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pulic void getLoginResult(String username, String password){
	mysoap.Soap connection = new mysoap.Soap();
	mysoap.LoginResult loginResult = connection.login(username, password);
	mysoap.SessionHeader_element sessionHeader =  new mysoap.SessionHeader_element();
	sessionHeader.sessionId  =	loginResult.sessionId;
	connection.SessionHeader = sessionHeader;
	connection.endpoint_x  =  loginResult.serverUrl;


mysoap is enterprise wsdl generated from my salesforce org.


How do I get code coverage for the above method?


Thanks in advance



Could anybody help me know, why am I receiving the Javascript Literal - if(!window.sfdcPage){window.sfdcPage = new ApexPage();} UserContext.initialize... on the first cell of the generated excel file only when viewed on Mac and not when viewed on Windows


I am not using any apex:pageBlock or apex:pageBlockTable.


I am using apex:repeat tag and apex:outputField? 


Could someone let me know how do i get rid of this error?








I got a formula field in my custom object which displays a image and these images are stored in the static resource.


Another custom picklist field drives this formula field. It displays the image based on the value of the picklist field. 


My issue is,


I got 2 visualforce pages and i am rendering one as "pdf" and another one as "excel".


In pdf i am using apex:outputtext and it displays the image but in excel it is not. 


How do i get the image in excel?


Thanks in advance. 



I overrode a  related list label using translation workbench. How do i get the translated related list label using apex? 


I tried with Schema.getChildRelationships but no luck.


Thanks in advance.



pulic void getLoginResult(String username, String password){
	mysoap.Soap connection = new mysoap.Soap();
	mysoap.LoginResult loginResult = connection.login(username, password);
	mysoap.SessionHeader_element sessionHeader =  new mysoap.SessionHeader_element();
	sessionHeader.sessionId  =	loginResult.sessionId;
	connection.SessionHeader = sessionHeader;
	connection.endpoint_x  =  loginResult.serverUrl;


mysoap is enterprise wsdl generated from my salesforce org.


How do I get code coverage for the above method?


Thanks in advance



I overrode a  related list label using translation workbench. How do i get the translated related list label using apex? 


I tried with Schema.getChildRelationships but no luck.


Thanks in advance.



            I was facing a telephonic round of an interview and the interviewer had asked me this question.. I tried to ask people working for over 2 years on salesforce and a team Lead as well but couldn't find the answer.. So here I am.. where I've always got the help, when looked for.. So here Is the Question


Int: can we  use use Multiple extensions?

Me: Yes, we can.

Int: we have three extensions ext1, ext2, ext3.. and all of them have the method Method1.. and I call this method  in a VFPage whose method will be called..

Me: The one which is on he left most side.

Int: I want to call the Method of Ext2/Ext3.. How will I do so?

Me: Numb!! Job Gone!! Me yet Jobless..  :(



Hello All


I have a long text area field, which i have to pull into VF page in a apex:inputTextArea with richText=true (through a controller).

But all the formatting is getting lost in the vf page.


Ex: If long text area field value is: 




in apex:inputTextArea with richText=true, its showing as plain text msg1msg2 (without line breaks)


How can i retain the formatting ?


