• geo789
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Can someone plz explain how to add inline editing feature in a VF pageblocktable using wrapper class in the custom controller?If possible plz provide sample code as i am pretty new to SF.Thanks in advance

  • October 04, 2013
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I have a pageblocktable with a column for a checkbox along with columns for data. Once the checkbox is clicked the entire row needs to be higlighted.I believe we we need to use Javascript here.Javascript along with an onselect attribute for the checkbox might be the answer.Unfortunately i have no idea in Javasript.Need help here!Thanks in advance

  • October 03, 2013
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Hey..I am kinda new to Salesforce/apex/visualforce. Plz help me resolve the following issue.


for(TP_TPM_DEAL_TYPE_TBL__c dea:(Database.query('Select DEAL_TYPE__c,DEAL_TYPE_NAME__c From TP_TPM_DEAL_TYPE_TBL__c where DEAL_TYPE__c like :(SearchCriteria.DEAL_TYPE__c+'%') order by ' + sortFullExp + ' limit 1000'))){
     wrapList.add(New wrapperclass(dea,false));


error messgae:


Save error: line 53:174 no viable alternative at character '%'


What is the difference between using database.query and using a query directly in []?


Any help is greatly appreciated!Thanks in advance!

  • October 03, 2013
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Hi folks..i am new to salesforce/visualforce/apex. I have created a custom object Deal__c and have created a button to search the deals based on the users input. I need to add the save button. Can someone plz show how to add?i tried creating a stnadard controller and using an extension. But it was showing constructor errror.Any help is greatly appreciated.



public with sharing class Demo2 {
    public List<Deal__c> SearchResult{get;set;}
    public String SelectedValue1{get;set;}
    public String SelectedValue2{get;set;}
    public Deal__c SearchCriteria{get;set;}
    public Demo2 ()
        SearchCriteria = new Deal__c();
    public void filterRecord()    
        SearchCriteria = new Deal__c();
        SearchResult = new List<Deal__c>();
        SearchResult = [SELECT         Deal_Name__c,
                              FROM Deal__c
                              WHERE Deal_Name__c =: SearchCriteria.Deal_Name__c
                              AND Deal_Type__c    =: SearchCriteria.Deal_Type__c];
         if(SearchResult.size() == 0)
            Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,''+'No records to Display'));


<apex:page controller="Demo2">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:pageBlockSection >
          <apex:inputField value="{!SearchCriteria.Deal_Name__c}"/>
          <apex:inputField value="{!SearchCriteria.Deal_Type__c}"/>
          <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!filterRecord}" reRender="applicantTbl,error"/>
      <apex:pageBlockTable styleClass="appTbl" id="applicantTbl" value="{!SearchResult}" var="rec">
          <apex:column value="{!rec.Deal_Name__c}"/>
          <apex:column value="{!rec.Deal_Type__c}"/>      
          <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Page.customDetailPage, '', [id=Deal__c.id])" />
           <apex:pageMessages id="error"></apex:pageMessages>



  • September 03, 2013
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I have a pageblocktable with a column for a checkbox along with columns for data. Once the checkbox is clicked the entire row needs to be higlighted.I believe we we need to use Javascript here.Javascript along with an onselect attribute for the checkbox might be the answer.Unfortunately i have no idea in Javasript.Need help here!Thanks in advance

  • October 03, 2013
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Hey..I am kinda new to Salesforce/apex/visualforce. Plz help me resolve the following issue.


for(TP_TPM_DEAL_TYPE_TBL__c dea:(Database.query('Select DEAL_TYPE__c,DEAL_TYPE_NAME__c From TP_TPM_DEAL_TYPE_TBL__c where DEAL_TYPE__c like :(SearchCriteria.DEAL_TYPE__c+'%') order by ' + sortFullExp + ' limit 1000'))){
     wrapList.add(New wrapperclass(dea,false));


error messgae:


Save error: line 53:174 no viable alternative at character '%'


What is the difference between using database.query and using a query directly in []?


Any help is greatly appreciated!Thanks in advance!

  • October 03, 2013
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Hi folks..i am new to salesforce/visualforce/apex. I have created a custom object Deal__c and have created a button to search the deals based on the users input. I need to add the save button. Can someone plz show how to add?i tried creating a stnadard controller and using an extension. But it was showing constructor errror.Any help is greatly appreciated.



public with sharing class Demo2 {
    public List<Deal__c> SearchResult{get;set;}
    public String SelectedValue1{get;set;}
    public String SelectedValue2{get;set;}
    public Deal__c SearchCriteria{get;set;}
    public Demo2 ()
        SearchCriteria = new Deal__c();
    public void filterRecord()    
        SearchCriteria = new Deal__c();
        SearchResult = new List<Deal__c>();
        SearchResult = [SELECT         Deal_Name__c,
                              FROM Deal__c
                              WHERE Deal_Name__c =: SearchCriteria.Deal_Name__c
                              AND Deal_Type__c    =: SearchCriteria.Deal_Type__c];
         if(SearchResult.size() == 0)
            Apexpages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,''+'No records to Display'));


<apex:page controller="Demo2">
  <apex:form >
      <apex:pageBlock >
          <apex:pageBlockSection >
          <apex:inputField value="{!SearchCriteria.Deal_Name__c}"/>
          <apex:inputField value="{!SearchCriteria.Deal_Type__c}"/>
          <apex:commandButton value="Search" action="{!filterRecord}" reRender="applicantTbl,error"/>
      <apex:pageBlockTable styleClass="appTbl" id="applicantTbl" value="{!SearchResult}" var="rec">
          <apex:column value="{!rec.Deal_Name__c}"/>
          <apex:column value="{!rec.Deal_Type__c}"/>      
          <apex:outputLink value="{!URLFOR($Page.customDetailPage, '', [id=Deal__c.id])" />
           <apex:pageMessages id="error"></apex:pageMessages>



  • September 03, 2013
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