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Hello All,

I have create flow form from salesforce flow but after save that flow form when I try to run that flow form. It give me an error message "An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow"

Please help me if anybody knows how to solve that problem.

Thank you.



i have make a apex class and try to run single query but when i run this class it showing me an error :

Too many query rows: 50001 

please help me



i am trying to use Master-Detail field in where condition like:


public List<ECS__eCommSource_Order_Line__c> getLineOrders(){
        string num = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('orderId');
        List<ECS__eCommSource_Order_Line__c> orders = [select  ECS__Product__c, ECS__Quantity__c, ECS__Tax__c,     ECS__Shipping__c, ECS__Order_Line_Total__c, ECS__Unit_Price__c from ECS__eCommSource_Order_Line__c WHERE ECS__Order__c = : num];

        return orders;


ECS__Order__c is Master Details field in ECS__eCommSource_Order_Line__c object. i have number of records in this object but this query return empty record.

help me.



I have create an object in force.com when I am trying to fetch that object with repeater in site.com page. It give me an error message like this:-


Could not run the query: SELECT ArchivedById,ArchivedDate,ArticleNumber,ArticleType,Article_Image__Body__s,Article_Image__ContentType__s,Article_Image__Length__s,Article_Image__Name__s,Content__c,CreatedById,CreatedDate,FirstPublishedDate,Id,IsDeleted,IsLatestVersion,IsVisibleInApp,IsVisibleInCsp,IsVisibleInPkb,IsVisibleInPrm,KnowledgeArticleId,Language,LastModifiedById,LastModifiedDate,LastPublishedDate,OwnerId,PublishStatus,SourceId,Summary,SystemModstamp,Title,UrlName,ValidationStatus,VersionNumber FROM Article__kav LIMIT 200: MALFORMED_QUERY: MALFORMED_QUERY: Implementation restriction: When querying or searching the Article__kav object, you must filter using the following syntax: Id = [single ID], Id IN [list of ID's] or PublishStatus = [status]. In addition PublishStatus is only permitted in a top-level AND condition.








i want to subtract payments from invoice total  in site.com. i am doing this as blew:


{!client_payment} - {!invoice_total} it display as "150.00 - 120.00"  but i need to display "30.00".please help me.   



i want to change date format in site.com.  i have displed date with expressions {!job_date} and it displying date as "Wed Sep 18 12:13:23 GMT 2013" but i need date firmat like "mm-dd-YY" .  please help me.  





I have created a page in site.com. i am using data elemnt for fetch data. but some where i need to use operators betwwen data elements like this -> {!ECS__Order__r.ECS__Net_Order_Total__c} - {!ECS__Order__r.ECS__Total_Payments__c} . but it can't subtract the elements value.





 I want to add custom search in site.com pages but it create some problem for me. Any body can help me for this problem.

Thank You.


Any body can tell me how to add custom doctype for mobile in site.com pages.

Thank you.



I want to add captcha in site.com pages any body can help me for this.


Tahnk you.



I want to add captcha in site.com form but it create some problem for me. Any body can help me for this.


Thank you.



I want to add custom search in site.com pages but it create some problem for me. Any body can help me for this problem.


Thank You.




Any body can tell me how to add custom doctype for mobile in site.com pages.


Thank you.








I am trying to add captcha in site.com page but it create problem for me. can any body help me for this.





i want to implement captcha in community site but i don't have any idia how to do it please help me

i Have created a page templete in site.com Community. i wnat to change HTML doc type to mobile compatible doc type. but there is no any option for mobile doc type . anybody know how to add mobile doc type in site.com theme template .

Hello All,

I have create flow form from salesforce flow but after save that flow form when I try to run that flow form. It give me an error message "An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow"

Please help me if anybody knows how to solve that problem.

Thank you.



i have make a apex class and try to run single query but when i run this class it showing me an error :

Too many query rows: 50001 

please help me




i want to subtract payments from invoice total  in site.com. i am doing this as blew:


{!client_payment} - {!invoice_total} it display as "150.00 - 120.00"  but i need to display "30.00".please help me.   



i want to change date format in site.com.  i have displed date with expressions {!job_date} and it displying date as "Wed Sep 18 12:13:23 GMT 2013" but i need date firmat like "mm-dd-YY" .  please help me.  





I have created a page in site.com. i am using data elemnt for fetch data. but some where i need to use operators betwwen data elements like this -> {!ECS__Order__r.ECS__Net_Order_Total__c} - {!ECS__Order__r.ECS__Total_Payments__c} . but it can't subtract the elements value.





Any body can tell me how to add custom doctype for mobile in site.com pages.

Thank you.



I want to add custom search in site.com pages but it create some problem for me. Any body can help me for this problem.


Thank You.




i want to implement captcha in community site but i don't have any idia how to do it please help me