• Todd Gill
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  • Member since 2014

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HI, I have a scenario, where I need to make a Tab visible or insible for Users, based on a checkbox checked for that User.
Kindly help me achieve this.
Hi I am looking to do a rollup of my Investment object based on the Account ID I select for some reason its not working. If I hard code the Account ID as a test it works correctly. Can anyone help me get past this issue? 

trigger ConsultingAUMRS on Account (before update)

System.debug('++++++++++++ before update trigger +++++++');
    for (Account a :Trigger.new)
           set<Id> acctIds = new set<Id>();
     AggregateResult ar = [select sum(AUM__C)total from Investment__c Where Consultant__c !=null and Org_ID__c =:acctIds];
System.debug('++++++++ total (double) ' + (Double) ar.get('total')); 
     a.Total_Consultant_AUM__c = (Double) ar.get('total');

hi All,
 I am working on test class every day, but by end of the day, i need to prepare xls sheet, like which class pass or failed, if pass what is code coverage like that,  so is there ant tool or easy methodalogy to get all class list with their code coverage and lines of covered .
please let me know if know any one, it's greate help to me.

  • December 16, 2014
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Can anyone share an example considering Account as an example. 
