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Batch Apex: Passing Argument into Iterator Constructor
As you can see in my code below I've hard-coded a query in my AggregateResultIterator class and it works great. However, I'd like to modify the code so that I can pass the query into the main BatchActivityGrouping class, then pass it to the AggregateResultIterable class, then finally pass the query to the AggregateResultIterator constructor which it calls. The purpose is to give me the ability to pass in the query and execute the BatchActivityGrouping-batch all from another schedulable class that I have.
When I try to modify the classes I keep running into "Constructor Not Defined Errors" and am stuck. Any thoughts on how to do this? Thanks in advance.
global class BatchActivityGrouping implements Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>
global Iterable<AggregateResult> start(Database.BatchableContext info){
return new AggregateResultIterable();
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Sobject> scope){
List<Activity_Grouping__c> lstMoRecordsToProcess = new List<Activity_Grouping__c>();
for (Sobject so : scope) {
//iterate through list
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
//send completion email
global class AggregateResultIterable implements Iterable<AggregateResult> {
global Iterator<AggregateResult> Iterator(){
return new AggregateResultIterator();
global class AggregateResultIterator implements Iterator<AggregateResult> {
AggregateResult [] results {get;set;}
Integer index {get; set;}
global AggregateResultIterator() {
index = 0;
String query = 'SELECT a.Contact_Id__c, a.Completed_Date__c FROM Accumulated_Activity__c a ' +
'WHERE a.Completed_Date__c = LAST_MONTH GROUP BY a.Completed_Date__c';
results = Database.query(query);
global boolean hasNext(){
return results != null && !results.isEmpty() && index < results.size();
global AggregateResult next(){
return results[index++];
- BroncoBoy
- July 18, 2013
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output link url no longer exists
I am attempting something pretty simple. I have a list of accounts displayed and I want to make the account name clickable so that it goes to the corresponding record. I have the code implemented but when I click the account name, it goes to a page that says "ERROR URL NO LONGER EXISTS." Your help is greatly appreciated. My code is as follows:
***************************************VF Page******************************************************
<apex:page controller="NewController" >
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock title="{!$User.FirstName}'s Accounts">
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" rerender="theForm,msg"/>
<apex:commandbutton value="Edit" action="{!edit}" rerender="theForm"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
<br></br><br></br><b>Note: Selecting "Recycle will auto-populate the DQ Reason ("No Longer Wish to Pursue").</b><p></p>
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!myaccounts}" var="acct">
<apex:column headervalue="Account">
<apex:outputlink value="/!{acct.id}">{!acct.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:inputField value="{! acct.Name}" rendered="{!IsEditEnabled}"/>
<apex:column headervalue="Recycle">
<apex:outputField value="{!acct.type}"/><br/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! acct.type}" rendered="{!IsEditEnabled}"/>
<apex:column headervalue="DQ Reason">
<apex:outputField value="{!acct.DQ_Reason__c}" />
<apex:pageMessages id="msg"/>
<p></p> <B> Note: Selecting "Recycle will auto-populate the DQ Reason ("No Longer Wish to Pursue").</B><br/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" rerender="theForm,msg"/>
<apex:commandbutton value="Edit" action="{!edit}" rerender="theForm"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
public class NewController {
public List<Account> myAccounts;
public Boolean isEditEnabled;
//Constructor called when page is accessed.
public NewController(){
myAccounts = new List<Account>();
isEditEnabled = false;
public List<Account> getMyAccounts(){
myAccounts = [select Id,name,type, dq_reason__c from Account WHERE type != 'Customer' and type != 'Disqualified' and (owner.id =: userinfo.getuserid()) order by name];
return myAccounts;
public PageReference edit() {
isEditEnabled = true;
return null;
public PageReference cancel() {
iseditenabled = false;
return null;
public PageReference save() {
for (account a: myaccounts){
if(a.type == 'Disqualified'){
apexpages.addmessage(new apexpages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Invalid entry, "Disqualified" option not yet supported. Contact your administrator.'));
return null;
if(a.type == 'Recycle'){
a.dq_reason__c = 'No Longer Wish to Pursue';
else if(a.type != 'Recycle'){
a.dq_reason__c = '';
update myAccounts;
isEditEnabled = false;
return null;
public Boolean getIsEditEnabled(){
return isEditEnabled;
- July 18, 2013
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Looking to create donation receipts
I am looking to have a quick, efficient way to automatically (or very simply) create tax-deductible donation thank you/receipt letters immediately after I enter a donation into Salesforce. Ideally, these would be pdfs that could be instantly emailed to the respective contact via the click of a button (or even better, automatically).
A Salesforce rep directed me to this forum as a way to do it. Can anyone help me get it set up?
P.S. I have already looked into CongaComposer and unfortunately >500$ a month is simply too expensive for our NFP organization.
- AndreDB
- July 12, 2013
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Write to CSV file
I Wanna write data to the CSV file, and i have the values of those variables in my controller.
How do i di it.
<apex:page controller="comm" cache="true" contentType="text/csv#File.csv" language="en-US"> </apex:page>
I know the above method to create a file as File.csv.
But how do i write data to CSV.
- July 12, 2013
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Passing attribute of one custom component to another custom component
I have 2 custom components that each include a select box. I would like to have the first pass its value to the second so that it can change the choices based on the value it is passed. How would I go about passing the value to the second component?
- jldenning
- July 10, 2013
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Struggling on Test Class for Apex VF COntroller
Not really sure how to write this class. I cannot seem to get any coverage, and I am stumped as to why.
Here is my class:
public with sharing class MyChartController { public String strCase; public MyChartController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController){ strCase = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); } public List<AggregateResult> getDatabyType(){ Case c = [Select id, ContactId From Case where id =: strCase LIMIT 1]; List<AggregateResult> result = [Select COUNT(Id) tskCNT, Type FROM Task WHERE WhoId =: c.ContactId GROUP BY Type]; return result; } }
And here is the Test Class that has no coverage results:
@isTest private class MyChartController_Test { static testMethod void MyChartController_Test() { PageReference pageRef1 = Page.MyChart; pageRef1.getParameters().get('Id'); Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef1); Account act1 = new Account(); act1.LastName = 'Test'; act1.RecordTypeId = '012i00000006R7z'; insert act1; Contact ct1 = new Contact(); ct1.AccountId = act1.ParentId; ct1.FirstName = 'John'; ct1.LastName = 'Test'; insert ct1; Task tsk1 = new Task(); tsk1.Subject = 'Other'; tsk1.Priority = 'High'; tsk1.OwnerId = '005i0000000t0F5'; tsk1.Type = 'Follow'; tsk1.Status = 'Completed'; tsk1.WhoId = ct1.Id; insert tsk1; Case cs1 = new Case(); cs1.Origin = 'Web'; cs1.ContactId = ct1.Id; cs1.Status = 'Closed'; insert cs1; ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('retURL','/'+cs1.id); MyChartController(new ApexPages.StandardController(cs1)); } }
Any assistance and guidance would be greatly appreciated.
- TechEd_Programmer
- July 09, 2013
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Months between two dates
In my trigger i would like to calculate the number of months between two date.
For Example if the date format is (DAY/MONTH/YEAR):
START DATE : 07/10/2013
END DATE: 12/01/2014
Number Months=4
because (07/01/2014) plus 1 month for the 5 days
I've tried with many examples, but nothing.
Please can you help me?
Thanks in advantage for any advice.
- Enry
- July 19, 2013
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Displaying Field Values in VF Page
Hi guys
i have three lists of different objects in my controller and i have to retrieve values from that lists and display it in VF page which is rendered as pdf.
but when i try to use dataTable or PageBlockSection it doesnot show anyvalue and when i use <apex:repeat> then it displays value but for two times i know because repeat works like for loop for display records but how i can display the field values can anyone please tell me exact sytnax? i am using the following code now but its not showing
<apex:dataTable value="{!accounts}" var="a">
<td>ROC No. <span class="wrapper" style="padding: -1px 0 0 90px; border:solid #000 1px;"><input type="text" style="height:20px;" size="10" />{!a.ROC_No__c}</span>JKKP Reg. No.<span class="wrapper" style="padding: 4px 0 0 72px; border:solid #000 1px;"><input type="text" style="height:15px;" size="20"/></span></td>
<td style="background-color:#cecece;"></td>
<td rowspan="4"></td>
Please Help!
- ahmadkhan
- July 19, 2013
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Batch Apex: Passing Argument into Iterator Constructor
As you can see in my code below I've hard-coded a query in my AggregateResultIterator class and it works great. However, I'd like to modify the code so that I can pass the query into the main BatchActivityGrouping class, then pass it to the AggregateResultIterable class, then finally pass the query to the AggregateResultIterator constructor which it calls. The purpose is to give me the ability to pass in the query and execute the BatchActivityGrouping-batch all from another schedulable class that I have.
When I try to modify the classes I keep running into "Constructor Not Defined Errors" and am stuck. Any thoughts on how to do this? Thanks in advance.
global class BatchActivityGrouping implements Database.Batchable<AggregateResult>
global Iterable<AggregateResult> start(Database.BatchableContext info){
return new AggregateResultIterable();
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<Sobject> scope){
List<Activity_Grouping__c> lstMoRecordsToProcess = new List<Activity_Grouping__c>();
for (Sobject so : scope) {
//iterate through list
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
//send completion email
global class AggregateResultIterable implements Iterable<AggregateResult> {
global Iterator<AggregateResult> Iterator(){
return new AggregateResultIterator();
global class AggregateResultIterator implements Iterator<AggregateResult> {
AggregateResult [] results {get;set;}
Integer index {get; set;}
global AggregateResultIterator() {
index = 0;
String query = 'SELECT a.Contact_Id__c, a.Completed_Date__c FROM Accumulated_Activity__c a ' +
'WHERE a.Completed_Date__c = LAST_MONTH GROUP BY a.Completed_Date__c';
results = Database.query(query);
global boolean hasNext(){
return results != null && !results.isEmpty() && index < results.size();
global AggregateResult next(){
return results[index++];
- BroncoBoy
- July 18, 2013
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output link url no longer exists
I am attempting something pretty simple. I have a list of accounts displayed and I want to make the account name clickable so that it goes to the corresponding record. I have the code implemented but when I click the account name, it goes to a page that says "ERROR URL NO LONGER EXISTS." Your help is greatly appreciated. My code is as follows:
***************************************VF Page******************************************************
<apex:page controller="NewController" >
<apex:form id="theForm">
<apex:pageBlock title="{!$User.FirstName}'s Accounts">
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" rerender="theForm,msg"/>
<apex:commandbutton value="Edit" action="{!edit}" rerender="theForm"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
<br></br><br></br><b>Note: Selecting "Recycle will auto-populate the DQ Reason ("No Longer Wish to Pursue").</b><p></p>
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!myaccounts}" var="acct">
<apex:column headervalue="Account">
<apex:outputlink value="/!{acct.id}">{!acct.Name}</apex:outputlink>
<apex:inputField value="{! acct.Name}" rendered="{!IsEditEnabled}"/>
<apex:column headervalue="Recycle">
<apex:outputField value="{!acct.type}"/><br/>
<apex:inputfield value="{! acct.type}" rendered="{!IsEditEnabled}"/>
<apex:column headervalue="DQ Reason">
<apex:outputField value="{!acct.DQ_Reason__c}" />
<apex:pageMessages id="msg"/>
<p></p> <B> Note: Selecting "Recycle will auto-populate the DQ Reason ("No Longer Wish to Pursue").</B><br/><br/>
<apex:commandButton value="Save" action="{!save}" rerender="theForm,msg"/>
<apex:commandbutton value="Edit" action="{!edit}" rerender="theForm"/>
<apex:commandButton value="Cancel" action="{!cancel}"/>
public class NewController {
public List<Account> myAccounts;
public Boolean isEditEnabled;
//Constructor called when page is accessed.
public NewController(){
myAccounts = new List<Account>();
isEditEnabled = false;
public List<Account> getMyAccounts(){
myAccounts = [select Id,name,type, dq_reason__c from Account WHERE type != 'Customer' and type != 'Disqualified' and (owner.id =: userinfo.getuserid()) order by name];
return myAccounts;
public PageReference edit() {
isEditEnabled = true;
return null;
public PageReference cancel() {
iseditenabled = false;
return null;
public PageReference save() {
for (account a: myaccounts){
if(a.type == 'Disqualified'){
apexpages.addmessage(new apexpages.message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'Invalid entry, "Disqualified" option not yet supported. Contact your administrator.'));
return null;
if(a.type == 'Recycle'){
a.dq_reason__c = 'No Longer Wish to Pursue';
else if(a.type != 'Recycle'){
a.dq_reason__c = '';
update myAccounts;
isEditEnabled = false;
return null;
public Boolean getIsEditEnabled(){
return isEditEnabled;
- July 18, 2013
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Passing parameters from apex to page in PDF generation
I am calling a class from trigger and class has below statements.
PageReference pageref=new PageReference('https://test.abcd.xyz.force.com/abcd/apex/forcetest?id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
Blob b=pageref.getContentAsPDF();
and I have another page with name 'forcetest'. I am passing id from this class to 'forcetest' visual force page later i do renderas PDF. But when im doing this i could generate a pdf but not able to get the id in 'forcetest' page related controller.
Any Idea!
- SFDC_Learner
- July 18, 2013
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PageBlockTable and outputText
I'm having some issues getting the values in my var attribute when using apex:column and apex:outputText.
Say I have the following pageBlockTable:
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!charges}" var="a" id="adjustment_charges"> <apex:column headerValue="Amend Action" value="{!a.Local_Price__c}" /> <apex:column headervalue="test"> <apex:outputText > <apex:param value="{!a.Local_Price__c}"/> </apex:outputText> </apex:column> </apex:pageBlockTable>
For me, the first column prints out the local price, while the second "test" column prints out blank
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
- willard
- July 17, 2013
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Sharing variables on included visualforce pages
I have a visualforce page that shows charts that I would like to filter based on a filter header settings. For example, when the user selects a specific Country, the charts will be rerendered for just that country data. Below is the controller for the filter page showing the dropdown values. Below that is the master page that includes the filter page, and other visualforce pages that display the charts, each with its own controller. How can I share the value of the dropdown selection wiht the controllers for the included pages?
public with Sharing class PracticeFilterClass{
// public List<SelectOption> Filter {get;set;}
public String SelectedFilter{get;set;}
public String SelectedRegion{get;set;}
public String SelectedCountry{get;set;}
public String SelectedStateProvince{get;set;}
public String SelectedCity{get;set;}
public String SelectedRole{get;set;}
<apex:page >
<apex:include pageName="FilterHeaderPage"/>
<apex:include pageName="MyDashboardInfo"/>
<apex:include pageName="MyDashboardRow2"/>
- robertcw777
- July 17, 2013
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Googla map clickable
I am trying to navigate to account detial page when user clicks it.
When I try to hard code the account id from "https://na15.salesforce.com/addrInstances[i].id" to a001ljsdklsd213.It is navigating to right account but it si not going to detail page when I use "https://na15.salesforce.com/addrInstances[i].id"
What I am doing wrong here..
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() { window.location ='https://na15.salesforce.com/addrInstances[i].id'; alert(addresses[i].name); });
- Arun K
- July 17, 2013
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Need Help with Apex Test Class
I want to change owner of Custom Object Book according Lookup(Account)
Apex Class and Triger are working fine in development mode, however stragling with Apex Test. It's comming with error complaining about invalid Id for Account__c which is lookup field on Book object to Account Object.
Tkank you for any advise how to move on.
trigger BookDealerTrigger on Book__c (after insert, after update) { Book__c[] books = Trigger.new; BookDealer.changeOwner(books); }
Apex Class
public class BookDealer { public static void changeOwner(Book__c[] books) { for (Book__c b :books){ if(b.Account__c != ''){ Account a = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE ID = :b.Account__c LIMIT 1]; if(a.Name == 'Grand Hotels Resorts Ltd'){ b.OwnerID = '00590000000YeiV'; //user1 }elseif(a.Name == 'Something else'){ b.OwnerID = '00590000000xxx'; //user2 }//etc } } } }
Apex Test
@isTest private class BookDealerTestClass { static testMethod void validateBookDealer(){ Account a = new Account(Name='Grand Hotels Resorts Ltd'); insert a; // Tell Salesforce that we are starting our test now test.startTest(); Book__c b = new Book__c(Name='Behind the Cloud', Price__c=100, Account__c=a.Id); System.debug('Creating new book: ' + b.Price__c); //Insert book insert b; test.stopTest(); /* if(b.Account__c== '00190000003NVJx'){ b.OwnerID = '00590000000YeiV'; //User1 } if(a.Name=='Grand Hotels & Resorts Ltd'){ //Test that the trigger correctly updated the owner according account lookup System.assertEquals('00590000000YeiV', b.OwnerId); } */ } }
- ondrejb
- July 17, 2013
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DatePicker format changes when VF page refreshed
Apologies if this has already been answered but I have spent more than an hour looking and still cannot find an answer to my problem:
I am using a datepicker on an apex:inputtext field, to establish a from and to date range. It works fine, but when the screen is refreshed the value in the date changes from:
D/MM/YYY format (what I am after), to something like this:
Mon Jul 15 00:00:00 GMT 2013
Therefore, next time I attempt to perform an action, I get an error message saying:
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="From Due Date" for="fromDate"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!fromDateCriteria}" size="10" onfocus="DatePicker.pickDate(false, this, false);" id="fromDate" />
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:pageBlockSectionItem >
<apex:outputLabel value="To Due Date" for="toDate"/>
<apex:inputText value="{!toDateCriteria}" size="10" onfocus="DatePicker.pickDate(false, this, false);" id="toDate" />
My controller simply uses auto getters and setters:
public date FromDateCriteria {get;set;}
public date ToDateCriteria {get;set;}
Everything work fine, except for the reformat when the UI is redisplayed.
Thanks in advance...
- Rustyboy
- July 12, 2013
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Looking to create donation receipts
I am looking to have a quick, efficient way to automatically (or very simply) create tax-deductible donation thank you/receipt letters immediately after I enter a donation into Salesforce. Ideally, these would be pdfs that could be instantly emailed to the respective contact via the click of a button (or even better, automatically).
A Salesforce rep directed me to this forum as a way to do it. Can anyone help me get it set up?
P.S. I have already looked into CongaComposer and unfortunately >500$ a month is simply too expensive for our NFP organization.
- AndreDB
- July 12, 2013
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List value getting reset
Scenario 1:
I am using a Wrapper class to prepare a List<Wrapper> in ctrlr using action function.
When the action function gets invoked, I am able to prepare the List<Wrapper>.
I have declared the List<Wrapper>. as Controller variable.
Scenario 2:
Upon another ui action(say on click of radio button), am invoking another action function.
In the controller,when I tried to access the List<Wrapper> prepared earlier, I am getting null.
The constructor doesnot get invoked between scenario1 and scenario 2.
Could any one please help me.
- code developer
- July 12, 2013
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Write to CSV file
I Wanna write data to the CSV file, and i have the values of those variables in my controller.
How do i di it.
<apex:page controller="comm" cache="true" contentType="text/csv#File.csv" language="en-US"> </apex:page>
I know the above method to create a file as File.csv.
But how do i write data to CSV.
- July 12, 2013
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Render PDF in Visualforce Using Dynamic HTML
I am trying to create a simple VF page that renders a PDF from HTML that is passed in by my controller. Using the VF code below, the dynamic HTML renders properly as a regular VF page, but when I add the "renderAs="PDF" to my page tag, only the raw HTML appears in the PDF and not the properly rendered HTML.
The following correctly renders the dynamic HTML:
<apex:page controller="trainingLetterPDFController" > <apex:outputText value="{!LetterHTMLBody}" escape="false"/> </apex:page>
The following renders the page as a PDF showing the raw HTML text:
<apex:page controller="trainingLetterPDFController" renderAs="PDF"> <apex:outputText value="{!LetterHTMLBody}" escape="false"/> </apex:page>
Any suggestions on how to get this dynamic HTML to render in the PDF?
- kfenn
- July 09, 2013
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PDF Repeating Header and Footer Support
After a lot of persistence I finally was able to get repeating header and footers when rendering a Visualforce page as a PDF. The key to this is the page2PDF support of CSS3.
Here is the css I came up with:
<style type="text/css">
@page {
@top-center {
content: element(header);
div.header {
padding: 10px;
position: running(header);
In the visualforce page I have the header setup as a div with the class name "header" the position running command pulls the content in my div and repeats it at the top of every page. The key for some reason is to put your header and footer divs at the top before you put your content on the page.
Here is my page
<apex:page renderAs="pdf">
<style type="text/css" media="print">
@page {
@top-center {
content: element(header);
@bottom-left {
content: element(footer);
div.header {
padding: 10px;
position: running(header);
div.footer {
display: block;
padding: 5px;
position: running(footer);
.pagenumber:before {
content: counter(page);
.pagecount:before {
content: counter(pages);
<div class="header">
<div>My Header Text</div>
<div class="footer">
<div>Page <span class="pagenumber"/> of <span class="pagecount"/></div>
<div class="content">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum nec nulla turpis. Suspendisse eget risus sit amet lectus ornare varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean nec urna purus, adipiscing accumsan massa. Nullam in justo nulla, sed placerat mauris. In ut nunc eget libero posuere luctus. Donec vulputate sollicitudin ultrices. Nulla facilisi. Mauris in sapien arcu. Phasellus sit amet quam non mi ornare tincidunt ac quis lectus.</p>
I cut the content text short for the purpose of this post. I am sure it will just take some more playing around.
Hope this helps someone avoid some late nights like I spent trying to figure this out. :smileyhappy:
- John De Santiago
- March 11, 2010
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