• JessSun
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I have a input feild in visualforce page which is a picklist and I want to rerender certain part of the page after changes happens on that input feild
Here is the code

<apex:inputField value="{!a__c.c__c}" >
                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!changeHappenedOnC}" rerender="aSection" />

Before rerendering "aSection", Function "changeHappenedOnC" inside of my controller should be executed.

Function "changeHappenedOnC" is executed almost everytimes except when one of the required field for "a__c" is empty.

Have anybody entered this kind of problem and resolved their issue??
Your help will be appreciated..
p.s. looking into the logs when the issue happens this are the lines I got:

20:20:18.118 (118316000)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|You must enter a value
20:20:18.120 (120297000)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|You must enter a value



I have a input feild in visualforce page which is a picklist and I want to rerender certain part of the page after changes happens on that input feild
Here is the code

<apex:inputField value="{!a__c.c__c}" >
                <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" action="{!changeHappenedOnC}" rerender="aSection" />

Before rerendering "aSection", Function "changeHappenedOnC" inside of my controller should be executed.

Function "changeHappenedOnC" is executed almost everytimes except when one of the required field for "a__c" is empty.

Have anybody entered this kind of problem and resolved their issue??
Your help will be appreciated..
p.s. looking into the logs when the issue happens this are the lines I got:

20:20:18.118 (118316000)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|You must enter a value
20:20:18.120 (120297000)|VF_PAGE_MESSAGE|You must enter a value

