• DaveKemp
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I have a Visualforce page that is showing Partners progress towards their quarterly targets

One of the queries is failing for users that do not have the ViewAllData permisson:

FISCAL_QUARTER(p.Opportunity.CloseDate) Qtr, SUM(p.Opportunity.FY_Total__c) Act 
From Partner p 
WHERE p.AccountTo.Name='XXXXXX' 
AND p.IsPrimary=true 
AND p.Opportunity.StageName IN ('04 - Needs Confirmed','05 - Prospect','06 - Meeting Objections','07 - Proposal','08 - Verbal Commitment','09 - Written Commitment','10 - PO in Process','11 - PO Received','12 - PO Received in Finance','13 - Parked') 
AND p.Opportunity.CloseDate=THIS_FISCAL_YEAR 
AND p.Opportunity.Exclude_from_pipeline_reports__c=false 
GROUP BY FISCAL_QUARTER(p.Opportunity.CloseDate) 
ORDER BY FISCAL_QUARTER(p.Opportunity.CloseDate) 

It seems to be the case that the user requires the ViewAllData permission in order to query this data, is that correct?

If that is the case, is there a way round this as otherwise all the sales users will be able to see all the report folders, which is something we want to avoid.


I have the following code that is called by the Before Insert Trigger on a Case, this should update the Business Hours depending on the country that the parent account is in before a new case is added to the database:
public static void setBusinessHoursForJapanPreInsert(List<Case> newCases) {
		List<Case> newCasesToUpsert = new List<Case>();
		BusinessHours bh;
        try {          	
			//Get the Id for Japanese Business Hours 
			bh = [SELECT Id, Name FROM BusinessHours WHERE Name='Japan' AND IsActive=true LIMIT 1];

			Set<id>parentIds = new Set<id>();
    		for(Case a:newCases){
			Map<id,Account> acc = new Map<id,Account>([SELECT id,Country__c FROM Account WHERE id IN :parentIds]); 			
		    for(case a:newCases){
		    	System.debug('Business hours: '+bh+' Account Country:'+acc.get(a.Accountid).Country__c);
    	    	if(acc.get(a.Accountid) != null && acc.get(a.Accountid).Country__c == 'Japan'){
    	    		System.debug('About to update case with Japanese Business Hours');
        	    	System.debug('Business Hours Updated: '+a.BusinessHoursId);

            System.debug('Cases updated prior to saving: '+newCases);        
and indeed it appears to do just that.

However, the Milestones created are always associated with the Default Business Hours even if the parent account is in Japan.

I thought the Before Insert Trigger would update the Business Hours before Inserting the Case into the system and therefore the Milestones would be created with the Japanese business hours set where appropriate.

Am i missing something here?



I have a trigger that updates a Case's BusinessHours field based on the Country of the Account, if I update the Business Hours field in an After Insert trigger, then the field is updated but the Milestones (which are created on Insert) refer to the default Business Hours, not unreasonably!

Is it possible to get the country field from the parent Account in a Before Insert Trigger, if so, how would I do that?

Many thanks,


I'm testing a release by using Eclipse to Deploy to a Sandbox from another Sandbox.


However, when I go through the process, I never see custom fields in the selectable list for deployment even though they are selected in both projects, obviously if I try to release anything else that depends on the new fields, it complains that the fields don't exist.


What am I missing?




I've imported a wsdl and generated the classes into apex.

I can call the web service ok, but the webservice returns an xml doc with content dependant on what xml doc you send it in the first place.

Is there a way I can generically process the response rather than it expecting the results to map directly to salesforce classes?




Is there a way to retrieve an object given its ID without having to do a SOQL query, I ask because I'm need to reduce the number of SOQL queries in my code that creates Service Contracts, ContractLineItems and Assets when converting them from Opportunities?


