• Kittu Koppula
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Hi ,

I want to integarte Salesforce with Quickbook. I have created free trail account in Quick Book. Am not able to find any WSDL or Endpoint URL to connect.

Can anyone help me how to proceed on this.

Any help much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Am trying to integrate Salesforce with Peoplesoft.

When am trying to parse WSDL , am receiving the following error message.

Failed to parse wsdl: Parse error: Found invalid XML. processing instruction can not have PITarget with reserveld xml name (position: START_DOCUMENT seen

Can anyone let me know what is the issue and ghow to resolve the same.



One of my Sandbox instance is upgraded to Winter 14. As per Winter 14 release notes, 'Too many code statements' limitation is removed.

But still am getting the exception.


Am trying to integrate Salesforce with Peoplesoft.

When am trying to parse WSDL , am receiving the following error message.

Failed to parse wsdl: Parse error: Found invalid XML. processing instruction can not have PITarget with reserveld xml name (position: START_DOCUMENT seen

Can anyone let me know what is the issue and ghow to resolve the same.


Hi All,

I am trying to write test coverage for the following class that sends an email.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I'm a novice and I wrote the class in less than a day.  Now, I've been trying to write the test class for a week and can't get over 32% coverage.

The lines that don't have coverage are, 20, 25-28, 33, 36, 39-50, 55-57.

Please help!!!

Bill Haberlin

1. public class emailFunctions {
2.     public Boolean sendEmail (Id caseId, String assign_to_old, String assign_to_new) {
3.         Case i=[select CaseNumber, CreatedDate, Subject, Origin, Priority, Opened_By__c, Assignment_Action__c , Assign_To__c,
4.                     Assignment_Due_Date__c, Description, Contact.Name, Contact.Phone, Contact.MobilePhone, Contact.Email,
5.                     Contact.MailingStreet, Contact.MailingCity, Contact.MailingState, Contact.MailingPostalCode
6.                from case where id=:caseId];
8.         Boolean result = true;
10.        // Check to see that Assign To field has been changed by user
11.        if(assign_to_old != assign_to_new){
12.            // Get the list of email addresses from the Assignees
13.            // object, where they match the Assign To value
14.           String[] userEmail = new String[]{};
15.            String[] userCC = new String[]{};
17.            // Load the eamil addresses into a string array
18.            list<Assignees__c> lstAssignees=[select email__c from assignees__c were department__c=:i.assign_to__c];
19.            for (Assignees__c oAssignee: lstAssignees) {
20.                userEmail.add(oAssignee.email__c);
21.            }
23.            // Only send the email if there are email addresses that match
24.            if (userEmail.size() > 0 || userCC.size() > 0) {
25.                Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Mssaging.SingleEmailMessage();
26.                mail.setToAddresses(userEmail);
27.                mail.setSubject('Please address the following issue');
28.                String body = '<font face="Candara">' +
29.                    '<p>A case <b>' + i.CaseNumber + '</b> was created on <b>' + i.CreatedDate.month() + '/' +
30.                                i.CreatedDate.day() + '/' + i.CreatedDate.year() + '</b>.</p>' +
31.                   '</font>';
33.                mail.setHtmlBody(body);
35.                //Upload the file
36.                List<Attachment> attachments =[SELECT Id, Name, Body, ContentType FROM Attachment
37.                                                WHERE Parentid=:caseId];
39.                Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] fileAttachments = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[attachments.size()];
40.                Integer cnt = 0;
41.                for (Attachment att:attachments) {
42.                    if (att.Body!=NULL){
43.                        // Get the list of files attached to the Case and attach them to the email
44.                        Messaging.EmailFileAttachment fileAttachment = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
45.                        fileAttachment.setBody(att.body);
46.                        fileAttachment.setFileName(att.name);
47.                        fileattachment.setContentType(att.ContentType);
48.                        fileAttachments[cnt] = fileAttachment;
49.                        mail.setFileAttachments(fileAttachments);
50.                        cnt += 1;
51.                    }
52.                }
54.                // Send the email
55.                List<Messaging.SendEmailResult> results = Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEMailMessage[]{mail});
56.                if (!results.get(0).isSuccess()) {
57.                    result = false;
58.                }
59.            }
60.        }
61.        return result;
62.    }


One of my Sandbox instance is upgraded to Winter 14. As per Winter 14 release notes, 'Too many code statements' limitation is removed.

But still am getting the exception.