• @rajeshdulhai
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Hi all,


i have an apex class ,

global class TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS Implements Schedulable
    global void execute( SchedulableContext sc )
    public void ScheduledSMS()
        String message = 'SMS messages were sent to the following accounts:\n';
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() ) return;
        Set<String> sendToPhones = new Set<String>();
        for ( Account a: acc )
            sendToPhones.add( a.Mobile__c );
            message += a.Name + '\n';
        TwilioMessageHelper.sendSMSMessage( sendToPhones, 'Test SMS' );

        List<SMS_History__c> list_SMS_Histories = new List<SMS_History__c>();   
        for ( Account a: acc )
            (   new SMS_History__c
                (   Account__c          = a.Id,
                    Message__c          = 'Test SMS ',
                    Mobile_Number__c    = a.Mobile__c
        insert list_SMS_Histories;
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage emailMsg = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        emailMsg.setToAddresses( new List<String>{'rajesh.dulhani@nanostuffs.com' } );
        emailMsg.setSenderDisplayName( 'TwilioSchedule_Weekly_SMS' );
        emailMsg.setSubject( 'SMS Messages Sent' );
        emailMsg.setPlainTextBody( message );
        Messaging.sendEmail( new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { emailMsg } );




i have written the following test code ,

public class TestTwilioWeeklyScheduledSMS {
    private static testmethod void TestTwilioWeeklyScheduledSMS (){
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() ) return;
        TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS sms  = new TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS ();


i run this test it passed but still the code coverage is 0 % . What should i modify in this test class . please help



Hi Everyone ,


 public static void ScheduledSMS()
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() )
        integer count = 0;
        Set<String> sendToPhones = new Set<String>();
        for ( Account a: acc )
            TwilioMessageHelper.sendSMSMessage(sendToPhones,'Test SMS');
            SMS_History__c  smshistory = new SMS_History__c();
            smshistory.Account__c= a.Id;
            smshistory.Message__c  = 'Test SMS ';
            insert smshistory ;
            ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.INFO, ' SMS has been sent.'));  


this is my apex class method . In this sendToPhones SET i am trying to add 10 mobile numbers at a time and hence it is giving error :


You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out

Error is in expression '{!ScheduledSMS}' in component <apex:page> in page testsendsms

can anyone help me with this code how to remove this error 

Hi all,


I want to send bulk sms to all the accounts using scheduled job using the custom field Mobile__c from the account . This custom field contains the mobile number to whom the sms is to be sent . same message body is to be sent to all the accounts at a time . How can i achieve this please help


Thanks ,




Hi everyone ,


This is scheduled job code ,


global class TwilioSchedule_Weekly_SMS Implements Schedulable{
     global void Execute(SchedulableContext SC)
     static void ScheduledSMS()
          List<Account> acc = [SELECT  Id, Mobile__c     from Account   where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];  
          if(acc.size() != 0){
              for(Account a: acc){
                  TwilioMessageController obj = new  TwilioMessageController();
                  obj.messageBody = 'test test ';
                  obj.WhoId = a.Id;


in this code i am sending sending sms to the accounts on scheduled basis .  After the sms is sent i want to send an  email on the particular email address with the name of the all the  accounts to whom the SMS is sent saying that SMS to all the accounts were sent successfully 


Thanks ,


Hi everyone ,


i want to execute a scheduled job of sending sms . i am confused  in the code


my scheduled job code is as follows ,


global class TwilioSchedule_Weekly_SMS Implements Schedulable{
     global void Execute(SchedulableContext SC)
     @future (callout=true) //code that does HTTP callouts
     static void ScheduledSMS(){
     QueryResult qResult = null;
     String soqlQuery = ' SELECT  Id ,Mobile__c  FROM Account WHERE Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true ';
     qResult = connection.query(soqlQuery);
     TwilioMessageController obj = new  TwilioMessageController();
     obj.messageType = 'SMS ';
     obj.messageBody = ' test test ';


i want to select all the mobile nos from the above query and send SMS to all those numbers with the message body "test tes " . help me out in the code


Thanks ,



Hi everyone ,


i want to write a test class for the following apex class . Please help me 


APEX class:


public class ImportContactsController 

public blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
public string csvAsString{get;set;}
public String[] csvfilelines{get;set;}
public String[] inputvalues{get;set;}
public List<string> fieldList{get;set;}
public List<Account> sObjectList{get;set;}
public integer count =0;

 public void readcsvFile()
        csvFileLines = new String[]{}; 
        FieldList = new list<String>();
        sObjectList = new list<Account>();   
        csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
        csvfilelines = csvAsString.split('\n');
        inputvalues = new String[]{};
        for(string st:csvfilelines[0].split(',')) 
        for(Integer i=1;i<csvfilelines.size();i++)
            Account obj = new Account() ;
            string[] csvRecordData = csvfilelines[i].split(',');
            obj.Name = csvRecordData[0];
            obj.Mobile__c = csvRecordData[1] ;             
            obj.Workshop_Number__c = csvRecordData[2] ;                                                 
        Database.UpsertResult[] results = Database.upsert(sObjectList,Schema.Account.Workshop_Number__c, false);
        for (Database.UpsertResult res : results) 
            if (res.isSuccess()) 
                count ++; 
                if (res.getErrors().size() > 0) 
                     ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.WARNING, ' ' +res.getErrors()[0].getMessage() ));
         ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.INFO, +count+ ' Records Inserted ' ));         


Please guide in writing a proper test class for this 


Thanks in advance 


Apex code :


public with sharing class FileUploader
    public string nameFile{get;set;}
    public Blob contentFile{get;set;}
    String[] filelines = new String[]{};
    List<TwilioImportObject__c> accstoupload;
    public Pagereference ReadFile()
        filelines = nameFile.split('\n');
        accstoupload = new List<TwilioImportObject__c>();
        for (Integer i=1;i<filelines.size();i++)
            String[] inputvalues = new String[]{};
            inputvalues = filelines[i].split(',');
            TwilioImportObject__c a = new   TwilioImportObject__c();
            a.Name__c = inputvalues[0];
            a.Mobile_Number__c = inputvalues[1];       
            a.Workshop_Number__c= inputvalues[2];
        insert accstoupload;
        catch (Exception e)
            ApexPages.Message errormsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.severity.ERROR,'An error has occured. Please check the template or try again later');
        return null;
    public List<TwilioImportObject__c> getuploadedAccounts()
        if (accstoupload!= NULL)
            if (accstoupload.size() > 0)
                return accstoupload;
                return null;                    
            return null;



Visualforce code :


<apex:page sidebar="false" controller="FileUploader">
   <apex:form >
      <apex:sectionHeader title="Upload data from CSV file"/>
      <apex:pagemessages />
      <apex:pageBlock >
              <apex:inputFile value="{!contentFile}" filename="{!nameFile}" /> <apex:commandButton action="{!ReadFile}" value="Upload File" id="theButton" style="width:70px;"/>
            <!--  <br/> <br/> <font color="red"> <b>Note: Please use the standard template to upload Accounts. <a href="{!URLFOR($Resource.AccountUploadTemplate)}" target="_blank"> Click here </a> to download the template. </b> </font>-->

      <apex:pageblocktable value="{!uploadedAccounts}" var="acc" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(uploadedAccounts))}">
          <apex:column headerValue=" Name">
              <apex:outputField value="{!acc.Name__c}"/>
          <apex:column headerValue="Mobile number">
              <apex:outputField value="{!acc.Mobile_Number__c}"/>
          <apex:column headerValue="Workshop No">
              <apex:outputField value="{!acc.Workshop_Number__c}"/>


contents of csv file


rajesh 9850432340 1001

girish 8451254565  1002

akash 8478589698 1003


while clicking on upload button its giving error


System.StringException: BLOB is not a valid UTF-8 string

Error is in expression '{!ReadFile}' in component <apex:commandButton> in page uploadaccounts

Class.FileUploader.ReadFile: line 10, column 1


please help me in correcting the code . i hope everything is clear



i have deployed custom object from github . but that custom object is not visible under custom objects option . when i am trying to create object with the same name it gives error that object is already present but its not visible how do i make it visible i tried the profiles option

please help me



I am new to salesforce . i want to  search  all the fields related to  custom object (Candidate__c ) by using search keyword

This is my search controller code


public  with sharing class searchcontroller{
    public String mysearchtext {get; set;}

    public void dosearch()
        pagereference p = apexpages.Currentpage();
        apexpages.Message msg = new Apexpages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Info,'My Search Text : ' + (mysearchtext));
         //***** search logic ****//


please help me with the code

Thanks in advance

i have 2 visualforce pages . one is for displaying records and another for creating records . On displaying records pages i have a button named creating new record . onclick of this button i want to redirect this page to creating records page

please help me in code for apex controller

thanks in advance






i have four tabs developed on my visualforce page with two buttons on each page i.e previous and next button . i want to have a functionality on click of previous and next button to show the user that the page is loading until the page is fully loaded . how can this be done ?

Thanks in advance

Hi ,


I want to develop a visualforce page in which i want to retrieve the values of the standard object (opportunity ) and display in web form . By using which commands i can do this ?


please help



I have started learning salesforce past 15 days . I referred force.com workbook . Now I am able to build custom objects , fields , relationships between objects page layouts . I want the material in which the information regarding standard objects such as ACCOUNTS , LEADS , CONTACTS , OPPORTUNITIES  etc is provided . Please help me


Thanks in advance

Hi all,


i have an apex class ,

global class TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS Implements Schedulable
    global void execute( SchedulableContext sc )
    public void ScheduledSMS()
        String message = 'SMS messages were sent to the following accounts:\n';
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() ) return;
        Set<String> sendToPhones = new Set<String>();
        for ( Account a: acc )
            sendToPhones.add( a.Mobile__c );
            message += a.Name + '\n';
        TwilioMessageHelper.sendSMSMessage( sendToPhones, 'Test SMS' );

        List<SMS_History__c> list_SMS_Histories = new List<SMS_History__c>();   
        for ( Account a: acc )
            (   new SMS_History__c
                (   Account__c          = a.Id,
                    Message__c          = 'Test SMS ',
                    Mobile_Number__c    = a.Mobile__c
        insert list_SMS_Histories;
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage emailMsg = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
        emailMsg.setToAddresses( new List<String>{'rajesh.dulhani@nanostuffs.com' } );
        emailMsg.setSenderDisplayName( 'TwilioSchedule_Weekly_SMS' );
        emailMsg.setSubject( 'SMS Messages Sent' );
        emailMsg.setPlainTextBody( message );
        Messaging.sendEmail( new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { emailMsg } );




i have written the following test code ,

public class TestTwilioWeeklyScheduledSMS {
    private static testmethod void TestTwilioWeeklyScheduledSMS (){
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() ) return;
        TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS sms  = new TwilioWeeklyScheduleSMS ();


i run this test it passed but still the code coverage is 0 % . What should i modify in this test class . please help



Hi Everyone ,


 public static void ScheduledSMS()
        List<Account> acc = [SELECT Id, Name, Mobile__c from Account where Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true];
        if ( acc.isEmpty() )
        integer count = 0;
        Set<String> sendToPhones = new Set<String>();
        for ( Account a: acc )
            TwilioMessageHelper.sendSMSMessage(sendToPhones,'Test SMS');
            SMS_History__c  smshistory = new SMS_History__c();
            smshistory.Account__c= a.Id;
            smshistory.Message__c  = 'Test SMS ';
            insert smshistory ;
            ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.INFO, ' SMS has been sent.'));  


this is my apex class method . In this sendToPhones SET i am trying to add 10 mobile numbers at a time and hence it is giving error :


You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out

Error is in expression '{!ScheduledSMS}' in component <apex:page> in page testsendsms

can anyone help me with this code how to remove this error 

Hi everyone ,


i want to execute a scheduled job of sending sms . i am confused  in the code


my scheduled job code is as follows ,


global class TwilioSchedule_Weekly_SMS Implements Schedulable{
     global void Execute(SchedulableContext SC)
     @future (callout=true) //code that does HTTP callouts
     static void ScheduledSMS(){
     QueryResult qResult = null;
     String soqlQuery = ' SELECT  Id ,Mobile__c  FROM Account WHERE Weekly_Scheduled_SMS__c = true ';
     qResult = connection.query(soqlQuery);
     TwilioMessageController obj = new  TwilioMessageController();
     obj.messageType = 'SMS ';
     obj.messageBody = ' test test ';


i want to select all the mobile nos from the above query and send SMS to all those numbers with the message body "test tes " . help me out in the code


Thanks ,



Hi everyone ,


i want to write a test class for the following apex class . Please help me 


APEX class:


public class ImportContactsController 

public blob csvFileBody{get;set;}
public string csvAsString{get;set;}
public String[] csvfilelines{get;set;}
public String[] inputvalues{get;set;}
public List<string> fieldList{get;set;}
public List<Account> sObjectList{get;set;}
public integer count =0;

 public void readcsvFile()
        csvFileLines = new String[]{}; 
        FieldList = new list<String>();
        sObjectList = new list<Account>();   
        csvAsString = csvFileBody.toString();
        csvfilelines = csvAsString.split('\n');
        inputvalues = new String[]{};
        for(string st:csvfilelines[0].split(',')) 
        for(Integer i=1;i<csvfilelines.size();i++)
            Account obj = new Account() ;
            string[] csvRecordData = csvfilelines[i].split(',');
            obj.Name = csvRecordData[0];
            obj.Mobile__c = csvRecordData[1] ;             
            obj.Workshop_Number__c = csvRecordData[2] ;                                                 
        Database.UpsertResult[] results = Database.upsert(sObjectList,Schema.Account.Workshop_Number__c, false);
        for (Database.UpsertResult res : results) 
            if (res.isSuccess()) 
                count ++; 
                if (res.getErrors().size() > 0) 
                     ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.WARNING, ' ' +res.getErrors()[0].getMessage() ));
         ApexPages.AddMessage( new ApexPages.Message( ApexPages.Severity.INFO, +count+ ' Records Inserted ' ));         


Please guide in writing a proper test class for this 


Thanks in advance 


i have deployed custom object from github . but that custom object is not visible under custom objects option . when i am trying to create object with the same name it gives error that object is already present but its not visible how do i make it visible i tried the profiles option

please help me

