• Subhani_SFDC
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I have integreted salesforce and Java using SOAP web service. Uploaded WSDL file in salesforce,created stub to access wsdl generated apex classes.It works fine but some times it gives me the excetion System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" .PLZ suggest me some solution.
I have a managed package, where I have a custom field for pick list with some values. I am adding new features to my application which needs some more pick list values for the same field described above. I am done with my development where I have added some more pick list values and it shows up fine in my development environment. But when I create a new managed package for this and install this package in another salesforce instance, these new pick list values doesn't show up there neither in field desription nor in VF page. 

I have cheked in google and out of the below link as its limitation from salesforce.


Please suggest me what are the different ways to handle this situation..

Thanks , Subhani
I have a managed package, where I have a custom field for pick list with some values. I am adding new features to my application which needs some more pick list values for the same field described above. I am done with my development where I have added some more pick list values and it shows up fine in my development environment. But when I create a new managed package for this and install this package in another salesforce instance, these new pick list values doesn't show up there neither in field desription nor in VF page. 

I have cheked in google and out of the below link as its limitation from salesforce.


Please suggest me what are the different ways to handle this situation..

Thanks , Subhani
Error: Unknown property 'zipcodes2.acclst'      this is the error showing in visual force page.  

apex: code:
public class zipcodes2 {
public integer count{set;get;}
List acclst{set;get;}

public zipcodes2()
accLst = [select id from Postal_codes__c limit 3000] ;



I have written a script to open a page i new tab on click of a command button.But I get the following error : window.open is not a function()

i have not created any variable named "Open" which may have over written the open() function.

My script is like this

My command buton is :

trigger RateCardPercentCalcInputsRCP on Line_Item__c (before insert,before update) {
    for(Line_Item__c li : trigger.new){
        Double rcpmod = 0;
        if(li.Blast__c == 'Hourly'){rcpmod+=2.5;}
        if(li.Blast__c == '1 Day'){rcpmod+=1.5;}
        //if(li.Day_Parting_Details__c != '' && (li.Blast__c == null || li.Blast__c == '2-7 Day')){rcpmod+=1;}
        if(li.Viewability__c && li.Rate_Card_Price__c>li.Sales_Price__c){rcpmod+=0.25;}
        if(li.LDA__c&&li.Rate_Type__c=='CPM-GMV Xaxis'){rcpmod+=2;}
        if(li.LDA__c&&li.Rate_Type__c=='CPGMV Xaxis'){rcpmod+=2;}
        if(li.LDA__c&&li.Rate_Type__c=='CPM-GMV Group M'){rcpmod+=2;}
        if(li.LDA__c&&li.Rate_Type__c=='CPGMV Group M'){rcpmod+=2;}
        if(li.TMS__c && li.Total_Line_Price__c<100000){rcpmod+=0.75;}
        if(li.TMS__c && li.Total_Line_Price__c>=100000){rcpmod+=0.5;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights' 
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC' && (!li.Product__c.contains('All S')||!li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=0.5;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC' && (!li.Product__c.contains('All S')||!li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=0.8;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (!li.Product__c.contains('All S')||!li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1.3;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (!li.Product__c.contains('All S')||!li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=0.9;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='NCS Custom'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (!li.Product__c.contains('All S')||!li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=0.5;}
        //this section is universally applied
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Crossix'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod+=0.75;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'Handset: BT Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Crossix'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod+=0.75;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'Mobile: BT Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Crossix'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod+=0.75;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'Tablet: BT Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Crossix'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod+=0.75;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='LiveRamp 1st Party' 
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod-=1.5;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Quantcast' 
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'){rcpmod-=1.5;}
        //below begins the upcharges for All Screen and Mobile. These are generally $1 more than non-All Screen, non-Mobile
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights' 
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC' && (li.Product__c.contains('All S')||li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1.5;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC' && (li.Product__c.contains('All S')||li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1.8;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (li.Product__c.contains('All S')||li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=2.3;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (li.Product__c.contains('All S')||li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1.9;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='NCS Custom'
           && li.Rate_Type__c !='CPVC'&& (li.Product__c.contains('All S')||li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1.5;}
        //here are the upcharges for all data targeting that is CPVC

        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights' 
           && li.Rate_Type__c =='CPVC' ){rcpmod+=4.25;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Modeling' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c =='CPVC'){rcpmod+=4.25;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen TV Viewership'
           && li.Rate_Type__c =='CPVC'){rcpmod+=4.25;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='Nielsen Buyer Insights'
           && li.Rate_Type__c =='CPVC'){rcpmod+=4.25;}
        if(li.Primary_Channel__c == 'BT: Other/Custom' && li.Data_Provider__c=='NCS Custom'
           && li.Rate_Type__c =='CPVC'){rcpmod+=4.25;}
        if(li.Retargeting__c && (li.Product__c.contains('All S') || li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1;}
        if(li.Sequential_Messaging__c && (li.Product__c.contains('All S') || li.Product__c.contains('Mobile'))){rcpmod+=1;}


I am new to SOSQL and am having an issue with the following query where no results are returned:

SELECT i.name,
(SELECT Name FROM Line_items__r ORDER BY Name)
FROM Invoice__c i   
WHERE i.Name = 'INV-0004'

If i use a like statement then it works as expected

WHERE i.Name  like  'INV%0004'

Is it possible to use the '-' character in an equals clause in SOQL?

This is pretty basic, but I can't figure it out by searching through docs (I can't seem to find the right docs), I would just like to return all the fields for a particular item, e.g Select all fields from Case.

Select id, Name from Account returns id and name, if I would like to get all the fields for Account, how do I write that query?

Select * from Account does not work. 
  • March 17, 2014
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all the time show this
what it happenes.....


security report is always delayed.....

      In my php side we have tables like accounts, contacts, opportunities i want to pull the records from php and i have to store the records to salesforce how can i connect to php and how can i reterview the records, any suggestions.
(REGEX(Phone, "\\D*?(\\d\\D*?){10}")

please let me know what the above expression does
I have integreted salesforce and Java using SOAP web service. Uploaded WSDL file in salesforce,created stub to access wsdl generated apex classes.It works fine but some times it gives me the excetion System.CalloutException: IO Exception: Unable to tunnel through proxy. Proxy returns "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found" .PLZ suggest me some solution.
Hi All,

    Can any one explain me  Lead Conversion process in sfdc?

Allways Cool
I Installed the CTI demo adapter version 4.03 from salesforce.com and also setup the callcenter in the org by importing the xml file.
On Clicking the "Connect CTI Adapter" button, nothing happens.

Can someone let me know whats is happening here.

Thanks In Advance
  • December 31, 2014
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I want to access SQL with commandline data loader, Can any one help me out the process of doing it.

  • December 31, 2014
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Hi All,

There is an Standered Object is Account.I need to not allowed a duplicate Account Name.I know the Custom Object to handled(unique) but I need to Standered Object

Best Regards,



explain about

1.object permissions


3.Field level security

4.Sharing rules


6.Permission Sets

7.Role Hierarchy





  • December 04, 2013
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I have xml string , how do i convert that into JSON format in apex?

are there available any built in functions?








I have configured an email to service in our sandbox and get this error when I try to send an email to the address setup under email to service.

I included my email in 'Accept Email from' on Email Service, Email Address as well as My Email to Salesforce configurations. Am I still missing something? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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