• Atheris
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We use custom functionality that uses Apex Class to get a certain set of records and a custom visualforce page to display them.

It is used on several different record types on one object, but for two of those, there are too many results and we get the View State limit exceeded error. 

Is there a way to limit the amount of records it can display per page?
So there would be multiple pages if the amount exceeds the limit.

Old trigger : convert new Lead to an Account if FirstName, LastName, Email match.
New Email : convert new Lead to an Account if FirstName, LastName, Email match + IsDeleted equals False.

Problem : if there are 2 (or more) accounts in the system with matching FirstName, LastName, Email and one equals as Deleted, then Trigger will allow new Lead to be created to a new Account - even though it should loop through matching Accounts and convert it to Account it matches and isn't set as Deleted.

But where do I add this loop request?
trigger LeadAutoConvert on Lead (after insert, after update) 
    Map<Id, Lead> newLeadsById = new Map<Id, Lead>([SELECT Id
                                                    , FirstName
                                                    , LastName
                                                    , IsConverted
                                                    , Academic_Title__c
                                                    , BirthDate__c
                                                    , Email
                                                    , Email_Already_In_The_System__c
                                                    , Newsletter_Subscriber__c
                                                    , RecordType__c
                                                    , COM_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , DE_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , FR_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , NO_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , UK_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , US_Web_Form__c 
                                                    , Explorer__c
                                                    , Explorer_Chile_Antarctica__c
                                                    , Explorer_Greenland__c
                                                    , Explorer_Svalbard__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Autumn__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Winter__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Spring__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Summer__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Port_To_Port__c
                                                    , Norway_Coastal_Round_Trip__c
                                                    , Other_European_Voyages__c
                                                    , Gender__c
                                                    , Nationality__c
                                                    , Mobile__c
                                                    , Phone
                                                    , Web_Form_Address__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Street_No__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Building__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Postal_Code__c
                                                    , Web_Form_City__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Locality__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Region__c
                                                    , Web_Form_Country__c
                                                    , No_Email__c
                                                    , No_Letter__c
                                                    , No_Phone_Call__c
                                                    , No_Sms__c
                                                    , Autumn__c
                                                    , Spring__c
                                                    , Summer__c
                                                    , Winter__c
                                                    , Norway__c
                                                    , Antarctica__c
                                                    , Greenland__c
                                                    , Spitsbergen__c
                                                    , Atlantic_Coast__c
                                                    , Iceland__c
                                                    FROM Lead 
                                                    WHERE Id IN: trigger.new]);
    Set<String> leadEmails = new Set<String>();
    for(Lead lead : newLeadsById.Values())
    Map<String, Id> accountRecordTypesByName = new Map<String, Id>();
    for(RecordType accountRecordType : [SELECT Id, Name FROM RecordType WHERE SobjectType =: 'Account'])
        accountRecordTypesByName.Put(accountRecordType.Name, accountRecordType.Id);
    List<LeadStatus> convertedLeadStatuses = [SELECT Id, MasterLabel FROM LeadStatus WHERE IsConverted = true LIMIT 1];
    //All accounts that match the lead emails.
    List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id 
                              , FirstName
                              , LastName
                              , PersonEmail
                              , IsDeleted__c
                              FROM Account 
                              WHERE PersonEmail IN: leadEmails];
    Map<String, Account> accountsByEmail = new Map<String, Account>();
    for(Account account : accounts)
        accountsByEmail.Put(account.PersonEmail, account);
    //All the leads that need to be converted into new accounts.
    List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
    //All the leads that match an existing account. These accounts will be updated and the lead set to converted.
    Set<Id> existingAccountsForLeads = new Set<Id>();
    for (Lead lead : newLeadsById.Values())
        //to prevent recursion 
        if (lead.isConverted == false && lead.Email_already_in_the_system__c == false) 
            Database.LeadConvert leadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
            //Check whether an account already exists with this lead's email and name. If one already exists we do not need to convert 
            //to a new account as they are already a customer. We rather need to update the existing record.
            Account matchingAccount = accountsByEmail.Get(lead.Email);
            if (matchingAccount != null && matchingAccount.FirstName == lead.FirstName && matchingAccount.LastName == lead.LastName && matchingAccount.IsDeleted__c == false)
    Map<Id, Id> accountIdsForLeadIds = new Map<Id, Id>();
    List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
    if (!leadsToConvert.IsEmpty())
        //Convert all applicable leads into accounts.
        List<Database.LeadConvertResult> convertResults = Database.convertLead(leadsToConvert);
        //Keep a mapping of all successful conversions.
        for (Database.LeadConvertResult result : convertResults)
            if (result.IsSuccess())
            accountIdsForLeadIds.Put(result.AccountId, result.LeadId);
        accountsToUpdate = [SELECT Id 
                            , PersonTitle
                            , FirstName
                            , LastName
                            , Culture__c
                            , PersonBirthDate
                            , Gender__c
                            , Nationality__c
                            , PersonEmail
                            , Phone
                            , PersonMobilePhone
                            , ShippingStreet__c
                            , ShippingPostalCode__c
                            , ShippingCity__c
                            , ShippingCountry__c
                            , ShippingLocality__c
                            , ShippingStreetNo__c
                            , ShippingRegion__c
                            , ShippingBuilding__c
                            , PersonHasOptedOutOfEmail //ALC_No_Emal__c
                            , NoLetter__pc
                            , PersonDoNotCall
                            , NoSms__pc
                            , Explorer__c
                            , Explorer_Chile_Antarctica__c
                            , Explorer_Greenland__c
                            , Explorer_Svalbard__c
                            , Norway_Coastal__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Autumn__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Winter__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Spring__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Summer__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Port_To_Port__c
                            , Norway_Coastal_Round_Trip__c
                            , Other_European_Voyages__c
                            , Autumn__c
                            , Spring__c
                            , Summer__c
                            , Winter__c
                            , Norway__c
                            , Antarctica__c
                            , Greenland__c
                            , Spitsbergen__c
                            , Atlantic_Coast__c
                            , Iceland__c
                            FROM Account 
                            WHERE Id IN: accountIdsForLeadIds.KeySet()];
        for (Account accountToUpdate : accountsToUpdate)
            Id matchingLeadId = accountIdsForLeadIds.Get(accountToUpdate.Id);
            if (matchingLeadId == null)
            Lead matchingLead = newLeadsById.Get(matchingLeadId);
            if (matchingLead == null)
            //If this is a brand new account (i.e. the lead did not match an existing account) we 
            //need to set some base information.
            if (!existingAccountsForLeads.Contains(accountToUpdate.Id))
                if (matchingLead.COM_Web_Form__c == true || matchingLead.UK_Web_Form__c == true)
                    accountToUpdate.Culture__c = 'English (United Kingdom)';
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = 'UNITED KINGDOM';
                else if (matchingLead.DE_Web_Form__c == true)
                    accountToUpdate.Culture__c = 'German (Germany)';
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = 'GERMANY';
                else if (matchingLead.FR_Web_Form__c == true)
                    accountToUpdate.Culture__c = 'French (France)';
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = 'FRANCE';
                else if (matchingLead.NO_Web_Form__c == true)
                    accountToUpdate.Culture__c = 'Norwegian, Bokmål (Norway)';
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = 'NORWAY';
                else if (matchingLead.US_Web_Form__c == true)
                    accountToUpdate.Culture__c = 'English (United States)';
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = 'USA';
                if (matchingLead.BirthDate__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.PersonBirthDate = matchingLead.BirthDate__c;
                //Ensure that the record type is correctly set on the account.
                accountToUpdate.RecordTypeId = accountRecordTypesByName.Get(matchingLead.RecordType__c);
                if (matchingLead.Gender__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.Gender__c = matchingLead.Gender__c;
                if (matchingLead.Nationality__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.Nationality__c = matchingLead.Nationality__c;
                if (matchingLead.Mobile__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.PersonMobilePhone = matchingLead.Mobile__c;
                if (matchingLead.Phone != null)
                    accountToUpdate.Phone = matchingLead.Phone;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Address__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingStreet__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Address__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Street_No__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingStreetNo__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Street_No__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Building__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingBuilding__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Building__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Postal_Code__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingPostalCode__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Postal_Code__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_City__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingCity__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_City__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Locality__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingLocality__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Locality__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Region__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingRegion__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Region__c;
                if (matchingLead.Web_Form_Country__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.ShippingCountry__c = matchingLead.Web_Form_Country__c;
                if (matchingLead.No_Letter__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.NoLetter__pc = matchingLead.No_Letter__c;
                if (matchingLead.No_Sms__c != null)
                    accountToUpdate.NoSms__pc = matchingLead.No_Sms__c;
            if (matchingLead.Explorer__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Explorer__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Explorer_Chile_Antarctica__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Explorer_Chile_Antarctica__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Explorer_Greenland__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Explorer_Greenland__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Explorer_Svalbard__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Explorer_Svalbard__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Autumn__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Autumn__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Winter__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Winter__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Spring__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Spring__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Summer__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Summer__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Port_To_Port__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Port_To_Port__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Norway_Coastal_Round_Trip__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway_Coastal_Round_Trip__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Other_European_Voyages__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Other_European_Voyages__c = 'Interested';
            if (matchingLead.Autumn__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Autumn__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Spring__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Spring__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Summer__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Summer__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Winter__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Winter__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Norway__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Norway__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Antarctica__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Antarctica__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Greenland__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Greenland__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Spitsbergen__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Spitsbergen__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Atlantic_Coast__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Atlantic_Coast__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Iceland__c == true)
                accountToUpdate.Iceland__c = true;
            if (matchingLead.Academic_Title__c != null)
                accountToUpdate.PersonTitle = matchingLead.Academic_Title__c;
            if (matchingLead.No_Email__c != null)
                accountToUpdate.PersonHasOptedOutOfEmail = matchingLead.No_Email__c;
            if (matchingLead.No_Phone_Call__c != null)
                accountToUpdate.PersonDoNotCall = matchingLead.No_Phone_Call__c;
    if (!accountsToUpdate.IsEmpty())
        update accountsToUpdate;


We have a custom visualforce page that has it's content pulled to it by different Apex Classes.
In short, the records pulled are determined by their record type + a certain field entry. 

Right now the Apex Class pulls in RecordTypeA results. 
I can edit it (and the Test Class) to pull in RecordTypeB results.

However, when I use the 'OR' expression to have both of the RecordType results show up, only RecordTypeA results are shown up.

This is the code piece (syntax gave no errors)
for(recordtype rt:[select id from recordtype where (name=:'1893 Ambassador Request' OR name=:'WebAMB Request') and Sobjecttype =: 'Case' limit 1]) caserecordtype=rt.id; for(recordtype rt:[select id from recordtype where name=: 'CustomerUK' and Sobjecttype =: 'Account' limit 1]) accountrecordtype=rt.id;

Is there something else that needs to be added to the code for it to process both record type results? 

Thank you
Currently when a new Lead is created and certain fields match with an existing Account, the Lead will be converted with the matching Account. 
However there needs to be a filter not to convert a fresh lead with an account that is set as Deleted (boolean field)

This criteria should probably go somwhere between this code piece. Does anyone have any ideas regarding this?

//All accounts that match the lead emails.
    List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id 
                              , FirstName
                              , LastName
                              , PersonEmail
                              FROM Account 
                              WHERE PersonEmail IN: leadEmails];
    Map<String, Account> accountsByEmail = new Map<String, Account>();
    for(Account account : accounts)
        accountsByEmail.Put(account.PersonEmail, account);
    //All the leads that need to be converted into new accounts.
    List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
    //All the leads that match an existing account. These accounts will be updated and the lead set to converted.
    Set<Id> existingAccountsForLeads = new Set<Id>();
    for (Lead lead : newLeadsById.Values())
        //to prevent recursion 
        if (lead.isConverted == false && lead.Email_already_in_the_system__c == false) 
            Database.LeadConvert leadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
            //Check whether an account already exists with this lead's email and name. If one already exists we do not need to convert 
            //to a new account as they are already a customer. We rather need to update the existing record.
            Account matchingAccount = accountsByEmail.Get(lead.Email);
            if (matchingAccount != null && matchingAccount.FirstName == lead.FirstName && matchingAccount.LastName == lead.LastName)

  • September 18, 2015
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We have a custom visualforce page that has it's content pulled to it by different Apex Classes.
In short, the records pulled are determined by their record type + a certain field entry. 

Right now the Apex Class pulls in RecordTypeA results. 
I can edit it (and the Test Class) to pull in RecordTypeB results.

However, when I use the 'OR' expression to have both of the RecordType results show up, only RecordTypeA results are shown up.

This is the code piece (syntax gave no errors)
for(recordtype rt:[select id from recordtype where (name=:'1893 Ambassador Request' OR name=:'WebAMB Request') and Sobjecttype =: 'Case' limit 1]) caserecordtype=rt.id; for(recordtype rt:[select id from recordtype where name=: 'CustomerUK' and Sobjecttype =: 'Account' limit 1]) accountrecordtype=rt.id;

Is there something else that needs to be added to the code for it to process both record type results? 

Thank you
Currently when a new Lead is created and certain fields match with an existing Account, the Lead will be converted with the matching Account. 
However there needs to be a filter not to convert a fresh lead with an account that is set as Deleted (boolean field)

This criteria should probably go somwhere between this code piece. Does anyone have any ideas regarding this?

//All accounts that match the lead emails.
    List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Id 
                              , FirstName
                              , LastName
                              , PersonEmail
                              FROM Account 
                              WHERE PersonEmail IN: leadEmails];
    Map<String, Account> accountsByEmail = new Map<String, Account>();
    for(Account account : accounts)
        accountsByEmail.Put(account.PersonEmail, account);
    //All the leads that need to be converted into new accounts.
    List<Database.LeadConvert> leadsToConvert = new List<Database.LeadConvert>();
    //All the leads that match an existing account. These accounts will be updated and the lead set to converted.
    Set<Id> existingAccountsForLeads = new Set<Id>();
    for (Lead lead : newLeadsById.Values())
        //to prevent recursion 
        if (lead.isConverted == false && lead.Email_already_in_the_system__c == false) 
            Database.LeadConvert leadConvert = new Database.LeadConvert();
            //Check whether an account already exists with this lead's email and name. If one already exists we do not need to convert 
            //to a new account as they are already a customer. We rather need to update the existing record.
            Account matchingAccount = accountsByEmail.Get(lead.Email);
            if (matchingAccount != null && matchingAccount.FirstName == lead.FirstName && matchingAccount.LastName == lead.LastName)

  • September 18, 2015
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