• AustralianBob
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Hi, a classic "new to Apex" questions - sorry.

Story is, we have Milestones PM, the package includes Apex which works it's magic for us - seriously quite a good app! :)

We have another unrelated piece of APEX for logging "Previous Owner" on Account Changes, we'd like to deactivate this. 

When we try to deploy the inactive Trigger from Sandbox to Prod there are errors.

A couple are caused by Validation Rules that have "grown" in the Org - not ideal, but we can spin these down to allow deployment and spin them back up.

The Milestone PM Class "Milestone1_repeatCon" is raising errors that I can't resolve though.

To add to it, when using "Run Test" the errors occur in Prod but pass with flying colours in SB :|

The error is "System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: false, Actual: true

Class.Milestone1_repeatCon.testController: line 340, column 1"


Any guidance would be appreciated!

The irony is, we're trying to spin down the Previous Owner APEX to replace with Flow Triggers!!!




Probably missed something, but I HAVE looked. Just starting to scratch around at VF


We have a Custom Object. We have a button to clone a copy of a template in this Object, all good.


Want to add to the Clone VF page the ability to set a user (Project Officer)


Reading around, this code looks promising


<apex:inputField value="{!Milestone1_Project__c.Project_Officer__c}"


it even works! Brings up a lookup and you can pick, in fact you can't press Save unless you do!



Then when you save, it hasn't recorded what you picked :(


What have I missed?



I think this is easy, but it will need Apex...


Short version,

Need help crafting Apex code and tips to implement to send out out an email when a Lead is assigned to a Rep. Have a template that would like to use and we have Round Robining on Leads in place.


Is there some relatively short code to use!? Appreciate any guidance :)


Long version

Collecting around 400 leads a month. It was a requirement of our deployment that Leads Round Robin instead of the default queue behaviour. This was accomplished using an Assignment Group Package


That's working fine, but it seems to stop the immediate automated notifications from working.

I believe this is because this system has Leads "owned" briefly by the queue before changing the owner to a relevant individual.


So a Lead is created, the queue notifications are run (as well as any out of workflows) before owner is changed to a Sales Rep, then the assignment is changed and notifications aren't triggered again.


To confirm, an immediate notification DOES work if leads are "Assigned to Group" by a user, but when they are first Created the immediate notifications don't cooperate.


The only way I could get this to work at all was to have the notification on a Time Delayed workflow - the smallest increment is one hour and really this is too slow on a New Lead notification.


If there's an alternative fix happy to try, but otherwise would appreciate some help with the code...

Have found some code

tested in Sandbox

I believe I should also make sure to use "TargetObjectId" to avoid limits?






Wondering if anyone has any general tips around using Logger with a SAML SSO enabled?


We've had success on Android - just enter the SSO URL. You need to Authenticate via the Custom Link which puts you in to standard web version SalesForce but you can then "Change Server" back to Production within Logger and you have the neat mobile friendly interface.


Works for now but if there is a way to make that easier I'd love to know!


More importantly, when trying this on Iphone though we just get a "Whitelist error"


Any tips on either of these?


Headsup, my background is business not developer

(probably obvious ;P)



Hi, a classic "new to Apex" questions - sorry.

Story is, we have Milestones PM, the package includes Apex which works it's magic for us - seriously quite a good app! :)

We have another unrelated piece of APEX for logging "Previous Owner" on Account Changes, we'd like to deactivate this. 

When we try to deploy the inactive Trigger from Sandbox to Prod there are errors.

A couple are caused by Validation Rules that have "grown" in the Org - not ideal, but we can spin these down to allow deployment and spin them back up.

The Milestone PM Class "Milestone1_repeatCon" is raising errors that I can't resolve though.

To add to it, when using "Run Test" the errors occur in Prod but pass with flying colours in SB :|

The error is "System.AssertException: Assertion Failed: Expected: false, Actual: true

Class.Milestone1_repeatCon.testController: line 340, column 1"


Any guidance would be appreciated!

The irony is, we're trying to spin down the Previous Owner APEX to replace with Flow Triggers!!!




Probably missed something, but I HAVE looked. Just starting to scratch around at VF


We have a Custom Object. We have a button to clone a copy of a template in this Object, all good.


Want to add to the Clone VF page the ability to set a user (Project Officer)


Reading around, this code looks promising


<apex:inputField value="{!Milestone1_Project__c.Project_Officer__c}"


it even works! Brings up a lookup and you can pick, in fact you can't press Save unless you do!



Then when you save, it hasn't recorded what you picked :(


What have I missed?



I think this is easy, but it will need Apex...


Short version,

Need help crafting Apex code and tips to implement to send out out an email when a Lead is assigned to a Rep. Have a template that would like to use and we have Round Robining on Leads in place.


Is there some relatively short code to use!? Appreciate any guidance :)


Long version

Collecting around 400 leads a month. It was a requirement of our deployment that Leads Round Robin instead of the default queue behaviour. This was accomplished using an Assignment Group Package


That's working fine, but it seems to stop the immediate automated notifications from working.

I believe this is because this system has Leads "owned" briefly by the queue before changing the owner to a relevant individual.


So a Lead is created, the queue notifications are run (as well as any out of workflows) before owner is changed to a Sales Rep, then the assignment is changed and notifications aren't triggered again.


To confirm, an immediate notification DOES work if leads are "Assigned to Group" by a user, but when they are first Created the immediate notifications don't cooperate.


The only way I could get this to work at all was to have the notification on a Time Delayed workflow - the smallest increment is one hour and really this is too slow on a New Lead notification.


If there's an alternative fix happy to try, but otherwise would appreciate some help with the code...

Have found some code

tested in Sandbox

I believe I should also make sure to use "TargetObjectId" to avoid limits?