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We have a organization with Salesforce Platform and Echosign v12. Right now we are using Echosign to sign a document in a custom object. This process is manual, so the user has to send this document to client from this custom object.
The problem is that the document just changed and we need to send the new document to all our clients to sign. Is there a way to do that automatically in our version?
Best Regards

How many outbound messages can be send in parallel? or the process is one by one (when finish one start other) ?


I am trying to do a an outbound message and I am getting this error: (403)Request Entity Too Large.


What is the problem? The size of the request? There is any limit?



Today a call out to web service started to fail in sandbox, it return me this error 'PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException' and this server has 'thawte SSL CA - G2' certificate'. Right now we don't have any problem in production. It is working. Could be any relation between SSL 3.0 disable and this error? 




I have developed a code to obtain a point coordinates making a call to Google maps API. I am using a trigger an a future method to do the call out. The problem is that few call outs after I obtain this error ' Over query limit'. In the API documentation I read 'The limit is 2500 calls for day). 


What is the problem?? I can understand why happen it. I only do a few call outs.



I am using the ckEditor (http://ckeditor.com/) to insert html code in a rich text and work perfectly. Now I want to insert a video, for this, I have downloaded the youtube plugin for ckeditor. If I add a video, in the HTML code in ckEditor I can see '<p><iframe height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IcrbM1l_BoI" width="640"></iframe></p>.


The problem is when I saved, the iframe disappear and in the rich text only save<p></p> instead of <p><iframe height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IcrbM1l_BoI" width="640"></iframe></p>.


This only happen with the tag <iframe>, this editor work good with other tags like '<span>', 'style', etc.


Anybody knows the solution for this?


How many outbound messages can be send in parallel? or the process is one by one (when finish one start other) ?


I am trying to do a an outbound message and I am getting this error: (403)Request Entity Too Large.


What is the problem? The size of the request? There is any limit?





I am using the ckEditor (http://ckeditor.com/) to insert html code in a rich text and work perfectly. Now I want to insert a video, for this, I have downloaded the youtube plugin for ckeditor. If I add a video, in the HTML code in ckEditor I can see '<p><iframe height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IcrbM1l_BoI" width="640"></iframe></p>.


The problem is when I saved, the iframe disappear and in the rich text only save<p></p> instead of <p><iframe height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/IcrbM1l_BoI" width="640"></iframe></p>.


This only happen with the tag <iframe>, this editor work good with other tags like '<span>', 'style', etc.


Anybody knows the solution for this?