• arjunm
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VF page

<apex:page Controller="Assignmentnew">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">
<apex:form id="all" >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >
<apex:commandButton value="new" action="{!doNewrecord}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accList}" var="a">
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!a.id}/d?retURL=/apex/AssignmentNew">
<apex:column headerValue="Buttons">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!a.id}/e?retURL=/apex/{!a.Name}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!delAccount}" reRender="all">Del
<apex:param value="{!a.Id}" assignTo="{!SelectedAccountId} "/>
</apex:commandLink >




Class ::


public class Assignmentnew

public List<Account> accList {get; set;}
public string SelectedAccountId {get; set;}

public Assignmentnew()

public void setupAccount()
accList = [Select name, id from Account ];

public Pagereference doNewrecord()
Pagereference newRecord= new Pagereference ('/001/e?retURL=/001/');
return newRecord;

public PageReference delAccount()
accList = [select id,name from account where id=:SelectedAccountId];
if(accList .size() > 0 || accList[0].Id != ''){
delete accList;
return null;




List index out of bounds: 0

Error is in expression '{!delAccount}' in component <apex:page> in page assignmentnew 

An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.


Can anyone help me with this code.




Hi, i'm trying to create a new user from PortalSite , but it's giving me this error:



The error message is portal account owner must have a role,


so i try to give a role to my  Site Guest User

for setup-->develop--->sites-->clicking on Site Label Name--->clicking on public Access Setting--->clicking on view users--->clicking on Edit there is a no Role Field


how to set a role for my  Site Guest User ?






  • August 22, 2013
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hi all


I Created Remote Access

i got the values as  Consumer Key,Consumer Secret


 the Web Server OAuth Authentication Flow





in above url I got the Code value




next i put below url 


it show error as


<OAuth><error>invalid_grant</error><error_description>expired authorization code</error_description></OAuth>


What Is a grant_type

How will get grant_type value


i am new to rest webservices in apex ,  please provide detailled information about  how to run simple programm Post For  Rest api










Hi, i'm trying to create a new user from PortalSite , but it's giving me this error:



The error message is portal account owner must have a role,


so i try to give a role to my  Site Guest User

for setup-->develop--->sites-->clicking on Site Label Name--->clicking on public Access Setting--->clicking on view users--->clicking on Edit there is a no Role Field


how to set a role for my  Site Guest User ?






  • August 22, 2013
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I have a working trigger, if criteria is met, 2 leads are cloned and assigned to 2 additional partners. But I can not seem to figure out a test class for it.


trigger FTGClone on Lead (after insert)
Lead L = trigger.new[0];
if(L.Category__c  == 'FTG' && L.Clone_Version__c == '0' && L.LeadSource != 'Self Generated' && L.Number_of_Units__c >= 50)
Lead[] LeadClone = new Lead[0];

map<id,Lead> entries = new map<id,Lead>(); 

for(Lead record:trigger.new)
entries.putall([select id,Name, Company, LastName, FirstName,Lead_Source_External__c, Number_of_TVs__c, Email, Location_of_Service__c, Building_Stories__c, MobilePhone, Phone, Business_Phone_Ext__c, Business_Phone__c, Number_of_Units__c, Number_of_Locations__c, Type_of_Business__c, Business_Address__c, Business_State__c, Business_City__c, Business_Zipcode__c from Lead where id in :entries.keyset()]); 

for(Lead record:trigger.new) 
LeadClone.add(new Lead ( Ownerid='00G60000001G9uA', Original_Lead_Id__c=record.Id,Company=entries.get(record.id).Company,LastName=entries.get(record.id).LastName,FirstName=entries.get(record.id).FirstName,Clone_Version__c='1',Lead_Source_External__c=entries.get(record.id).Lead_Source_External__c,Number_of_TVs__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_TVs__c, Email=entries.get(record.id).Email, Location_of_Service__c=entries.get(record.id).Location_of_Service__c, Building_Stories__c=entries.get(record.id).Building_Stories__c, MobilePhone=entries.get(record.id).MobilePhone, Phone=entries.get(record.id).Phone, Business_Phone_Ext__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Phone_Ext__c, Business_Phone__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Phone__c, Number_of_Units__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_Units__c, Number_of_Locations__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_Locations__c, Type_of_Business__c=entries.get(record.id).Type_of_Business__c, Business_Address__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Address__c, Business_State__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_State__c, Business_City__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_City__c, Business_Zipcode__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Zipcode__c));

for(Lead record:trigger.new) 
LeadClone.add(new Lead ( Ownerid='00G60000001G9uF', Original_Lead_Id__c=record.Id,Company=entries.get(record.id).Company,LastName=entries.get(record.id).LastName,FirstName=entries.get(record.id).FirstName,Clone_Version__c='2',Lead_Source_External__c=entries.get(record.id).Lead_Source_External__c,Number_of_TVs__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_TVs__c, Email=entries.get(record.id).Email, Location_of_Service__c=entries.get(record.id).Location_of_Service__c, Building_Stories__c=entries.get(record.id).Building_Stories__c, MobilePhone=entries.get(record.id).MobilePhone, Phone=entries.get(record.id).Phone, Business_Phone_Ext__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Phone_Ext__c, Business_Phone__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Phone__c, Number_of_Units__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_Units__c, Number_of_Locations__c=entries.get(record.id).Number_of_Locations__c, Type_of_Business__c=entries.get(record.id).Type_of_Business__c, Business_Address__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Address__c, Business_State__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_State__c, Business_City__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_City__c, Business_Zipcode__c=entries.get(record.id).Business_Zipcode__c));

insert LeadClone; }}

I have a parent/child relationship on a lookup table.  When I bring up the tab for the parent I get the child default auto number.  I can bring up the description when I hover ofer the auto number. 


What I want to do is get the description, not the auto number, when I list the parent records in the parent tab. 


Book Name    Type (Hard Cover/Soft Cover)

Book 1              0001

Book 2              0002


In the list I want the Type description (Soft Cover) and not 0001.  Is this possible?





I created a custom object called Impressions. Every time a Opportunity Product is created with a Product Family = Impressions I would like copy some fields from this Opportunity Product and insert them into a new row on the Impressions object. 


For example if I add an Impression Product to an Opportunity with the Quantity of 50 and a Date of 6/1/2013, I would like a new row to be created in the Impressions object with ID = 1 (Autonumber), Quantity = 50, and Date = 6/1/2013.


Here is the code that I have. It is not triggering any errors. I have placed the trigger in the Opportunit Product triggers, and it is active; however, when I create a new object to see if it works, it does not. Can anyone offer any assistance?? I think the code is OK, but maybe I'm missing something?? Your help is EXTREMELY appreicated!


trigger createImpression on OpportunityLineItem (after insert) {

List <Impressions__c> impToInsert = new List <Impressions__c> ();

for (OpportunityLineItem o : Trigger.new) {

// Check if Opportunity Product Meets my criteria
if (o.Product_Family__c == 'Impression') {

Impressions__c i = new Impressions__c (); //Instantiating new object to put values for future record

// Mapping Opportunity Product fields to new Impressions object

i.Bill_Date__c = o.ServiceDate;
i.Expected_Impressions__c = o.Quantity;
i.Predicted_Revenue__c = o.TotalPrice;
//Adding new object to list that will be inserted. 




//Loop has finished; Inserting new records in SF
try {
insert impToInsert; 
} catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
system.debug (e);


 Thank you!

VF page

<apex:page Controller="Assignmentnew">
<apex:panelGrid columns="2">
<apex:form id="all" >
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="top" >
<apex:commandButton value="new" action="{!doNewrecord}"/>
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!accList}" var="a">
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!a.id}/d?retURL=/apex/AssignmentNew">
<apex:column headerValue="Buttons">
<apex:outputLink value="/{!a.id}/e?retURL=/apex/{!a.Name}">
<apex:commandLink action="{!delAccount}" reRender="all">Del
<apex:param value="{!a.Id}" assignTo="{!SelectedAccountId} "/>
</apex:commandLink >




Class ::


public class Assignmentnew

public List<Account> accList {get; set;}
public string SelectedAccountId {get; set;}

public Assignmentnew()

public void setupAccount()
accList = [Select name, id from Account ];

public Pagereference doNewrecord()
Pagereference newRecord= new Pagereference ('/001/e?retURL=/001/');
return newRecord;

public PageReference delAccount()
accList = [select id,name from account where id=:SelectedAccountId];
if(accList .size() > 0 || accList[0].Id != ''){
delete accList;
return null;




List index out of bounds: 0

Error is in expression '{!delAccount}' in component <apex:page> in page assignmentnew 

An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.


Can anyone help me with this code.


