• mustafatop10
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Hi all,

I am getting the following error. Please help.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find a Lightning application named "Friends with Boats". Make sure you've created the Lightning application and named it correctly. 

I have an application where created with the app builder called by "Friends with Boats".
I did everything as described. Screenshot of the app:
User-added image


How can I make a query similar to following:

Report r = [SELECT id,name FROM Report WHERE foldername='myfolder' LIMIT 1];

Unfortunately, the report object doesn't contain field that is like 'foldername' 

I must make a http request to Shopify in Salesforce. I used following url format as endpoint url for setEndpoint method

HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); 

I get following log:

CALLOUT_RESPONSE|[18]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]

And I get return value from body of HttpResponse:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <hash> <errors>[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)</errors> </hash>

Also I have tried to following structure but I haven't been succesful.

Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(apikey+ ':' + password);
String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' +
req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);

And also following url works properly in any browser


What should I do for HttpResponse status code be 200.

How can I make a query similar to following:

Report r = [SELECT id,name FROM Report WHERE foldername='myfolder' LIMIT 1];

Unfortunately, the report object doesn't contain field that is like 'foldername' 

I must make a http request to Shopify in Salesforce. I used following url format as endpoint url for setEndpoint method

HttpRequest req= new HttpRequest(); 

I get following log:

CALLOUT_RESPONSE|[18]|System.HttpResponse[Status=Unauthorized, StatusCode=401]

And I get return value from body of HttpResponse:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <hash> <errors>[API] Invalid API key or access token (unrecognized login or wrong password)</errors> </hash>

Also I have tried to following structure but I haven't been succesful.

Blob headerValue = Blob.valueOf(apikey+ ':' + password);
String authorizationHeader = 'BASIC ' +
req.setHeader('Authorization', authorizationHeader);

And also following url works properly in any browser


What should I do for HttpResponse status code be 200.

Hi all,

I am getting the following error. Please help.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find a Lightning application named "Friends with Boats". Make sure you've created the Lightning application and named it correctly. 

I have an application where created with the app builder called by "Friends with Boats".
I did everything as described. Screenshot of the app:
User-added image

I am getting the following error even though I have the application:

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
We can't find a Lightning application named "Friends with Boats". Make sure you've created the Lightning application and named it correctly

I am able to invoke the application using:  https://brave-badger-292426-dev-ed.lightning.force.com/one/one.app#/n/Friends_with_Boats

I tried both the names of Friends_with_Boats and FriendswithBoats.

Please let me know what I am missing.


s and s2 variables don't set selected value that is come from piclist in vf page when I use apex:selectlist tag in apex:repeat tag. So s and s2 are always '09:00'. When I remove apex:repeat tag, the problem is solved. But I need it.


How to solve this problem without save button into apex:repeat tag?


 A piece of the the my code is following.

     String s = '09:00';
     String s2 = '09:00';
     public String getSelectedItem(){
          return s;
     public void setSelectedItem(String s){
         this.s = s;
     public String getSelectedItem2(){
          return s2;
     public void setSelectedItem2(String s2){
         this.s2 = s2;

     public List<SelectOption> getItems(){
            List<SelectOption> options = new list<SelectOption>();
            String mins = '30';
            for (Integer i = 0; i < 48; i++) 
                mins        = (mins == '30') ? '00' : '30';
                Integer hrs = ((i*30) / 60);
                String hr   = (string.valueOf(hrs).length() == 1) ? '0' + string.valueOf(hrs) : string.valueOf(hrs);            

                String key = hr + ':' + mins;
                options.add(new SelectOption(key, key));
            return options;      


                <apex:repeat value="{!events}" var="itr">
                            <td><apex:inputfield value="{!itr.Subject}" id="subject"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputfield value="{!itr.IsAllDayEvent}" id="day"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputfield value="{!itr.StartDateTime}" id="start"/></td><td>
                            <apex:selectlist value="{!SelectedItem}" size="1">
                                <apex:selectOptions value="{!Items}"/>
                            <apex:inputfield value="{!itr.EndDateTime}" id="end"/></td><td>
                            <apex:selectlist value="{!SelectedItem2}" size="1">
                                <apex:selectOptions value="{!Items}"/>
                            <apex:inputfield value="{!itr.Status__c}" id="status" /></td><td>
                            <apex:inputField value="{!itr.Type__c}" id="type"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputField value="{!itr.Consultancy_Duration__c}" id="duration"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputField value="{!itr.Project_Phase__c}" id="phase"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputField value="{!itr.Location}" id="location"/></td><td>
                            <apex:inputField value="{!itr.Description}" id="description"/></td>
                <p align="center"><apex:commandButton action="{!save}" value=" Save " /></p>