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Hello,  I am in need of help.


I would like to create a validation rule (I have PE and no workflow) for the Opportunity Product, that sets the TotalPrice to zero (0) when a checkbox Sample__c is true.  


The UnitPrice still has a value (e.g. $25 - for the cost of the sample), but this should be excluded from the TotalPrice of the line item, but most importantly, excluded from the overall Opportunity Amount.


Happy for other suggestions/strategies to meet this requirement.


Thanks in advance.

I am new to Salesforce and would appreciate some help with a validation rule:


I currently have:


OR (
ISPICKVAL (Level_of_Interest__c, "Enrolled")),
ISBLANK (Date_of_First_Class__c))


But I need to add another AND condition:


Campaign_Master__r.Campaign_Name__c  contains the text 'Cert II Tourism'


Thanks in advance.