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I posted something similar to this a couple weeks ago but I didn't explain myself clearly so I'm trying again.  I'm an administrator new to Apex and am having difficulties writing (what should be) a simple trigger.  I have a custom object that logs research requests the BD team has for upcoming Opportunities (a one to many relationship).  I'd like to create a trigger so that when the Opportunity is closed the status field on the reasearch request custom object (a picklist field) is updated in each research request to "Closed."  When the status opf each request is changed to "Closed" a workflow sends an email alert to the research team that the request is closed.  I'd like the process to work this way because it will also allow the BD person or the researcher to manually close one of the requests while leaving the others open.  The trigger should update the status to "Closed" for all the request records if Opportunity.IsClosed = TRUE which should fire the workflows on the custom object.

Any direction with this issue is appreciated.

Thank you.
Hi - 

I'm an administrator new to Apex and am having difficulties writing (what should be) a simple trigger.  I have a custom object that logs research requests the BD team has for upcoming Opportunities (a one to many relationship).  I'd like to create a trigger so that when the Opportunity is closed the status field on the custom object (A picklist field) is updated in each research request to "Closed" (which fires an Email Alert to the researchers).

Any direction is appreciated.

Hi - 

I'm an administrator new to Apex and am having difficulties writing (what should be) a simple trigger.  I have a custom object that logs research requests the BD team has for upcoming Opportunities (a one to many relationship).  I'd like to create a trigger so that when the Opportunity is closed the status field on the custom object (A picklist field) is updated in each research request to "Closed" (which fires an Email Alert to the researchers).

Any direction is appreciated.
