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Here's the situation - I have a custom object (Referral__c) with a lookup(account) field to (Client__c). That Account has a lookup(contact) field that I want placed into the record on the custom object, field is called Internal_Referral_By__c. I believe I may need to check that the lookup(contact) is not null, but I haven't got there yet. Here's where I am and am getting "Attempt to de-reference a null object" errorsL

trigger autoPopulateReferredBy on Referral__c (before insert, before update){

      set<Id> clientIDSet = new set<Id>();
    for(Referral__c referral: trigger.new){
        if(referral.Client__c != null){

     map<id, Account> acctMap = new map<ID, Account>([SELECT Id, Name FROM Account where Id IN: clientIdSet]);

    for(Referral__c referral: trigger.new){
            referral.Internal_Referral_By__c = acctMap.get(referral.Id).Internal_Referral_By__c;
