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I created student custom object and lookup relation with account object.

I created one custom field(No of student records) in account object.

when ever i created record or deleting record the custom field in account object  should update..

How to write trigger...



If it is possible please write the comments of that trigger why we r writing that line...


Two objects are there object1 & object2 


if object1 is update then automatically object2 is updating, vice versa object2 is update automatically update object1


these two objects are in loop conditions.


My question is how u will stop the updating. 

Explain me how many ways we can stop the updating..


Please reply this question...



if we exceed the governer limits of soaql queries 


what error will be shown ?

what is the solution


please reply to this question......



Explain me what is customer portal & partner portal after creating the portals how to give access?

 Hi I have some basic doubts please clarify.its a great help for me....Please answer to all questions 


1. what is fieldset ?

2. Explain me what is customer portal & partner portal after creating the portals how to give access?

3. example of junction object? where we r using this object? with example

4. formula field data stores in database or not?

5. what is oppurtunity line items ? why we are using..

6. trigger.new/ trigger.old what is the differnce

7.Difference between pagelayouts & recordtypes.


please  take one scenario & explain me with example its a great help for me...

I am very new to salesforce please help me


Thanks for replying to tis question.


hi am very new to salesforce Please help me & how many possible ways are there to call


Master object : Course (Fields are course name,course fees)

Child object : Student Both are custom objects how i can call course object field (Master) in Visual force page while using

standard Controller = student

I want course fees field in student objecct.


<apex:page standard controller="student__c">


please solve it if i want to write any class plz send me how to write that class also....

 Hi I have some basic doubts please clarify.its a great help for me....Please answer to all questions 


1. what is fieldset ?

2. Explain me what is customer portal & partner portal after creating the portals how to give access?

3. example of junction object? where we r using this object? with example

4. formula field data stores in database or not?

5. what is oppurtunity line items ? why we are using..

6. trigger.new/ trigger.old what is the differnce

7.Difference between pagelayouts & recordtypes.


please  take one scenario & explain me with example its a great help for me...

I am very new to salesforce please help me


Thanks for replying to tis question.


hi am very new to salesforce Please help me & how many possible ways are there to call


Master object : Course (Fields are course name,course fees)

Child object : Student Both are custom objects how i can call course object field (Master) in Visual force page while using

standard Controller = student

I want course fees field in student objecct.


<apex:page standard controller="student__c">


please solve it if i want to write any class plz send me how to write that class also....