• Alice Ju
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Hi there,
I'm trying to create a function that will allow the user to select multiple opportunities in the opportunity list view, and then click a button to generate all the quote s and PDF files. The button looks liks this


var idsToInsert= {!GETRECORDIDS( $ObjectType.Opportunity )};

if (idsToInsert.length) {

// Now make a synchronous call to the Apex Web service
// method
var result = sforce.apex.execute(
"MassQuoteInsert", // class
"insertNotes", // method
{iParentIds : idsToInsert // method arguments
window.alert(idsToInsert.length+" quote inserted.");

} else if (idsToInsert.length == 0) {
alert("Please pick the opportunities");

The Apex class is pasted below. The line "Blob pdfBlob = pr.getContent();" is causing a problem. I get an error message like this. Can some one be so kind and take a look for me? Thank you in advance!

Error message
User-added image

global class MassQuoteInsert{


  WebService static Integer insertNotes(Id[] iParentIds)
    string TemplateId = '0EHU0000000LPpL';
    List<Quote> qts = new List<Quote>();
    List<QuoteLineitem> qtlines = new List<QuoteLineitem>();
    List <Opportunity> opts = [SELECT id, AccountId, Name, Type, CloseDate, SyncedQuoteId, Renewal_Due_Date__c, Pricebook2Id
                                from Opportunity where Id IN :iParentIds ];
    //Get all the contact roles
    List <OpportunityContactRole> OptContacts = [SELECT OpportunityId, Id, ContactId, IsPrimary from OpportunityContactRole where OpportunityId in : iParentIds];
    //Sort contact roles according to opportunity id   
    Map<Id, List<OpportunityContactRole>> OptContactMap= new Map<Id, List<OpportunityContactRole>>();   
    for(OpportunityContactRole OptContact : OptContacts)
            List<OpportunityContactRole> TempContactRole = new List<OpportunityContactRole>();
            OptContactMap.put(OptContact.OpportunityId, TempContactRole);
    //Get all the opportunity line item
    List <OpportunityLineitem> OptProducts = [SELECT OpportunityId, PricebookEntryId, Quantity, UnitPrice, PricebookEntry.Product2Id, Subtotal,TotalPrice from OpportunityLineitem where OpportunityId IN : iParentIds];
    Map<Id, List<OpportunityLineitem>> OptProductMap= new Map<Id, List<OpportunityLineitem>>();       
    for(OpportunityLineitem OptProduct : OptProducts)
            List<OpportunityLineitem> TempProduct = new List<OpportunityLineitem>();
            OptProductMap.put(OptProduct.OpportunityId, TempProduct);
    //Finish all the preparation
    //Creating quotes   
    for (Opportunity opt : opts){

        Quote TempQuote = new quote( NAME = opt.Name, OpportunityId = opt.id, Valid_for_days__c = 15, Valid_For__c = '15',
        Status = 'Auto Generated',
        Rep_Name__c = UserInfo.getUserId(),
        Quote_Type__c = 'New Revenue',
        Pricebook2Id = opt.Pricebook2Id
        //,Description = string.valueof(opt.Renewal_Due_Date__c)
        //Renewal Quote type

        If(opt.type == 'Renewal')
        TempQuote.Quote_Type__c = 'Renewal';

        //Renewal Due Date customization
        Date maintdate;
        if(opt.Renewal_Due_Date__c != NULL)
            maintdate = opt.Renewal_Due_Date__c;
            maintdate = opt.CloseDate;
        TempQuote.Description = 'Maintenance: '+string.valueof(maintdate.Month())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Day())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Year())+' to '+string.valueof(maintdate.Month())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Day())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.adddays(365).Year());
//        TempQuote.Description_dd_mm_yy__c = 'Maintenance: '+string.valueof(maintdate.Day())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Month())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Year())+' to '+string.valueof(maintdate.Day())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.Month())+'/'+string.valueof(maintdate.adddays(365).Year());

        //Find out who's the contact
        List<OpportunityContactRole> QuoteContact = OptContactMap.get(opt.id);
            integer i =0;
            While(TempQuote.Bill_to__c == NULL && i < QuoteContact.size())
                if(QuoteContact[i].IsPrimary == true)
                    TempQuote.Bill_to__c = QuoteContact[i].ContactId;
            While(TempQuote.Bill_to__c == NULL && i < QuoteContact.size())
                    TempQuote.Bill_to__c = QuoteContact[i].ContactId;            
            TempQuote.Ship_to__c = TempQuote.Bill_to__c;
    insert qts;
   List<QuoteDocument> sr = new List<QuoteDocument>();
    for (Quote q: qts)
                 PageReference pr = new PageReference('/quote/quoteTemplateDataViewer.apexp?id='+q.id+'&'+'summlid='+TemplateId); // link from answer by techtrekker
                 Blob pdfBlob = pr.getContent();

                 sr.add (new QuoteDocument(
                 QuoteId = q.Id,
                 document = pdfBlob)); 
   insert sr;

    for (Opportunity opt : opts){   
        for(Quote qt:qts)
        if(qt.OpportunityId == opt.id)
            opt.SyncedQuoteId = qt.id;
            List<OpportunityLineItem> QuoteProduct = OptProductMap.get(opt.id);
                for(OpportunityLineitem optline:Quoteproduct)
                    Quotelineitem templineitem = new QuoteLineitem(
                    QuoteId = qt.id,
                    UnitPrice = optline.UnitPrice,
                    Quantity = optline.Quantity,
                    PricebookEntryId = optline.PricebookEntryId,
                    Product2Id = optline.PricebookEntry.Product2Id
//                PageReference pr = new PageReference('/quote/quoteTemplateDataViewer.apexp?id='+qt.id+'&'+'summlid='+TemplateId); // link from answer by techtrekker
//                Blob pdfBlob = pr.getContent();                       
//                Attachment a = new Attachment(parentId = qt.id, name=qt.name + '.pdf', body = pdfBlob);
//                insert a;       

     insert qtlines;
    update opts;
Hi there,
I'm really new to apex and visual force page, and I'm trying to meet the 75% test coverage bar to deploy my VS page. I'm stuck in how to increase the test class now. Take the trigger below for example, the two lines that I mark as bold is marked as "not covered" in the developers console. And these two lines won't fire off any trigger, so I really don't know how to write a test class for code like this. Can any one be so kind and give me some advise? Thank you!

List<Opportunity> AllClosedOp= [SELECT AccountId, Id,Invoiced_Date__c, Renewal_Due_Date__c, CloseDate
    from Opportunity where AccountId in :accountIds and (StageName='Closed Won' OR StageName='Closed Won Waiting for invoice')];
    List<Contact> AllContact=[Select Id, AccountId, Contact_Role__c From Contact where AccountId IN :accountIds and Contact_Role__c!=Null];
    For(Opportunity opt:AllClosedOp)
    For(Contact ct:AllContact)
Hi there,
I'm trying to add Test.StartTest() in my test class, but I kept getting this error message.

"Error: Compile Error: Variable test is used before it is declared. at line 4 column 46"

I then go back and check if I have any class called "test" that override the test method, but I can't find any. Do you guys happen to know where the error comes from? If you can kindly give me some advice I'll very much apprecaite. Thank you!

User-added image

Hi there,


I have a querry in my apex trigger that looks like this:


      List<DatedConversionRate> ExchRateCache = [SELECT ISOCode, ConversionRate,  StartDate, NextStartDate FROM DatedConversionRate where ISOCode in :CurrCodes ];


This works fine, but it pulls the currency exchange rate of all time, and I only want the exchange rate on the 1st day of the month. I then changed it as below.


      List<DatedConversionRate> ExchRateCache = [SELECT ISOCode, ConversionRate,  StartDate, NextStartDate FROM DatedConversionRate where ISOCode in :CurrCodes AND ExchRateCache.StartDate.Day()='1'];


But I got an error saying "unexpected token: ')' at line 70 column 192"


Can some one be so kind and give me some instruction? Very much appreciate!


Hi there,
I'm trying to add Test.StartTest() in my test class, but I kept getting this error message.

"Error: Compile Error: Variable test is used before it is declared. at line 4 column 46"

I then go back and check if I have any class called "test" that override the test method, but I can't find any. Do you guys happen to know where the error comes from? If you can kindly give me some advice I'll very much apprecaite. Thank you!

User-added image

Hi there,


I have a querry in my apex trigger that looks like this:


      List<DatedConversionRate> ExchRateCache = [SELECT ISOCode, ConversionRate,  StartDate, NextStartDate FROM DatedConversionRate where ISOCode in :CurrCodes ];


This works fine, but it pulls the currency exchange rate of all time, and I only want the exchange rate on the 1st day of the month. I then changed it as below.


      List<DatedConversionRate> ExchRateCache = [SELECT ISOCode, ConversionRate,  StartDate, NextStartDate FROM DatedConversionRate where ISOCode in :CurrCodes AND ExchRateCache.StartDate.Day()='1'];


But I got an error saying "unexpected token: ')' at line 70 column 192"


Can some one be so kind and give me some instruction? Very much appreciate!
