• juan.abreu1.3880988839447522E12
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Hello guys i hope someone can clear some of my questions. I'm experimenting with salesforce for CRM. Basically  we want to allow specific departments in our institution to use the case application I have gone through the case management implementation manual and i think i can achieve what i want as long as i create different security profiles for the so that each department can each have thier own crm fields, and not actually see other departments cases. Now here are my  questions

1 - Should i use the prebuild case application? is my understanding correct? I have figuered out at the time of input how to show specific fields to a user with a given profile, However i have not figuered out how to prevent certain users from seeing other depts/users cases? how do i do that?

2- I would like to auto-populate certain fields on textinput tab event. Now i know how to handle this with javascript/ jquery but how do i go about doing this in salesforce?  i would like to make a webservice call to a service that i have created in my organization that would pass the users contact name  first and last name. How do i go about doing that? any suggestions?

3- If i use the visual force page, I'm i basically creating an application from scratch? in other words i have been reading that if i want to get step 2 above done i would need to create a custom button. However i need to use a visual force page? can someone with a little more knowledge clear this up for me. 

Thanks in advance for any answers you guys can provide i would truly appreciated.
Hello guys i hope someone can clear some of my questions. I'm experimenting with salesforce for CRM. Basically  we want to allow specific departments in our institution to use the case application I have gone through the case management implementation manual and i think i can achieve what i want as long as i create different security profiles for the so that each department can each have thier own crm fields, and not actually see other departments cases. Now here are my  questions

1 - Should i use the prebuild case application? is my understanding correct? I have figuered out at the time of input how to show specific fields to a user with a given profile, However i have not figuered out how to prevent certain users from seeing other depts/users cases? how do i do that?

2- I would like to auto-populate certain fields on textinput tab event. Now i know how to handle this with javascript/ jquery but how do i go about doing this in salesforce?  i would like to make a webservice call to a service that i have created in my organization that would pass the users contact name  first and last name. How do i go about doing that? any suggestions?

3- If i use the visual force page, I'm i basically creating an application from scratch? in other words i have been reading that if i want to get step 2 above done i would need to create a custom button. However i need to use a visual force page? can someone with a little more knowledge clear this up for me. 

Thanks in advance for any answers you guys can provide i would truly appreciated.