• Garg
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I am trying to installe Force.com IDe but is not getting installed completely and ends up with error message:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=com.poweredbypulse.profile-4341501-rmb-5970347, phase=com.genuitec.pulse2.client.common.download.PulseCollect, operand=, action=).
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.collab.ui,4.2.0.v201201111650_r35
   File not found on server at
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.shortcut,4.4.0.v201303131310_r35
   File not found on server at
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.ui,4.2.0.v201201111650_r35
   File not found on server at

I tried 2-3 times but each time I faced this issue only.

Please suggest what can I do to avoid this situation or any workaround if exists.


  • July 12, 2013
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Hi All,

I am writting a trigger in which I am using:

Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c-i;

Where i is an integer, with value=1 where as AllowableLimit__c is a field of number type and have default value of 10,

When in my trigger I am trying to save this line- I am getting error:

Error: Compile Error: Arithmetic expressions must use numeric arguments at line 12 column 32

My full trigger code is:
trigger testpatpro on Testpatient__c (before insert, before update, after insert) {
Integer i;
for ( Testpatient__c T : Trigger.New)

if(Testpatient__c.Testpro__c!= Null)


Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c -i ;

where Testpatient__c and Testpro__c object have look up relationship.

I know its due to mismatch of Datatype, any idea how I can rectify it (at line# 12)


  • July 08, 2013
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Hi All,

I am writting a trigger in which I am using:

Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c-i;

Where i is an integer, with value=1 where as AllowableLimit__c is a field of number type and have default value of 10,

When in my trigger I am trying to save this line- I am getting error:

Error: Compile Error: Arithmetic expressions must use numeric arguments at line 6 column 63

My full trigger code is:
trigger testpatpro on Testpatient__c (before insert, before update) {
Integer i;
if(Testpatient__c.Testpro__c!= Null)
//Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c = Testpro__c.AllowableLimit__c-i;


where Testpatient__c and Testpro__c object have look up relationship.

I know its due to mismatch of Datatype, any idea how I can rectify it.


  • July 05, 2013
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I have a requirement wherein I have to select a week from picklist and using which I have to display start and end date of that week.


I am able to accomplish this using:


<apex:page standardcontroller="dropdown__c" extensions="mytest2">
Please select required week:

    <apex:form >              
        <apex:actionRegion >
       <apex:inputField value="{!dropdown__c.week__c}" id="stage">
         <apex:actionSupport event="onchange"
                             status="status" action="{!save}" rerender="dropdown__c"/>


public class mytest2 {
 ApexPages.StandardController GstdController;
    public mytest2(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
GstdController = Controller;
    public PageReference save() {
   //  save();//invoke standard Save method
 PageReference pr = GstdController.save();
        pageReference pv = GstdController.view();
      //  return pv;
    //  return Apexpages.currentPage();//refresh current page
     // return null;
     return pv;



But now the problem lies is that when I select a week, page gets refreshed and then only the start date and end date is shown.


I want that on the same page where we selected the week, the start and end date should be shown:


Something like:


Select Week- lets say user select week 2 from picklist


Then the output should be


Select Week- (in picklist value-2 is selected)


and there only the output should be shown (below the selected picklist value only):

Start Date


    End Date

If you need any clarification, please let me know.
  • July 04, 2013
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I am trying to installe Force.com IDe but is not getting installed completely and ends up with error message:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
session context was:(profile=com.poweredbypulse.profile-4341501-rmb-5970347, phase=com.genuitec.pulse2.client.common.download.PulseCollect, operand=, action=).
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.collab.ui,4.2.0.v201201111650_r35
   File not found on server at
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.shortcut,4.4.0.v201303131310_r35
   File not found on server at
Unable to retrieve osgi.bundle,com.genuitec.pulse.client.common.ui,4.2.0.v201201111650_r35
   File not found on server at

I tried 2-3 times but each time I faced this issue only.

Please suggest what can I do to avoid this situation or any workaround if exists.


  • July 12, 2013
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