• Vinny Poliseno
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So I thought I finally found gold and was able to tag Leads that did or didn't have future events through a process builder...however, I'm running into Governor Limits through SFDC. Currently using a process builder to look at my Event Object where my event time hasn't passed and my WhatID is blank. Problem is all Lead have a null value on my WhatID which 82,539 Leads where Parent Account is null, As seen by this query :: SELECT count() FROM Lead WHERE Parent_Account__c = null.

There is a limit of 10,000 records which can be processed by DML statements in a transaction. This includes records that can be updated by a Process. As you can see I'm trying to update 82,539 Leads, which exceeds the 10,000 limit on records that can be processed by DML. So based on what I have built, the behavior is expected. I'm hitting the Governor Limit because the Process attempts to update too many records.

My desired result is to update the Lead record which a Task or Event is related to, that result cannot be achieved using Process Builder as the Task/Event "WhoId" is not an available target record for a Process Record update.

I want to update the Lead Record which a Task or Event is related to, I can either use a Trigger (I have ZERO knowledge of APEX), or a Flow (Very limited experience) called from the Process. Note that if doing this with a flow, at a high level, I just need to pass the Event id into a flow variable from a process, have the flow do a Record Lookup of that Event and fetch its WhoId, then do an update of Leads where the LeadId matches the Event WhoId).

Can anyone help me out here?
Hey All,

I'm trying to have an Opportunity Field (Has_Attentively__c) updated to True if any of my of my Opportunity Products contain "Social CRM". I can't seem to get this workflow to fire...any thoughts?

CONTAINS(Product2.Name, "social")



Hi All,


I am looking to create a new button that is exactly what Task does. I have a handful of custom activity fields that I'd like to have included in my page layout. Nonetheless, I still need these users to have both options to create a task (log email, reminder, etc.) and select my new button (Account Review).


Does anyone know where I can start with this doing this? SFDC Premier support said I need to have the APEX code developed prior to them assisting.

Hey All,

I'm trying to have an Opportunity Field (Has_Attentively__c) updated to True if any of my of my Opportunity Products contain "Social CRM". I can't seem to get this workflow to fire...any thoughts?

CONTAINS(Product2.Name, "social")

