• Kellee17
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Please help, I am new to developing / Apex code and am trying to set up a trigger to update a picklist field (on an Activity)based on a different Object's picklist entry (User) - the ultimate aim is to set colours in a dashboard the same in two different objects - Activities and Opportunities...


I am getting the following error:

Error: Compile Error: Invalid bind expression type of SOBJECT:User for column of type String at line 3 column 92


And honestly I have no clue what I need to do to fix this...!


Here is my first attempt:


trigger UpdateDepartmentPicklist on Task (before update){
        for(Task tsk : Trigger.new){
        List<User> listUse = [Select Department_picklist__c from User where Owner_ID__c =: tsk.CreatedBy];  for
    (User use : listUse){
       Tsk.Owner_Department_Picklist__c = Use.Department_picklist__c;
    update listUse;



Many thanks for any assistance or tips!




Please help, I am new to developing / Apex code and am trying to set up a trigger to update a picklist field (on an Activity)based on a different Object's picklist entry (User) - the ultimate aim is to set colours in a dashboard the same in two different objects - Activities and Opportunities...


I am getting the following error:

Error: Compile Error: Invalid bind expression type of SOBJECT:User for column of type String at line 3 column 92


And honestly I have no clue what I need to do to fix this...!


Here is my first attempt:


trigger UpdateDepartmentPicklist on Task (before update){
        for(Task tsk : Trigger.new){
        List<User> listUse = [Select Department_picklist__c from User where Owner_ID__c =: tsk.CreatedBy];  for
    (User use : listUse){
       Tsk.Owner_Department_Picklist__c = Use.Department_picklist__c;
    update listUse;



Many thanks for any assistance or tips!

