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It is possible to get image file from Rich Text Field value. 

Thanks in advance
I want to export image from rich text area field and pust into production rich text area field.

Is this possible with Apex?
Hi All,

I am trying to create a simple calculator performing total = quantity * price. But my method written in controller is not getting called. ANy help would be appreciated.

visualforce code-

<apex:page id="ProductCalculator" controller="ProductCalculator">
  <apex:pageBlock id="pbProdCalc">
      <apex:form id="fProdCalc">
          <apex:dataTable id="dtProdCalc" columns="4" value="{!Products}" var="con" styleclass="list">
              <apex:column id="prodList" headerValue="Product">
                  <apex:selectList id="slProdList" value="{!product}" size="1" multiselect="false">
                      <apex:selectOptions id="soProdList" value="{!items}"/>
              <apex:column id="prodQuantity" headerValue="Quantity">
                     <apex:inputText id="Qty" value="{!quantity}"/>
              <apex:column id="prodPrice" headerValue="Price">
                  <apex:inputText id="Price" value="{!prodPrice}">
                      <apex:actionSupport action="{!calculateTotal}" event="onchange" reRender="Total"/>
              <apex:column id="prodTotal" headerValue="Total">
                  <apex:outputText id="Total" value="{!prodTotal}"/>

Controller code-

public class ProductCalculator {

    Integer qty; Integer price; Integer total;
    public PageReference calculateTotal() {
        system.debug('calculate total called' );
        return null;
    public Integer calcTotal()
        total = qty * price;
        system.debug('total is: ' + total);
        return total;
    public Integer getQuantity() {
        return qty;
    public void setQuantity(Integer q) {
       qty = q;
     public Integer getProdPrice() {
        return price;
    public void setProdPrice(Integer p)
        price = p;
     public Integer getProdTotal() {
        return total;
    public void setProdTotal(Integer t)
        total = t;
    public List<SelectOption> getItems() {
        List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();
        options.add(new SelectOption('Product1','Product 1'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('Product2','Product 2'));
        options.add(new SelectOption('Product3','Product 3'));
        return options;

    String[] prod = new String[]{};
    public String[] getProduct() {
        return prod;
    public void setProduct(String[] prod)
        this.prod = prod;

    String ProductType;
    List<Product2> products;
    public List<Product2> getProducts() {
        if(products == null)
            products = [select id, name from Product2 Limit 1];
        return products;


It is possible to get image file from Rich Text Field value. 

Thanks in advance
I want to export image from rich text area field and pust into production rich text area field.

Is this possible with Apex?