 125 insert t; 126 } 127 catch(Exception e) 128 { 129 System.debug(e); 130 } 131 //PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 132 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 133 134 pr.setRedirect(true); 135 136 System.debug('Inside back'); 137 return pr; 138 139 //return null; 140 } 141 142 public class ContactWrapperCls { 143 public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} 144 public Contact cContact {get;set;} 145 146 public ContactWrapperCls(Contact cContact){ 147 this.cContact = cContact; 148 } 149 } 150 public static testMethod void testMyAccountListCntrlr() { 151 Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; 152 153 User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', 154 LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, 155 TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); 156 insert U; 157 Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 158 Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); 159 160 Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); 161 insert acc; 162 system.debug('########555'+ acc); 163 164 Contact con = new Contact(); 165 con.FirstName = 'Anil'; 166 con.LastName = 'Dutt'; 167 con.AccountID=acc.id; 168 con.Email = 'anil@swiftsetup.com'; 169 insert con; 170 171 Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); 172 insert opp; 173 ID id = opp.id; 174 task t=new task(subject ='hfhfg',status='completed',type='email',ActivityDate = System.today(),Whatid=opp.id); 175 insert t; 176 177 178 MyAccountListCntrlr myAcc= new MyAccountListCntrlr(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); 179 180 181 182 183 PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; 184 pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); 185 Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); 186 Blob b; 187 188 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 189 myAttach.ParentId =opp.id; 190 myAttach.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 191 myAttach.body = blob.valueof('test'); 192 193 insert myAttach; 194 myacc.send(); 195 196 197 198 199 //myAcc.displaySelectedAccountNumbers(); 200 201 202 } 203 }
From line 63-125 it is not covering
pls check once
- anillll
- February 27, 2013
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- 0
how to coverage for this method in test class
public with sharing class AttachController { 2 3 //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } 4 public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} 5 6 public Deal__c D{get;set;} 7 public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { 8 try 9 { 10 D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,License_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet,Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry 11 from Deal__c where id=:controller.getRecord().id]; 12 system.debug('TestDeal'+D); 13 Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; 14 system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); 15 dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; 16 System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); 17 } 18 catch(Exception e) 19 { 20 system.debug('Exception'+e); 21 } 22 } 23 24 public void attach() { 25 try{ 26 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 27 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 28 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 29 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 30 Integer c=at.size()+1; 31 myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 32 PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 33 myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); 34 35 insert myAttach; 36 37 38 39 40 System.debug('After attach'); 41 System.debug(myAttach); 42 43 44 /* 45 ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message 46 47 (ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); 48 */ 49 } 50 catch(Exception e) { 51 ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); 52 System.debug('Exception'); 53 } 54 } 55 56 public PageReference QA() { 57 58 PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 59 60 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 61 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 62 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 63 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 64 Integer c=at.size()+1; 65 myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 66 PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 67 myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); 68 69 //insert myAttach; 70 71 secondPage.setRedirect(true); 72 return secondPage; 73 74 } 75 public PageReference back() { 76 attach(); 77 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 78 pr.setRedirect(true); 79 System.debug('Inside back'); 80 return pr; 81 } 82 public PageReference cancel() { 83 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 84 pr.setRedirect(true); 85 System.debug('Inside back'); 86 return pr; 87 } 88 89 90 91 /*public String attachmentName{get; set;} 92 public pagereference AttachQuote(){ 93 Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; 94 blob b=pdf.getcontent(); 95 96 attachment att = new attachment(); 97 att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; 98 att.body = b; 99 att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 100 insert att; 101 return null; 102 103 104 105 }*/ 106 /*test methods here*/ 107 public static testMethod void testAttachController() 108 { 109 Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; 110 111 User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', 112 LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, 113 TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); 114 insert U; 115 116 Account acc=new Account 117 118 (Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); 119 insert acc; 120 system.debug('########555'+ acc); 121 Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); 122 insert opp; 123 system.debug('########7765'+ opp); 124 125 126 Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); 127 myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; 128 myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 129 myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); 130 131 insert myAttach1; 132 133 134 system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); 135 136 AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); 137 system.debug('%%%%%'+atc); 138 PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; 139 pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); 140 Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); 141 Blob b; 142 143 144 AttachController atc1 = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); 145 146 atc1.attach(); 147 atc.back(); 148 atc.cancel(); 149 //atc.QA(); 150 151 152 return; 153 /* public PageReference QA() { 154 PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + 155 156 ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 157 158 insert myAttach1; 159 secondPage.setRedirect(true); 160 return secondPage; 161 }*/ 162 163 //Attachment atchoo = [Select Id, From Attachment where Name like 'Quotation.pdf' 164 165 166 /* if (Test.isRunningTest()) 167 { 168 b=Blob.valueOf('Test Blob String'); 169 } 170 else 171 { 172 b= pageRef.getContent(); 173 }*/ 174 175 } 176 177 }
when i am trying to keep atc.QA();
Error message:Methods defined as TestMethod do not support getContent call, test skipped
can u pls anybody help in solving this
- anillll
- February 26, 2013
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- 0
HI,Can any body help in getting test coverage
public class MyAccountListCntrlr { // PROPERTIES public String subject { get; set; } public String body { get; set; } public string ccaddress{set;get;} public string bccaddress{set;get;} public List<ContactWrapperCls> acctList {get;set;} public List<String> selAccountNames{get;set;} public Boolean hasSelAcct {get;set;} public final Deal__c opp; public task t = new task(); // CONSTRUCTOR public MyAccountListCntrlr(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ acctList = new List<ContactWrapperCls>(); selAccountNames= new List<String>(); opp = [SELECT Name,id,Account__c FROM Deal__c WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('opportunity@@@@@@@@@@'+opp); for(Contact a : [SELECT Name,id,Email,Account.Name,Account.Id FROM Contact where Account.id=:opp.Account__c ]){ acctList.add(new ContactWrapperCls(a)); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:opp.Account__c]; } } // METHODS public void displaySelectedAccountNumbers(){ selAccountNames.clear(); hasSelAcct = false; for(ContactWrapperCls cWrapper : acctList){ if(cWrapper.isSelected){ hasSelAcct = true; selAccountNames.add(cWrapper.cContact.Email); } } } public PageReference send() { // Define the email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); // Reference the attachment page and pass in the OpportunityID PageReference pdf = Page.Quotation; pdf.getParameters().put('id',(String)opp.id); pdf.setRedirect(true); // Take the PDF content Blob b = pdf.getContent(); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =opp.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; myAttach.body = b; insert myAttach; // Create the email attachment Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); efa.setFileName(myAttach.name); efa.setBody(b); String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {ccaddress}; String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'emailtosalesforce@28wj1f7u1jx4d0rk7syg098pe8grkt8ir75tm5j0vhveterlrr.z-87epmai.z.le.sandbox.salesforce.com'}; String addresses; /* if (con[0].Email != null) { address = con[0].Email; // Loop through the whole list of contacts and their emails for (Integer i = 1; i <con.size(); i++) { if (con[i].Email != null) { address += ':' + con[i].Email; } } }*/ // addresses = con.Email; String[] toAddresses = selAccountNames; // Sets the paramaters of the email email.setSubject( subject ); email.setToAddresses( toAddresses ); string UserId = UserInfo.getUserId(); User user = [select email, IsActive from User where id = :UserId]; //email.setCcAddresses(toAddresses); //email.setBccAddresses(bccaddress); email.setReplyTo(user.email); email.setBccSender(true); email.setHtmlBody(body); email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce'); email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); // Sends the email Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); t.subject ='Email:'+myAttach.name+ subject; t.status = 'Completed'; t.description = body; t.type = 'Email'; t.ActivityDate = System.today(); t.Whatid=opp.id; insert t; //PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; return null; } public class ContactWrapperCls { public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} public Contact cContact {get;set;} public ContactWrapperCls(Contact cContact){ this.cContact = cContact; } } private static testMethod void myUnitTest() { Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); insert acc; system.debug('########555'+ acc); Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); insert opp; system.debug('########7765'+ opp); Contact con = new Contact(); con.FirstName = 'Anil'; con.LastName = 'Dutt'; con.Email = 'anil@swiftsetup.com'; insert con; Deal__c oppNew = new Deal__c(); oppNew.Name = 'Test Opp'; oppNew.Stage__c = 'Business Case'; insert oppNew; //ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(con); //SendConfirmation sc1=new SendConfirmation (sc); //sc1.SendEmail(); } }
- anillll
- February 22, 2013
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Help With Test Class Please!
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,Total_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet, Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); } public void attach() { try{ Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b = pdf.getContent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; }
- anillll
- February 14, 2013
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Urgent: Please help me in test method to get coverage
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,Total_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet, Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); } public void attach() { try{ Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } /*test methods here*/ public static testMethod void testAttachController() { //Opportunity opp=[select id from Opportunity where Name=:'Prasad Punage-']; Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india' ); insert acc; Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c='acc.id'); insert opp; Deal_License__c dl=new Deal_License__c(Name='asd',Deal__c='opp.id'); insert dl; Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); insert myAttach1; system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); atc.attach(); atc.back(); atc.cancel(); } public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b = pdf.getContent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; } }
Thanks in advance
- anillll
- February 14, 2013
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Urgent: Please help me in test method to get coverage
Apex class
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,Total_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet, Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); } public void attach() { try{ Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } /*test methods here*/ public static testMethod void testAttachController() { //Opportunity opp=[select id from Opportunity where Name=:'Prasad Punage-']; Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india' ); insert acc; Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c='acc.id'); insert opp; Deal_License__c dl=new Deal_License__c(Name='asd',Deal__c='opp.id'); insert dl; Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); insert myAttach1; system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); atc.attach(); atc.back(); atc.cancel(); } public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b = pdf.getContent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; } }
Please help me in test class....
Thanks in Advance............
- anillll
- February 13, 2013
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Apex Sharing Rules
And for Distributors records are shared manually , the users who are shared distributors has to view dealers under them automatically./
for ex:i have Distributor called ABC Enterprise and under this distributor it has 60 dealers so when i share ABC distributor to 4 users dealers has to be shared automatically
- anillll
- July 24, 2014
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incrementing a number field when opportunity is closed won
I have a custom field in Opportunity is Auto_Number__c
i have a trigger like this
trigger updateactive on Opportunity(before insert){ for(Opportunity c : Trigger.new){ if(c.StageName == 'Closed Won') c.Auto_Number__c=c.Auto_Number__c+1; } }
I want to increment the old record Auto_Number__c and update like2,3,4 etc like that when opportunity is closed won
- anillll
- May 29, 2013
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Update a field
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public List<Contact> con{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { try { D = [Select Name,Id,VersionNo__c,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Account_Executive__r.Name,License_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet,Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:controller.getRecord().id]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c,Ingram_Transfer_Price__c,Ingram_Special_Price__c,Ingram_Purchase_Value__c,Start_Date__c,End_Date__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); con=[select Id,Name,Email,Phone,MobilePhone from Contact where id=:D.Account_Executive__c]; } catch(Exception e) { system.debug('Exception'+e); } } public void attach() { try{ Deal__c D=new Deal__c(); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+c); myAttach.name =''+''+ c +''; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; D.VersionNo__c=myAttach.name; update D; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message (ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = ''+''+ c +''; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); try{ myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); } catch(Exception e){} //insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } /*public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b=pdf.getcontent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; }*/ /*test methods here*/ public static testMethod void testAttachController() { Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); insert U; Account acc=new Account (Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); insert acc; system.debug('########555'+ acc); Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); insert opp; system.debug('########7765'+ opp); Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); insert myAttach1; system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); system.debug('%%%%%'+atc); PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); Blob b; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('id', opp.id); AttachController atc1 = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); //ApexPages.StandardController stc = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp); //AttachController qe = new AttachController(stc); // qe.QA(); atc.attach(); //atc.QA(); atc.back(); atc.cancel(); atc.QA(); return; /* public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); insert myAttach1; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; }*/ //Attachment atchoo = [Select Id, From Attachment where Name like 'Quotation.pdf' /* if (Test.isRunningTest()) { b=Blob.valueOf('Test Blob String'); } else { b= pageRef.getContent(); }*/ } }
I want to get the myattach.name in VersionNo__c field of Deal__c object shoulb get updated
Ref Line no:42
- anillll
- April 04, 2013
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how to coverage for this method in test class
public with sharing class AttachController { 2 3 //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } 4 public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} 5 6 public Deal__c D{get;set;} 7 public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { 8 try 9 { 10 D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,License_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet,Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry 11 from Deal__c where id=:controller.getRecord().id]; 12 system.debug('TestDeal'+D); 13 Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; 14 system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); 15 dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; 16 System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); 17 } 18 catch(Exception e) 19 { 20 system.debug('Exception'+e); 21 } 22 } 23 24 public void attach() { 25 try{ 26 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 27 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 28 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 29 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 30 Integer c=at.size()+1; 31 myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 32 PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 33 myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); 34 35 insert myAttach; 36 37 38 39 40 System.debug('After attach'); 41 System.debug(myAttach); 42 43 44 /* 45 ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message 46 47 (ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); 48 */ 49 } 50 catch(Exception e) { 51 ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); 52 System.debug('Exception'); 53 } 54 } 55 56 public PageReference QA() { 57 58 PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 59 60 Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); 61 myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); 62 System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 63 List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; 64 Integer c=at.size()+1; 65 myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; 66 PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 67 myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); 68 69 //insert myAttach; 70 71 secondPage.setRedirect(true); 72 return secondPage; 73 74 } 75 public PageReference back() { 76 attach(); 77 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 78 pr.setRedirect(true); 79 System.debug('Inside back'); 80 return pr; 81 } 82 public PageReference cancel() { 83 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); 84 pr.setRedirect(true); 85 System.debug('Inside back'); 86 return pr; 87 } 88 89 90 91 /*public String attachmentName{get; set;} 92 public pagereference AttachQuote(){ 93 Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; 94 blob b=pdf.getcontent(); 95 96 attachment att = new attachment(); 97 att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; 98 att.body = b; 99 att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 100 insert att; 101 return null; 102 103 104 105 }*/ 106 /*test methods here*/ 107 public static testMethod void testAttachController() 108 { 109 Profile p = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name='Standard User']; 110 111 User U = new User(Alias = 'TUser1', Email='testItemaster1@im.com',EmailEncodingKey='UTF-8', 112 LastName='TestingAcc1', LanguageLocaleKey='en_US',LocaleSidKey='en_US', ProfileId =p.Id, 113 TimeZoneSidKey='America/Los_Angeles', UserName='testacc1@test.com'); 114 insert U; 115 116 Account acc=new Account 117 118 (Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); 119 insert acc; 120 system.debug('########555'+ acc); 121 Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); 122 insert opp; 123 system.debug('########7765'+ opp); 124 125 126 Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); 127 myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; 128 myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; 129 myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); 130 131 insert myAttach1; 132 133 134 system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); 135 136 AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(opp)); 137 system.debug('%%%%%'+atc); 138 PageReference pageRef = Page.Quotation; 139 pageRef.getParameters().put('id', String.valueOf(opp.Id)); 140 Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); 141 Blob b; 142 143 144 AttachController atc1 = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); 145 146 atc1.attach(); 147 atc.back(); 148 atc.cancel(); 149 //atc.QA(); 150 151 152 return; 153 /* public PageReference QA() { 154 PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + 155 156 ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); 157 158 insert myAttach1; 159 secondPage.setRedirect(true); 160 return secondPage; 161 }*/ 162 163 //Attachment atchoo = [Select Id, From Attachment where Name like 'Quotation.pdf' 164 165 166 /* if (Test.isRunningTest()) 167 { 168 b=Blob.valueOf('Test Blob String'); 169 } 170 else 171 { 172 b= pageRef.getContent(); 173 }*/ 174 175 } 176 177 }
when i am trying to keep atc.QA();
Error message:Methods defined as TestMethod do not support getContent call, test skipped
can u pls anybody help in solving this
- anillll
- February 26, 2013
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HI,Can any body help in getting test coverage
public class MyAccountListCntrlr { // PROPERTIES public String subject { get; set; } public String body { get; set; } public string ccaddress{set;get;} public string bccaddress{set;get;} public List<ContactWrapperCls> acctList {get;set;} public List<String> selAccountNames{get;set;} public Boolean hasSelAcct {get;set;} public final Deal__c opp; public task t = new task(); // CONSTRUCTOR public MyAccountListCntrlr(ApexPages.StandardController controller){ acctList = new List<ContactWrapperCls>(); selAccountNames= new List<String>(); opp = [SELECT Name,id,Account__c FROM Deal__c WHERE Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('opportunity@@@@@@@@@@'+opp); for(Contact a : [SELECT Name,id,Email,Account.Name,Account.Id FROM Contact where Account.id=:opp.Account__c ]){ acctList.add(new ContactWrapperCls(a)); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:opp.Account__c]; } } // METHODS public void displaySelectedAccountNumbers(){ selAccountNames.clear(); hasSelAcct = false; for(ContactWrapperCls cWrapper : acctList){ if(cWrapper.isSelected){ hasSelAcct = true; selAccountNames.add(cWrapper.cContact.Email); } } } public PageReference send() { // Define the email Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); // Reference the attachment page and pass in the OpportunityID PageReference pdf = Page.Quotation; pdf.getParameters().put('id',(String)opp.id); pdf.setRedirect(true); // Take the PDF content Blob b = pdf.getContent(); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =opp.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; myAttach.body = b; insert myAttach; // Create the email attachment Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment(); efa.setFileName(myAttach.name); efa.setBody(b); String[] ccAddresses = new String[] {ccaddress}; String[] bccAddresses = new String[] {'emailtosalesforce@28wj1f7u1jx4d0rk7syg098pe8grkt8ir75tm5j0vhveterlrr.z-87epmai.z.le.sandbox.salesforce.com'}; String addresses; /* if (con[0].Email != null) { address = con[0].Email; // Loop through the whole list of contacts and their emails for (Integer i = 1; i <con.size(); i++) { if (con[i].Email != null) { address += ':' + con[i].Email; } } }*/ // addresses = con.Email; String[] toAddresses = selAccountNames; // Sets the paramaters of the email email.setSubject( subject ); email.setToAddresses( toAddresses ); string UserId = UserInfo.getUserId(); User user = [select email, IsActive from User where id = :UserId]; //email.setCcAddresses(toAddresses); //email.setBccAddresses(bccaddress); email.setReplyTo(user.email); email.setBccSender(true); email.setHtmlBody(body); email.setSenderDisplayName('Salesforce'); email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa}); // Sends the email Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); t.subject ='Email:'+myAttach.name+ subject; t.status = 'Completed'; t.description = body; t.type = 'Email'; t.ActivityDate = System.today(); t.Whatid=opp.id; insert t; //PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; return null; } public class ContactWrapperCls { public Boolean isSelected {get;set;} public Contact cContact {get;set;} public ContactWrapperCls(Contact cContact){ this.cContact = cContact; } } private static testMethod void myUnitTest() { Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india'); insert acc; system.debug('########555'+ acc); Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c=acc.id); insert opp; system.debug('########7765'+ opp); Contact con = new Contact(); con.FirstName = 'Anil'; con.LastName = 'Dutt'; con.Email = 'anil@swiftsetup.com'; insert con; Deal__c oppNew = new Deal__c(); oppNew.Name = 'Test Opp'; oppNew.Stage__c = 'Business Case'; insert oppNew; //ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(con); //SendConfirmation sc1=new SendConfirmation (sc); //sc1.SendEmail(); } }
- anillll
- February 22, 2013
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Urgent: Please help me in test method to get coverage
public with sharing class AttachController { //private ApexPages.StandardController controller { get; set; } public List<Deal_License__c> dp{get;set;} public Deal__c D{get;set;} public AttachController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) { D = [Select Name,Id,Account__c,Account__r.Name,Rate__c,Total_Value__c,Account__r.BillingStreet, Account__r.BillingCity,Account__r.Billingstate,Account__r.BillingPostalcode,Account__r.BillingCountry from Deal__c where id=:ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')]; system.debug('TestDeal'+D); Account acc=[Select Id,BillingStreet,BillingCity,Billingstate,BillingPostalcode,BillingCountry from Account where id=:D.Account__c]; system.debug('Account%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'+acc); dp=[select id,Name,Deal__c,Months__c,List_Price__c,Unit_Price__c,Quantity__c,Total_Value__c from Deal_License__c where Deal__c=:D.Id]; System.debug('DEALPRDODUCT&&&&&&&&&&'+dp); } public void attach() { try{ Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name =D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; System.debug('After attach'); System.debug(myAttach); /* ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.CONFIRM,'Quotation has been attached.')); */ } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.FATAL,'There was an error while attaching')); System.debug('Exception'); } } public PageReference QA() { PageReference secondPage = new PageReference('/apex/EmailQuote?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); Attachment myAttach = new Attachment(); myAttach.ParentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id'); System.debug('Id: ' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); List<Attachment> at=[Select id from Attachment where parentId=:myAttach.ParentId]; Integer c=at.size()+1; myAttach.name = D.Account__r.Name +''+ 'License Version' + c +'.pdf'; PageReference psPdf = new PageReference('/apex/Quotation?id=' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')); myAttach.body = psPdf.getContentAsPdf(); insert myAttach; secondPage.setRedirect(true); return secondPage; } public PageReference back() { attach(); PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } public PageReference cancel() { PageReference pr = new PageReference('/' + ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') +'#'+ ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') + '_RelatedNoteList_target'); pr.setRedirect(true); System.debug('Inside back'); return pr; } /*test methods here*/ public static testMethod void testAttachController() { //Opportunity opp=[select id from Opportunity where Name=:'Prasad Punage-']; Account acc=new Account(Name='rose',BillingCity='bang',Billingstate='kat',BillingPostalcode='560000',BillingCountry='india' ); insert acc; Deal__c opp=new Deal__c(Name='test12',Account__c='acc.id'); insert opp; Deal_License__c dl=new Deal_License__c(Name='asd',Deal__c='opp.id'); insert dl; Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment(); myAttach1.ParentId =opp.id; myAttach1.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; myAttach1.body = blob.valueof('test'); insert myAttach1; system.debug('Attahment1'+ myAttach1); AttachController atc = new AttachController(new ApexPages.StandardController(myAttach1)); atc.attach(); atc.back(); atc.cancel(); } public String attachmentName{get; set;} public pagereference AttachQuote(){ Pagereference pdf = page.Quotation; blob b = pdf.getContent(); attachment att = new attachment(); att.parentId = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id') ; att.body = b; att.name = 'Quotation.pdf'; insert att; return null; } }
Thanks in advance
- anillll
- February 14, 2013
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