- Fowkes1985
- 10 Points
- Member since 2013
- Business Administration Manager
- The Bushcraft Company
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Help please: Map key xxxx not found in map
I have added a VF page, trigger and control and receive Map key a2VD0000000v4AnMAI not found in map.
Any help at all please, new to Apex and using similar development work as a template
VF Page:
Any help at all please, new to Apex and using similar development work as a template
VF Page:
<apex:page controller="CampItineraryController" title="Camp Itinerary"> <apex:sectionHeader title="Camp Itinerary"/> <apex:pageMessages /> <apex:form > <apex:pageBlock title="Sessions"> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!saveSessions}" id="saveButton" value="Save" status="sessionsStatus" rerender="elementsTable"/> <apex:commandButton action="{!addSessions}" id="addButton" value="Add" rerender="sessionTable, elementsTable" status="sessionsStatus"/> <apex:commandButton action="{!deleteSessions}" id="deleteButton" value="Delete" rerender="sessionTable" status="sessionsStatus"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:actionStatus id="sessionsStatus" stopText=""> <apex:facet name="start" > <apex:outputPanel > <apex:outputtext value="Updating... "/> <apex:image url="/img/loading.gif" /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:facet> </apex:actionStatus> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sessions}" var="r" id="sessionTable"> <apex:column headerValue="Select" style="width: 30px"> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!r.isSelected}"/> </apex:column> <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Session__c.FieldSets.Related_List_Fields}" var="f"> <apex:column headerValue="{!f.label}" > <apex:inputField value="{!r.obj[f]}" /> </apex:column> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock title="Durations"> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!saveDurations}" id="saveButton" value="Save" status="durationsStatus"/> <apex:commandButton action="{!addDurations}" id="addButton" value="Add" rerender="durationTable" status="durationsStatus"/> <apex:commandButton action="{!deleteDurations}" id="deleteButton" value="Delete" rerender="durationTable" status="durationsStatus"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <apex:actionStatus id="durationsStatus" stopText=""> <apex:facet name="start" > <apex:outputPanel > <apex:outputtext value="Updating... "/> <apex:image url="/img/loading.gif" /> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:facet> </apex:actionStatus> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!durations}" var="d" id="durationTable"> <apex:column headerValue="Select" style="width: 30px"> <apex:inputCheckbox value="{!d.isSelected}"/> </apex:column> <apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Session_Duration__c.FieldSets.Related_List_Fields}" var="f"> <apex:column headerValue="{!f.label}" > <apex:inputField value="{!d.obj[f]}" /> </apex:column> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageBlock title="Elements"> <apex:pageBlockButtons > <apex:commandButton action="{!saveElements}" id="saveButton" value="Save" status="elementsStatus"/> </apex:pageBlockButtons> <!-- <apex:repeat value="{!sessions}" var="thisSession"> <apex:repeat value="{!durations}" var="thisDuration"> {!thisSession.obj.id} {!thisDuration.obj.id} <br/> {!elements[thisSession.obj.id][thisDuration.obj.id].Element__c} <br/> </apex:repeat> </apex:repeat>--> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!sessions}" var="thisSession" id="elementsTable"> <apex:column headerValue="Session"> <apex:outputField value="{!thisSession.obj['name']}"/> </apex:column> <apex:repeat value="{!durations}" var="thisDuration"> <apex:column headerValue="{!thisDuration.obj['name']}"> <apex:inputField value="{!elements[thisSession.obj.id][thisDuration.obj.id].Element__c}"/> </apex:column> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageBlockTable> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
ublic with sharing class CampItineraryController { public List<sObject> extractObjs(List<sObjectWithSelect> theList) { return extractObjs(theList, false); } public List<sObject> extractObjs(List<sObjectWithSelect> theList, boolean testForSelected) { List<sObject> rval = new List<sObject>(); for(sObjectWithSelect thisObj : theList) { if(!testForSelected || thisObj.isSelected) { rval.add(thisObj.obj); } } return rval; } public class sObjectWithSelect { public sObject obj {get; set;} public boolean isSelected {get; set;} public sObjectWithSelect(sObject obj) { this.obj = obj; this.isSelected = false; } } public List<sObjectWithSelect> sessions {get; set;} public List<sObjectWithSelect> durations {get; set;} public Map<String, Map<String, Session_To_Duration__c>> elements {get; set;} private List<Session_To_Duration__c> rawelements; private String sessionQueryString; private String durationQueryString; public CampItineraryController() { Schema.FieldSet fs = Schema.SObjectType.Session__c.fieldSets.Related_List_Fields; String selectfields = 'id '; for(Schema.FieldSetMember thisField : fs.getFields()) { selectFields = selectFields + ', ' + thisField.getFieldPath(); } sessionQueryString = 'SELECT ' + selectfields + ' FROM Session__c ORDER BY Name ASC'; fs = Schema.SObjectType.Session_Duration__c.fieldSets.Related_List_Fields; selectfields = 'id '; for(Schema.FieldSetMember thisField : fs.getFields()) { selectFields = selectFields + ', ' + thisField.getFieldPath(); } durationQueryString = 'SELECT ' + selectfields + ' FROM Session_Duration__c ORDER BY Name ASC'; initSessions(); initDurations(); initElements(); } private void initElements() { rawElements = [SELECT id, Element__c, Session__c, Session_Duration__c FROM Session_To_Duration__c]; elements = new Map<String, Map<String, Session_To_Duration__c>>(); for(Session_To_Duration__c thisSTD : rawElements) { Map<String, Session_To_Duration__c> thisMap = elements.get(thisSTD.Session__c); if(thisMap == null) { thisMap = new Map<String, Session_To_Duration__c>(); elements.put(thisSTD.Session__c, thisMap); } thisMap.put(thisSTD.Session_Duration__c, thisSTD); } } private void initSessions() { system.debug(sessionQueryString); List<Session__c> theSessions = Database.query(sessionQueryString); sessions = new List<sObjectWithSelect>(); for(Session__c thisSession : theSessions) { sessions.add(new sObjectWithSelect(thisSession)); } } private void initDurations() { system.debug(durationQueryString); List<Session_Duration__c> theDurations = Database.query(durationQueryString); durations = new List<sObjectWithSelect>(); for(Session_Duration__c thisDuration : theDurations) { durations.add(new sObjectWithSelect(thisDuration)); } } public PageReference addSessions() { saveSessions(); Session__c newSession = new Session__c(Name = 'Enter a session name'); try { insert newSession; } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } sessions.add(new sObjectWithSelect(newSession)); initElements(); return null; } public PageReference saveSessions() { try { update extractObjs(sessions); } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } initElements(); return null; } public PageReference deleteSessions() { try { delete extractObjs(sessions, true); } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } initSessions(); initElements(); return null; } public PageReference deleteDurations() { try { delete extractObjs(durations, true); } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } initDurations(); initElements(); return null; } public PageReference addDurations() { saveDurations(); Session_Duration__c newDuration = new Session_Duration__c(Name = 'Enter a duration name'); try { insert newDuration; } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } durations.add(new sObjectWithSelect(newDuration)); initElements(); return null; } public PageReference saveDurations() { try { update extractObjs(durations); } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } initDurations(); initElements(); return null; } public PageReference saveElements() { try { update rawElements; } catch(Exception e) { ApexPages.addMessages(e); } return null; } }
- Fowkes1985
- January 16, 2016
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Change which column is totalled in VisualForce Page
I have the following code which totals a column.
<table class="remit">
<th>Camp Ref</th>
<th>Start Date</th>
<apex:repeat value="{!ctsList}" var="cts">
<apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Camp_To_Staff__c.FieldSets.Remittance_Columns}" var="f">
<apex:outputField value="{!cts[f]}"/>
<!-- <apex:outputtext value="{!cts[f]}" rendered="{!f.fieldPath != 'Course_Start_Date__c'}" />
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd/MM/yyyy}" rendered="{!f.fieldPath == 'Course_Start_Date__c'}">
<apex:param value="{!NOW()}" />
<tr class="totals">
<td colspan="6" class="label" style="text-align: right">
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, '£'##,###.00}">
<apex:param value="{!total}" />
Currently this totals the Pay Rate column (column 5), but I wish to total the Total column (column 7) and am not sure how this i referenced. Any help please?
<table class="remit">
<th>Camp Ref</th>
<th>Start Date</th>
<apex:repeat value="{!ctsList}" var="cts">
<apex:repeat value="{!$ObjectType.Camp_To_Staff__c.FieldSets.Remittance_Columns}" var="f">
<apex:outputField value="{!cts[f]}"/>
<!-- <apex:outputtext value="{!cts[f]}" rendered="{!f.fieldPath != 'Course_Start_Date__c'}" />
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,dd/MM/yyyy}" rendered="{!f.fieldPath == 'Course_Start_Date__c'}">
<apex:param value="{!NOW()}" />
<tr class="totals">
<td colspan="6" class="label" style="text-align: right">
<apex:outputText value="{0, number, '£'##,###.00}">
<apex:param value="{!total}" />
Currently this totals the Pay Rate column (column 5), but I wish to total the Total column (column 7) and am not sure how this i referenced. Any help please?
- Fowkes1985
- March 24, 2015
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