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I need to insert a value into my custom object.

I tried this, but I have a error (Compile Error: Invalid type: GarderJob__c at line 204 column 31)
public static String TesteObjet(){
    GarderJob__c newObj = new GarderJob__c(Mail__c = 'zap', Requete__c='kkkk', Expression__c='jjjj');
    insert newObj;

Thank you
While doing a project I stumbled upon a problem when using inline VF page in the standard page layout, standard hovers were cuted off.
Google did not help, so I thought if there is a possibility to create a fully custom page, that uses standard page layout as a part of the page. The idea is to let users customize fileds positions an so on.
Anybody did this before? is it possible?
Hi. I have a managed package and when I try to install it something fails. 
Sometimes I get an email from ApexApplication containing the error. But this happens very randomly. 
Today it happened once after my 10th installation or so and usually it never happens again the during same day.

Is it possible to controll somehow? I know that we can change the recepient, but I didn't find any way of controlling the timing, how often it sends it and so on. It makes really hard to debug this kind of cases. Does anyone have a tip for me? How can I get to the root of my issue? :)

I'm struggling with post install script.
  • May 23, 2017
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Hi, guys.

I have a strange problem here, which really pisses me off :(

So it is very simple, just typing in execute anonymous:
Account acc;

Gives me an error:
"Compile error at line 2 column 1
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [Account].getCloneSourceId()"

According to this (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_sobject.htm)article, this method should work with any SObject, but it doesn't work with any object...
Please, tell me what am I missing.

  • October 16, 2015
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Hi guys.

Trying to created a conditional styling here and have a problem.

I have a tag:

<input id="theApprovalButton" type="button"  name="theApprovalButton" onclick="sendForApproval();" value="Send for Approval" class="btn" style="display: block"  /> - This works perfect!

But sometimes I need to make this button disabled. In this case I want to use this:
I just need to put disabled="disabled" somewhere in the tag, so I use formula(ETOdisabled is a boolean variable that come from controller)

<input id="theApprovalButton" type="button"  name="theApprovalButton" onclick="sendForApproval();" value="Send for Approval" class="btn" style="display: block"   {!IF(ETOdisabled, 'disabled="disabled"','')} /> 

But the editor won't allow me to save this because of the double quotes. How can I use them? It should be possible.

Thanks in advance.
  • June 03, 2015
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Hi, guys. I was trying to analyze the view state for one of my pages. The page consists of one form and some pageblocks. At the beginning it has only one page block with a picklist and I am able to see view state for this page, but when I select a value in the picklist and press a button - rerender of the for is happening and the development mode footer goes missing. I can;t think of the way how to return it, cause I need to check the view state of my page.

Any thoughts on this one?

Thanks in advance!
  • August 29, 2014
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Hi guys, I think I have something interesting here :)
I have a custom object and the button "NEW" is overwritten by a VF page. The VF page itself if very simple and gives 2 options:
-Clone a record(cloning a template)
-Create a new record.
The problem is, that I need the standard page to create a new record, but it is overwritten and when I try to create a page reference to standard "new page"  using 
" new PageReference('/a07/e?retURL=%2Fa07%2Fo'); " it just redirects me to my VF page(cause new button is overwritten).
So the questions is: Can I still reach standard "new" page in this scenario? How can I get out from this loop?

There is actually a way to workaround this, by creating and inserting a record and then redirecti to edit page, but if user clicks cancel - the record remains in the database, so this workaround will be used only if no other way is possible.

Thanks in advance!
  • May 14, 2014
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For the last couple of hours I was trying to get to Activity object in the Community. And I'm not sure if it is possible.
Googling and docs did not help.

Anyone knows if it possible at all?
  • February 06, 2014
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Hi, guys.

I have a strange problem here, which really pisses me off :(

So it is very simple, just typing in execute anonymous:
Account acc;

Gives me an error:
"Compile error at line 2 column 1
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: [Account].getCloneSourceId()"

According to this (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_methods_system_sobject.htm)article, this method should work with any SObject, but it doesn't work with any object...
Please, tell me what am I missing.

  • October 16, 2015
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Hi guys.

Trying to created a conditional styling here and have a problem.

I have a tag:

<input id="theApprovalButton" type="button"  name="theApprovalButton" onclick="sendForApproval();" value="Send for Approval" class="btn" style="display: block"  /> - This works perfect!

But sometimes I need to make this button disabled. In this case I want to use this:
I just need to put disabled="disabled" somewhere in the tag, so I use formula(ETOdisabled is a boolean variable that come from controller)

<input id="theApprovalButton" type="button"  name="theApprovalButton" onclick="sendForApproval();" value="Send for Approval" class="btn" style="display: block"   {!IF(ETOdisabled, 'disabled="disabled"','')} /> 

But the editor won't allow me to save this because of the double quotes. How can I use them? It should be possible.

Thanks in advance.
  • June 03, 2015
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Hi, guys. I was trying to analyze the view state for one of my pages. The page consists of one form and some pageblocks. At the beginning it has only one page block with a picklist and I am able to see view state for this page, but when I select a value in the picklist and press a button - rerender of the for is happening and the development mode footer goes missing. I can;t think of the way how to return it, cause I need to check the view state of my page.

Any thoughts on this one?

Thanks in advance!
  • August 29, 2014
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I have an apex page that lists the jobs created.
I would like to MODIFY and DELETE a job.

I did a method to delete and it works.
I'm not getting to do the MODIFY method that will catch the values ​​of the job (CronTrigger + MAIL informed the creation of this job) save and submit a second Visualforce page into inputText and selectOption.

The code:



global void schedulejob(){               
        String email = getMail();
        String heu = getHour();
        String min = getMinute();
        String jMois = getDayMonth();
        String leMois = getMonth();
        String jSemaine = getDayWeek();
        String NomJobSchedulable = nomJob;

        CLASS p = new CLASS (email , heu, min, jMois, leMois,jSemaine);   

        String expression = '00'+' '+min+' '+heu+' '+jMois+' '+leMois+' '+jSemaine ;      
        system.schedule(NomJobSchedulable , expression, p);

public void deleteJob() {

    idJobDel= new List<CronTrigger>();
    idJobDel= [SELECT  Id FROM CronTrigger where CronJobDetail.Name =: strJobName];
system.debug('NOT Job Name');

//MOTIFY JOB -- like as .....

public void modifier (){

testeInfos = getInfos.split('/');

String mailMod = testeInfos.get(0);



                 <apex:column >
                    <apex:commandButton value="M" oncomplete="refreshPage();" action="{!modifier}"/>
Help me plese!
Thank you