• Felipe Dias
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I'm trying to do the following:


When the user select a different value on the picklist on the page. It has to call an action function that on the controller, will check what is the value selected and do different things depending on what was select.




 <apex:inputField label="Modal: " value="{!Opc.Modal__c}" onchange="return VModal()"/>


<apex:actionFunction action="{!Verifica}" name="VModal" immediate="TRUE"/>




Public pageReference Verifica(){
        if(Opc.Modal__c == '01'){ 

               visible = TRUE;
        Return null;



When I select the option '01' the variable 'Visible' doens't turns TRUE.  The thing is that the value from the picklist is returning Null. Whatever option from the list I select it always returns null.

I tried to create a variable called "message" to show the value selected from the picklist, and the value is Null.



All of this is on a TabPanel, I don't know if it changes something, but is the first time I use Tabs and things doesn't seem to work as it should on then.



Can anybody help?





Hello everyone,


I created a batch class that has a list of some records of a custom object. And I want to send this list in an e-mail.


I tried using Workflow rules, but, it sends one e-mail for each record. What I want is to send one single e-mail with all records and its data fields, just like a table.


Here's the batch class



global class ticketClassBatch implements Database.Batchable<Ticket__c>, Database.AllowsCallouts {
Ticket__c[] Query; public ticketclassBatch(){ Query = [SELECT name, id, FROM ticket__c WHERE ticket__c.paid__c =: FALSE]; Return; } global iterable<Ticket__c> start(database.batchablecontext BC){ System.Debug('Records changed: ' + String.valueof(Query.size())); return(Query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Ticket__c> tickets){ for(ticket__C inf : tickets){ inf.alert__c = TRUE; } Update ticket; } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } }


I want to send all records from this list  "Tickets" in the e-mail with it's name, and others fields.


Anyone knows how?




Felipe Dias.


Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf.

Hi there!


I'd like to know if is there's a possibility to use different dashboards on the homepage, one for each app.

I've got two apps and also two dashboards,  each one with records from one of the apps.


So, I'd like the first dashboard to be shown on the home page of the first app, and the second dashboard to be shown on the home page of the second app.

Anyone knows if it's possible?



Felipe Dias.


"Hello Hary Potter, my name is Tom Riddle."

Hello everyone! 


I'm trying to create a page that prints all the data from another page, which data is a result from a call from a webservice and it's not stored


I tried the function getParameters().put, to get a whole XML from that call, but it didn't work. 

So what I want to know is if it's possible to get the entire XML from the first page and bring it to the second page and then use its nodes in some output fields.


I tried to do this putting the XML in a variable and then sending it through  the getParameters(), but only a part of the first line of the xml was sent.






The Chamber of Secrets has been opened.



I'm trying to do the following:


When the user select a different value on the picklist on the page. It has to call an action function that on the controller, will check what is the value selected and do different things depending on what was select.




 <apex:inputField label="Modal: " value="{!Opc.Modal__c}" onchange="return VModal()"/>


<apex:actionFunction action="{!Verifica}" name="VModal" immediate="TRUE"/>




Public pageReference Verifica(){
        if(Opc.Modal__c == '01'){ 

               visible = TRUE;
        Return null;



When I select the option '01' the variable 'Visible' doens't turns TRUE.  The thing is that the value from the picklist is returning Null. Whatever option from the list I select it always returns null.

I tried to create a variable called "message" to show the value selected from the picklist, and the value is Null.



All of this is on a TabPanel, I don't know if it changes something, but is the first time I use Tabs and things doesn't seem to work as it should on then.



Can anybody help?





Hello everyone,


I created a batch class that has a list of some records of a custom object. And I want to send this list in an e-mail.


I tried using Workflow rules, but, it sends one e-mail for each record. What I want is to send one single e-mail with all records and its data fields, just like a table.


Here's the batch class



global class ticketClassBatch implements Database.Batchable<Ticket__c>, Database.AllowsCallouts {
Ticket__c[] Query; public ticketclassBatch(){ Query = [SELECT name, id, FROM ticket__c WHERE ticket__c.paid__c =: FALSE]; Return; } global iterable<Ticket__c> start(database.batchablecontext BC){ System.Debug('Records changed: ' + String.valueof(Query.size())); return(Query); } global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Ticket__c> tickets){ for(ticket__C inf : tickets){ inf.alert__c = TRUE; } Update ticket; } global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){ } }


I want to send all records from this list  "Tickets" in the e-mail with it's name, and others fields.


Anyone knows how?




Felipe Dias.


Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf.

Hello everyone! 


I'm trying to create a page that prints all the data from another page, which data is a result from a call from a webservice and it's not stored


I tried the function getParameters().put, to get a whole XML from that call, but it didn't work. 

So what I want to know is if it's possible to get the entire XML from the first page and bring it to the second page and then use its nodes in some output fields.


I tried to do this putting the XML in a variable and then sending it through  the getParameters(), but only a part of the first line of the xml was sent.






The Chamber of Secrets has been opened.