• BeatofHeart
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Hi , I am geeting below error ocationally , but it runs good most of the time. any help will be appricated.






We have a requirement only want to  Assign case numbers for particular record type. is there any way i can achive it.


I dont want to assign ( auto number ) for all cases created. the cases which were created theough email to case ( has seperate record type) i need a seperate case number for them..


any one gone throgh this scenario earlier. if yes kindly help me.


Many thanks


Hi ,


I am having an issue with javascript in Console. which is working fine in out of  console.  below is my code. i am not sure how to pass parameteres in console.

{srcUp('https://imagenow.com/webnow/index.jsp?action=document&folder= {!SUBSTITUTE( Contact.emplid__c , " ", "+") }'); 
} else { 
window.open('https://imagenow.com/webnow/index.jsp?action=document&folder= {!SUBSTITUTE( Contact.emplid__c , " ", "+") }'); 


Any help would be appriciated.



MY VF page not ( New contact button ) not working in IE and Firefox. it works good in Chrome. please suggest if any thoughts.


when i click new contact button  it has to open in new primary tab.


Many Thanks


<apex:page Controller="ContactSearch" sidebar="false" id="page">
<apex:pageMessages />
<p>No People Soft Contact found. Please search Salesforce below using Name, Phone, Email, or other identifying information.</p>
  <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function testOpenPrimaryTab() {
            //Open a new primary tab with the salesforce.com home page in it
            sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null,'{!pageUrl}', true, 
                'newContact', openSuccess, 'newContact');
        var openSuccess = function openSuccess(result){
            //Report whether opening the new tab was successful
            if (result.success == true) {
               // alert('Primary tab can be opened');
            } else {
                //alert('Primary tab cannot be opened');
 <apex:form id="frm">
     <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="block">
         <apex:pageBlockSection id="pbSectn">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="pbSitem" >
               <apex:outputLabel for="searchText">Search Salesforce Contacts</apex:outputLabel> 
               <apex:panelGroup >
                  <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}"/> <br/><br/>
                  <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Clear" action="{!Clear}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!Back}"/>
                   <apex:outputPanel style="text-align:center" layout="block" >
           <apex:commandbutton value="New Contact" action="{!newcontact}" style="float: centre;"  rendered="true" onclick="testOpenPrimaryTab():return false;"/>
            return false
         <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Results" id="results" columns="1" rendered="{!IsShown}"  > 
         <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactResults}" var="c">
                  <apex:column headervalue="Name" > 
                       <apex:outputLink value="/{!c.Id} " >{!c.name}</apex:outputLink>
                  <apex:column value="{!c.emplid__c}"> </apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Phone}" ></apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Email}" ></apex:column> 


I am writing a code for contacts Custom search. i am able to do search for contacts sucessfully. but i am an issue with render on pageblock .


I have 3 issues.


1. i would like to disable "results " section until search is happened.

2. in below column " Name " is displaying as a column before search. i want to display only after search.

3. any suggestions test code.


appriciated folks your help.


public with sharing class ContactSearch {

    public List<Contact> contactResults { get; set; }
    public string pageUrl {get; set;}
    public boolean newContact { get; set; }
    public ContactSearch (){
    	newContact = false;
    public PageReference newcontact() {
    /*PageReference pageUrl = new  PageReference('/003/e?retURL=%2F003%2Fo&RecordType=012i000000079tC&ent=Contact');
    return pageUrl;*/
    newContact = true;
    pageUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/003/e?retURL=%2F003%2Fo&RecordType=012i000000079tC&ent=Contact';
    return null;
    public PageReference Back() {
    	        PageReference FCPage = new PageReference('/apex/Contact_FindStudent');
                return FCPage;

    public String Back { get; set; }

    public PageReference Clear() {
        return null;
    public String ClearText { get; set; }

    public String results { get; set; }

    public String searchText { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }

    Public PageReference Search() {
       //  List<List<Sobject>> results = [FIND :searchText IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact(Id, Name,Phone,Email)]; 
    	 try { 
    	 contactResults = ContactsService.findContactInSalesforce(searchText);
    	 catch (Exception e){} 
    	 return null;
    	//PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/_ui/search/ui/UnifiedSearchResults?searchType=2&str='+searchtext);
        //return pageRef ;



<apex:page Controller="ContactSearch" sidebar="false" id="page">
<p>No peopleSoft Contact found.Please Search Salesforce below Using Name,Phone,email or Other identifying information.</p>
  <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function testOpenPrimaryTab() {
            //Open a new primary tab with the salesforce.com home page in it
            sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null,'{!pageUrl}', true, 
                'newContact', openSuccess, 'newContact');
        var openSuccess = function openSuccess(result){
            //Report whether opening the new tab was successful
            if (result.success == true) {
               // alert('Primary tab can be opened');
            } else {
                //alert('Primary tab cannot be opened');
 <apex:form id="frm">
             <!--  <apex:image url="{!$Resource.Contactshome}" width="50" height="50"/>-->
     <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="block">
         <apex:pageBlockSection id="pbSectn">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="pbSitem" >
               <apex:outputLabel for="searchText">Search Salesforce Contacts</apex:outputLabel> 
               <apex:panelGroup >
                  <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}"/> <br/><br/>
                  <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Clear" action="{!Clear}" onclick="clearValue()"/>
                   <apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!Back}"/>
         <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Results" id="results" columns="1"  > 
          <apex:outputPanel style="text-align:center" layout="block" >
         <apex:commandbutton value="New Contact" action="{!newcontact}" style="float: centre;"  rendered="true" onclick="testOpenPrimaryTab():return false;"/>
            return false
          <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactResults}" var="c">
                  <apex:column headerValue="Name" > 
                       <apex:outputLink value="/{!c.Id} " >{!c.name}</apex:outputLink>
                  <apex:column value="{!c.emplid__c}"> </apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Phone}" ></apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Email}" ></apex:column> 
<script type = "text/javascript">
   function clearValue()
    document.getElementById('{!$Component.page:frm:block:pbSectn:pbSitem:searchText}').value = '';   
    return false;



dear experts ,


i have  a custom object called prospects with two record types ( suspect and prospect) . if some one created a suspect they have an option to convert suspect to prospect . so that way two records will be created.  on each suspect lay out we have button called "convert" it iwll create new record when they click  the button. but i want to copy some of the fields  to when the push the button. i am not sure how to do this. any help will be appriciated. i would like to copy fields like for ex ( Type__C, notes__C,picklist__c) to prospect record .


here is my code for the suspect  to convert.

<apex:page standardController="Prospect__c" extensions="SusConvertToPros" action="{!convert}" showHeader="true" sidebar="true">
	<apex:pageMessages />


public with sharing class SusConvertToPros
    private ApexPages.StandardController standardController = null;

    public SusConvertToPros
        ApexPages.StandardController controller)
        standardController = controller;

    public PageReference convert()
        List<Prospect__c> prospects = new List<Prospect__c>();
        PageReference prospectPage = null;

            prospects = SuspectsService.convertToProspects(
                    new Set<ID> { standardController.getId() });

            String partialURL = '/' + prospects[0].Id;

            prospectPage = new PageReference(partialURL);
        catch (Exception e)

        return ApexPages.hasMessages() ? null : prospectPage;

 any help would be appriciated.

Dear Experts,


can you help me to write  a test class for the below class. Thanks in Advance. 

trigger UpdateVisitedCheckbox on Visit_Request__c (after insert, after update)
              List<Id> visitReqIds = new List<Id>();
              map< id, contact > contacts = new map< id, contact >();
             Id rtId = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Student' and SObjectType ='Contact' LIMIT 1].Id;
             Id rtId2 = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Student (PS)' and SObjectType ='contact' LIMIT 1].Id;

          for(Visit_Request__c record:trigger.new)     
                   if(record.Attendance_Status__c == 'Attended' )
                                    // contacts.put(record.contact__c, new contact(id=record.contact__c, Visited__c = TRUE));     

             List<Contact> contactList = [Select Id, Visited__c, Name From Contact Where Id IN :visitReqIds AND RecordTypeId=:rtId ];
              for (Contact c : contactList)
                  c.Visited__c = True;
             update contactList;


Dear all,


i am having some problem with my trigger. 


So, I have custom object called Request.  When the picklist value "Atteneded " is stored in the Request  object's I want it to update Contact checkbox.  It works correctly for the Contact object.  I want to enhance the following code only for few records on contact record types .its updating on everything. 




// Update Contact field: "Visited" to TRUE when Attendance Status record is Update to Attended.

trigger UpdateVisitedCheckbox on Request__c (after insert, after update) {

map< id, contact > contacts = new map< id, contact >();

// Create trigger for new or selectedAttendance Status record
for( Request__c record:trigger.new) 

//if((Recordtype == 'Prospective_Student' or 'Student')
if(record.Attendance_Status__c == 'Attended')

// Update checkbox field on the Contact record to TRUE
contacts.put(record.contact__c, new contact(id=record.contact__c, Visited__c = TRUE)); 

update contacts.values();



Any help will be appriciated. 


 public class iframe{     
 4         public String getEncoded() {  
 10               return  System.label.BI_framework;  
               // BI framework is custom label which contains a URL .          
//ex http:// google.com 12 } 13 14 }

 Team i need help on writing test class for this. this is  a APEX class which is referring in VF page. any help would br greatly appriciated.



we are trying to implement partial hierarcy in Sf. i have a One to many relation from custom object  to products. when we do v look up for products it will papulate the remaining fields from product to custom object.( we wrote some formuale on remaining product fields.( 6 fields on products) 


but our requirement was we need to do some how user wants to fill this only when they have total information, is there any way i can do partial hierarchy from  other object? 



I have a Custom object (A) and it is related to Opportunities,Accounts and and another custom Object (B) . Also the Custom object (A) has Team Members as well. 


When i do report for Activities on Custom object A i wiould like get all the Activities related to Custom object A for the Team Members and the Owner of the Record to All their Opportunits , Accounts and Custom object B. but some reason it is limiting only to one Particular object. is there any way i can do report for all Activities to their related team members and owner in Single report?



your reply will be appricitiated.






I am having an issue when i am trying to put  a URL in salesforce. the URL ( if this URL is  in HTMl using JQuery function I came to know that salesforce is not showing the link in iframe. 


the same link is working in Browser.


why salesforce  I frame is not supporting if an HTML page is written with some JQUERY


any suggestions could be appriciated. 



I am trying to place an iframe in Visual force for refer in home page component . but still i am not sure i am getting some error . below is my code. 

public without sharing class iframecontroller {   
Public String encoded{get; set;}       
public String getEncoded()
encoded = EncodingUtil.urlEncode('http://corpdev.corptest.com/ibi_apps/WFServlet?%26IBIAPP_app=acs_reporting%26IBIF_ex=sfdc_am%26IBIMR_proc=is_sfdc_am_db' 'UTF-8');  
   System.debug('encoded= ' + encoded);     

   return null;    }


<apex:page sidebar="false" showheader="false" tabstyle="Account" controller="iframecontroller">
<iframe src="{!encoded}" />

 i am referring this VF page on Home page component. but url is not showing.


any help would be greatly appriciated.


I am trying to place a URL in Home page component.  my URL has a '&'  symbol in it. this URL is from external system trying to show  in home page as iframe.


for ex if my url is " http://biwfclt01dev.corptest.com/ibi_apps/WFServlet?&IBIAPP_app=acs_reporting&IBIF_ex=sfdc_am&IBIMR_proc=is_sfdc_am_db " like this after placing URL in iframe it is changing '&' value to "amp;" so its directing to different page.


Any suggestions greatly appriciated.

Hi , I am geeting below error ocationally , but it runs good most of the time. any help will be appricated.








MY VF page not ( New contact button ) not working in IE and Firefox. it works good in Chrome. please suggest if any thoughts.


when i click new contact button  it has to open in new primary tab.


Many Thanks


<apex:page Controller="ContactSearch" sidebar="false" id="page">
<apex:pageMessages />
<p>No People Soft Contact found. Please search Salesforce below using Name, Phone, Email, or other identifying information.</p>
  <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function testOpenPrimaryTab() {
            //Open a new primary tab with the salesforce.com home page in it
            sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null,'{!pageUrl}', true, 
                'newContact', openSuccess, 'newContact');
        var openSuccess = function openSuccess(result){
            //Report whether opening the new tab was successful
            if (result.success == true) {
               // alert('Primary tab can be opened');
            } else {
                //alert('Primary tab cannot be opened');
 <apex:form id="frm">
     <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="block">
         <apex:pageBlockSection id="pbSectn">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="pbSitem" >
               <apex:outputLabel for="searchText">Search Salesforce Contacts</apex:outputLabel> 
               <apex:panelGroup >
                  <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}"/> <br/><br/>
                  <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Clear" action="{!Clear}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!Back}"/>
                   <apex:outputPanel style="text-align:center" layout="block" >
           <apex:commandbutton value="New Contact" action="{!newcontact}" style="float: centre;"  rendered="true" onclick="testOpenPrimaryTab():return false;"/>
            return false
         <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Results" id="results" columns="1" rendered="{!IsShown}"  > 
         <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactResults}" var="c">
                  <apex:column headervalue="Name" > 
                       <apex:outputLink value="/{!c.Id} " >{!c.name}</apex:outputLink>
                  <apex:column value="{!c.emplid__c}"> </apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Phone}" ></apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Email}" ></apex:column> 


I am writing a code for contacts Custom search. i am able to do search for contacts sucessfully. but i am an issue with render on pageblock .


I have 3 issues.


1. i would like to disable "results " section until search is happened.

2. in below column " Name " is displaying as a column before search. i want to display only after search.

3. any suggestions test code.


appriciated folks your help.


public with sharing class ContactSearch {

    public List<Contact> contactResults { get; set; }
    public string pageUrl {get; set;}
    public boolean newContact { get; set; }
    public ContactSearch (){
    	newContact = false;
    public PageReference newcontact() {
    /*PageReference pageUrl = new  PageReference('/003/e?retURL=%2F003%2Fo&RecordType=012i000000079tC&ent=Contact');
    return pageUrl;*/
    newContact = true;
    pageUrl = URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm()+'/003/e?retURL=%2F003%2Fo&RecordType=012i000000079tC&ent=Contact';
    return null;
    public PageReference Back() {
    	        PageReference FCPage = new PageReference('/apex/Contact_FindStudent');
                return FCPage;

    public String Back { get; set; }

    public PageReference Clear() {
        return null;
    public String ClearText { get; set; }

    public String results { get; set; }

    public String searchText { get; set; }
    public String Name { get; set; }

    Public PageReference Search() {
       //  List<List<Sobject>> results = [FIND :searchText IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact(Id, Name,Phone,Email)]; 
    	 try { 
    	 contactResults = ContactsService.findContactInSalesforce(searchText);
    	 catch (Exception e){} 
    	 return null;
    	//PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/_ui/search/ui/UnifiedSearchResults?searchType=2&str='+searchtext);
        //return pageRef ;



<apex:page Controller="ContactSearch" sidebar="false" id="page">
<p>No peopleSoft Contact found.Please Search Salesforce below Using Name,Phone,email or Other identifying information.</p>
  <apex:includeScript value="/support/console/22.0/integration.js"/>
     <script type="text/javascript">
        function testOpenPrimaryTab() {
            //Open a new primary tab with the salesforce.com home page in it
            sforce.console.openPrimaryTab(null,'{!pageUrl}', true, 
                'newContact', openSuccess, 'newContact');
        var openSuccess = function openSuccess(result){
            //Report whether opening the new tab was successful
            if (result.success == true) {
               // alert('Primary tab can be opened');
            } else {
                //alert('Primary tab cannot be opened');
 <apex:form id="frm">
             <!--  <apex:image url="{!$Resource.Contactshome}" width="50" height="50"/>-->
     <apex:pageBlock mode="edit" id="block">
         <apex:pageBlockSection id="pbSectn">
            <apex:pageBlockSectionItem id="pbSitem" >
               <apex:outputLabel for="searchText">Search Salesforce Contacts</apex:outputLabel> 
               <apex:panelGroup >
                  <apex:inputText id="searchText" value="{!searchText}"/> <br/><br/>
                  <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!search}" />
                   <apex:commandButton value="Clear" action="{!Clear}" onclick="clearValue()"/>
                   <apex:commandButton value="Back" action="{!Back}"/>
         <apex:pageBlockSection Title="Results" id="results" columns="1"  > 
          <apex:outputPanel style="text-align:center" layout="block" >
         <apex:commandbutton value="New Contact" action="{!newcontact}" style="float: centre;"  rendered="true" onclick="testOpenPrimaryTab():return false;"/>
            return false
          <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!contactResults}" var="c">
                  <apex:column headerValue="Name" > 
                       <apex:outputLink value="/{!c.Id} " >{!c.name}</apex:outputLink>
                  <apex:column value="{!c.emplid__c}"> </apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Phone}" ></apex:column> 
                  <apex:column value="{!c.Email}" ></apex:column> 
<script type = "text/javascript">
   function clearValue()
    document.getElementById('{!$Component.page:frm:block:pbSectn:pbSitem:searchText}').value = '';   
    return false;



Dear Experts,


can you help me to write  a test class for the below class. Thanks in Advance. 

trigger UpdateVisitedCheckbox on Visit_Request__c (after insert, after update)
              List<Id> visitReqIds = new List<Id>();
              map< id, contact > contacts = new map< id, contact >();
             Id rtId = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Student' and SObjectType ='Contact' LIMIT 1].Id;
             Id rtId2 = [SELECT Id FROM RecordType WHERE Name = 'Student (PS)' and SObjectType ='contact' LIMIT 1].Id;

          for(Visit_Request__c record:trigger.new)     
                   if(record.Attendance_Status__c == 'Attended' )
                                    // contacts.put(record.contact__c, new contact(id=record.contact__c, Visited__c = TRUE));     

             List<Contact> contactList = [Select Id, Visited__c, Name From Contact Where Id IN :visitReqIds AND RecordTypeId=:rtId ];
              for (Contact c : contactList)
                  c.Visited__c = True;
             update contactList;


Dear all,


i am having some problem with my trigger. 


So, I have custom object called Request.  When the picklist value "Atteneded " is stored in the Request  object's I want it to update Contact checkbox.  It works correctly for the Contact object.  I want to enhance the following code only for few records on contact record types .its updating on everything. 




// Update Contact field: "Visited" to TRUE when Attendance Status record is Update to Attended.

trigger UpdateVisitedCheckbox on Request__c (after insert, after update) {

map< id, contact > contacts = new map< id, contact >();

// Create trigger for new or selectedAttendance Status record
for( Request__c record:trigger.new) 

//if((Recordtype == 'Prospective_Student' or 'Student')
if(record.Attendance_Status__c == 'Attended')

// Update checkbox field on the Contact record to TRUE
contacts.put(record.contact__c, new contact(id=record.contact__c, Visited__c = TRUE)); 

update contacts.values();



Any help will be appriciated. 


 public class iframe{     
 4         public String getEncoded() {  
 10               return  System.label.BI_framework;  
               // BI framework is custom label which contains a URL .          
//ex http:// google.com 12 } 13 14 }

 Team i need help on writing test class for this. this is  a APEX class which is referring in VF page. any help would br greatly appriciated.



we are trying to implement partial hierarcy in Sf. i have a One to many relation from custom object  to products. when we do v look up for products it will papulate the remaining fields from product to custom object.( we wrote some formuale on remaining product fields.( 6 fields on products) 


but our requirement was we need to do some how user wants to fill this only when they have total information, is there any way i can do partial hierarchy from  other object? 





I am having an issue when i am trying to put  a URL in salesforce. the URL ( if this URL is  in HTMl using JQuery function I came to know that salesforce is not showing the link in iframe. 


the same link is working in Browser.


why salesforce  I frame is not supporting if an HTML page is written with some JQUERY


any suggestions could be appriciated. 



I am trying to place a URL in Home page component.  my URL has a '&'  symbol in it. this URL is from external system trying to show  in home page as iframe.


for ex if my url is " http://biwfclt01dev.corptest.com/ibi_apps/WFServlet?&IBIAPP_app=acs_reporting&IBIF_ex=sfdc_am&IBIMR_proc=is_sfdc_am_db " like this after placing URL in iframe it is changing '&' value to "amp;" so its directing to different page.


Any suggestions greatly appriciated.

I am trying to create a Date of Birth field. Whether you are using a VF page or a regular page layout, when you use the calendar in Salesforce, it only lets you pick from years going forward. So the calendar is useless for something like a Date of Birth since obviously the year is before this year. Obviously the user can type the date, but is there any other way to adjust how the calendar behaves.