• javed786
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  • Member since 2013

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Hi All ,
Can i create lightning component button?
Not quick action button,like custom button and link type button.
Hi all,
how to open hyperlink in new pop up window using formula field.
In toast message its showing long text message without breaking the line and its showing same line.
just i need to break the message and show in toast meessage.
I need to hide the close button of quick action model.
I am not able to convert the Metadata API Source after unzip the retrived source form Dev Hub

here is command 
sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r  /source directory 
In toast message its showing long text message without breaking the line and its showing same line.
just i need to break the message and show in toast meessage.
Can anyone help me in integration
 I m new to it.. My requirements is that User will hit on Salesforce system from sap  to create user From sap to Salesforce 
We need to provide him Json and endpoint url. How to achieve this ?
I need to hide the close button of quick action model.
I am not able to convert the Metadata API Source after unzip the retrived source form Dev Hub

here is command 
sfdx force:mdapi:convert -r  /source directory 
I have a problem with canvas app on lightning component. Sometimes my canvas app is blank.

Here is an example of my lightning component :

<aura:component implements="force:appHostable" >
    <aura:handler name="init" action="{!c.doInit}" value="{!this}" />
    <force:canvasApp developerName="MyCanvas" applicationName="MyCanvas"  canvasId="Canvas" aura:id="Cars" border="yes" width="100%" height="600"  scrolling="yes"  namespacePrefix=""/>

Scenario when not working:

If I open my canvas app from Salesforce Lightning Experience app luncher at first

Salesforce Lightning Experience app luncher -> MyApp -> MyCanvasAppTab

My canvas app is being fully loaded to iframe and i can work with it.

If now i  open again my canvas app again using Salesforce Lightning Experience app luncher

Salesforce Lightning Experience app luncher -> MyApp -> MyCanvasAppTab

At this time my canvas app is blank and in iframe i see only blank tags <title></title><body></body>.
I've checked that I'm connected to my external app and return data by canvas app request.

If now I refresh the page with canvas app I see my external up again.

Can somebody help me, please?
