• janardhan m
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public with sharing class pdfViewController {

public Document doc{
        get {
            if (doc== null) {
                doc= [SELECT id,Body, ContentType FROM Document WHERE ID ='0159E0000009NGe'];
            return doc;
        private set;
    public String pdf {
        get {
            return EncodingUtil.Base64Encode(doc.body);
I am try to change the positon of input text fields dynamically.i.e city3 in first position .
<apex:inputText value="{!city1}" />
<apex:inputText value="{!city2}" />
<apex:inputText value="{!city3}" />

 lookup__c is a standard lookup field in my object Student__c.

<apex:inputField value="{!Student__c.lookup__c}" /> 

I want to pass selected lookup field value in visualforce page to extension controller class.

public with sharing class pdfViewController {

public Document doc{
        get {
            if (doc== null) {
                doc= [SELECT id,Body, ContentType FROM Document WHERE ID ='0159E0000009NGe'];
            return doc;
        private set;
    public String pdf {
        get {
            return EncodingUtil.Base64Encode(doc.body);
I am try to change the positon of input text fields dynamically.i.e city3 in first position .
<apex:inputText value="{!city1}" />
<apex:inputText value="{!city2}" />
<apex:inputText value="{!city3}" />

diff b/w reports and dashboards

I have an object X__c where I have 3 fields f1__c(Email), f2__c, f3__c(Email). The requirement is if f1__c & f3__c are equal f2__c can be editable else if not equal then f3__c only can edit the field not f2__c.

Hi everybody,

I know how to code in Apex, but I need to know how to follow the SF Apex coding best practices.

Is there any documentation, webinar, etc... that can help me learn those best practices ?

Best regards,
Hi Guys!

Is there an alternative way on how to create a Time Based Assignment Rule?

I am creating a scheduling system that a person would have to work 5 days in a week. I am trying to eliminate case age after the 5th day for the case that was assigned to them on the 6th and 7th day.How can I create a function that will alow me to transfer the assigned cases to the other user on his/her 6th and 7th day?

Thank you in advance.

How to set the batch size in batch apex class? pls any one help me.

Object1 has lookup to user.
<apex:outputText value="{!name.User1}"/>

output is a format like 00523000000g0E8UUT

How can i get the user name out of it ?

  • February 27, 2015
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Hai all
Can any one tell me how to use java script in visual force page by using static resources 
Hi guys,
i want to share with you a solution I come up with, to wrap long url when rendering a VF page.
Basically the problem was this:
A customer pasted a very long URL (more than 400 chars) in a Rich Text Area. When rendering the page as PDF, to print it, the URL overflow the page margin, so it wasn't visible at all.

This is the code i come up with
private String addWhiteSpaceInUrlTooLong(String text) {
        // Step 1 - Search anchor links
        Pattern ptn = Pattern.compile('<a[^>]*(>.*?)</a>'); // WATCH OUT! This regex doesn't match nested anchor
        Matcher mch = ptn.matcher(text);
        Integer charPerLine = 50; // A whitespace is inserted each charPerLine chars
        while (mch.find()) {
            String toReplace = mch.group(1);
            String substitute = '';
            Integer len = toReplace.length();

            if (len < charPerLine) //No need to replace

            Integer elems; // White space to insert

            if (len / charPerLine == 0)
                elems = len / charPerLine;
                elems = len / charPerLine + 1;

            // Insert white spaces
            for (Integer i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
                if ((charPerLine * i) < len)
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), charPerLine * i) + ' ';
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), len) + ' ';

            text = text.replace(toReplace, substitute);            

        // Step 2 - Search pasted links
        ptn = Pattern.compile('\\b\\s(https?://\\S.*?)(\\s|$)');
        mch = ptn.matcher(text);
        charPerLine = 60;

        while(mch.find()) {
            String toReplace = mch.group();
            String substitute = '';
            Integer len = toReplace.length();

            if (len < charPerLine)

            Integer elems;

            if (len / charPerLine == 0)
                elems = len / charPerLine;
                elems = len / charPerLine + 1;

            // Insert white spaces
            for (Integer i = 1; i <= elems; i++) {
                if ((charPerLine * i) < len)
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), charPerLine * i) + ' ';
                    substitute += toReplace.substring(charPerLine * (i - 1), len) + ' ';

            text = text.replace(toReplace, substitute);

        return text;

You could use like this:
MyCustomObject.richText = addWhiteSpaceInUrlTooLOng(MyCustomObject.richText);
Hope it will be useful ;)
I have trigger used to share  contact records for users. And working okay. But the problem is  i have another  trigger and in that there is a delete method  for contact share  which deletes all Manual sharing and later inserts for another users..

When my first trigger fires it shares the record and parallel the other trigger also fired and deletes Manual sharing
I am trying to delete data from my object, but I am not able to delete bulk data altogether..
User-added image
I am able to delete data one by one but I wanat to clean my all data together ..

Plss help me to achive this 
Our customer would like to have a dashboard that display end to end information starting from Lead until Closed Won/Lost. But they want to have special layout of dashboard. They want the dasboard only contain one picture but all of the end to end information can be displayed into this picture.
Are there any solution or workaround for this inquiry.

Thanks for great support


This error is driving me MAD. What am I doing wrong? I have a very simple visualforce page:
<apex:page standardController=”Opportunity”>
<flow:interview name=”ClientDiscoveryInformation”>
<apex:param name=”var_CMS” value=”{!CMS_c}“/> 
<apex:param name=”var_UserManagementSys” value=”{!UserManagement_c}“/>
Why am I getting this error?
Please help!
I am having problems with this query, which I believe to be similar to the second basic one.

SELECT Order_Value__C
    ( SELECT Warehouse__C FROM Order_Detail__C )    FROM Order_header__c

I assume the relationship here is the same?
SELECT Id, Name, Industry, AnnualRevenue,
    ( SELECT Name, Email, BirthDate FROM Contacts )    FROM Account

It says

( SELECT Warehouse__C FROM Order_Detail__C
^ ERROR at Row:2:Column:6
unexpected token: 'SELECT'

In our System API Name Order_Details__c show
Field Label Order Header
API NAME Order_Header__c
Data Type Master-Detail(Sales Order) 

I assume the relationship would be the same and it would work?

Individually both of these work
This works SELECT Order_Value__C FROM Order_header__c
This works SELECT Warehouse__C FROM ORDER_Detail__C

Data Uniqueness Violation 

The proposed data changes would violate a uniqueness constraint.


I'm getting above error when i trying to clone the approval process and adding  the steps....

Need help with the below requirement.

When i create an opportunity in SFDC it should get created in SAP with same ID and also it should delete an opportunity when i do in SFDC.

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards
On Clicking 'GO' button in 'SampleVF' page, Link will be sent to Mail of Applicant(s).

when he clicks that link he will be redirected to SampleVF2 visualforce page.

After Entering Details Into the Visualforce page he/she will click the 'submit' button.

Then Entered details are stored in HelloWorld Objects fields and also that page 'SampleVF2'  should be converted as PDF and saved in same HelloWorld Object as attachment.

Hi Everyone,

I have a Extensions on Oppportunity, which sends the Email with two Visualforce Pdf file attachments.
I need to write a test class for it,
As of now, My test coverage is 8%.
Please find my Code below.

Extensions and Test class Code:
//Send email with Multiple attachments, and before sending edit template
public class SendEmail {

    public Account acc;
    public String body { get; set; }    
    Product_EmailTemplates__c template;//Custom settings to read the template, which template to send
    public Opportunity opp { get; set;}
    public String subject { get; set; }
    public String htmlBody {get; set;}

    // Create a constructor that populates the Opportunity object
    public SendEmail(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {        
        opp = [Select Id, Name, Email__c, Amount, Contact_Name__c, Account.PersonContactId, Account.id, Product__r.Name, Account.Name, StageName, Tax_Amount__c, Total_after_Tax__c, 
               payment_1_Amount__c, Payment_2_Amount__c, Payment_3_Amount__c, Payment_1_Before_Tax__c, Payment_2_Before_Tax__c, Payment_3_Before_Tax__c, Payment_1_Tax_Amount__c, 
               Payment_2_Tax_Amount__c, Payment_3_Tax_Amount__c, Potential_Number__c,Branch_Name__c, Branch_Name__r.Name, Branch_Name__r.Address_1__c, Branch_Name__r.Address_2__c, Branch_Name__r.City__c, 
               Branch_Name__r.Country__c, Branch_Name__r.Main_Phone_1__c, Branch_Name__r.Main_Phone_2__c, Branch_Name__r.Main_Phone_3__c, Branch_Name__r.Region__c, Branch_Name__r.State__c, 
               Branch_Name__r.Zip_Postal_Code__c, Product__r.Product_Type__c, Admin_Fee__c, Payment_1_plus_Admin_Fee__c
                    from Opportunity where Id = :ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('id')];
        EmailTemplate emailTemplate = [SELECT Id, Subject, HtmlValue, Body FROM EmailTemplate WHERE Id = :getTemplateId(opp.Product__r.Name, opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c)];
        htmlBody = emailTemplate.HtmlValue;
        subject = emailTemplate.subject;
    //Send the email with two attachments
    public PageReference send() {
        // Define the email
        Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); 
        //Send email if Branch not equals to Saudi Arabia and Product type is Standard
        if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name != 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Standard'){
            // Reference the attachment page and pass in the Opportunity ID
            PageReference pdf1 =  Page.CCLPdf;//CCLPdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b1 = pdf1.getContentAsPDF();
            PageReference pdf2 =  Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;//ProformaInvoicePdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b2 = pdf2.getContentAsPDF();
            // Create the email attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa1 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa1.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-CCL.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa2 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa2.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-Invoice.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            // Sets the paramaters of the email
            email.setSubject(subject);//Auto populate the Subject from Template
            email.setHtmlBody(htmlBody);//Auto populate the Body from Template
            email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa1,efa2});
        //Send email if Branch not equals to Saudi Arabia and Product type is Canada
        if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name != 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Canada'){
            // Reference the attachment page and pass in the Opportunity ID
            PageReference pdf3 =  Page.CANCCLPdf;//CANCCLPdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b3 = pdf3.getContentAsPDF();
            PageReference pdf4 =  Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;//ProformaInvoicePdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b4 = pdf4.getContentAsPDF();
            // Create the email attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa3 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa3.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-CANCCL.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa4 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa4.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-CANInvoice.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            // Sets the paramaters of the email
            email.setSubject(subject);//Auto populate the Subject from Template
            email.setHtmlBody(htmlBody);//Auto populate the Body from Template
            email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa3,efa4});
        //Send email if Branch is saudi Arabia and Product type is Standard
        if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Standard'){
            // Reference the attachment page and pass in the Opportunity ID
            PageReference pdf5 =  Page.KSACCLPdf;//KSACCLPdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b5 = pdf5.getContentAsPDF();
            PageReference pdf6 =  Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;//ProformaInvoicePdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b6 = pdf6.getContentAsPDF();
            // Create the email attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa5 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa5.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-KSACCL.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa6 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa6.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-KSAInvoice.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            // Sets the paramaters of the email
            email.setSubject(subject);//Auto populate the Subject from Template
            email.setHtmlBody(htmlBody);//Auto populate the Body from Template
            email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa5,efa6});
         //Send email if Branch is saudi Arabia and Product type is Canada
         if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Canada'){
            // Reference the attachment page and pass in the Opportunity ID
            PageReference pdf7 =  Page.KSACANCCLPdf;//KSACANCCLPdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b7 = pdf7.getContentAsPDF();
            PageReference pdf8 =  Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;//ProformaInvoicePdf is a Visualforce page
            // Take the PDF content
            Blob b8 = pdf8.getContentAsPDF();
            // Create the email attachment
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa7 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa7.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-KSACANCCL.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            Messaging.EmailFileAttachment efa8 = new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment();
            efa8.setFileName(opp.account.Name+'-KSACANInvoice.pdf');//set the email attachment name
            // Sets the paramaters of the email
            email.setSubject(subject);//Auto populate the Subject from Template
            email.setHtmlBody(htmlBody);//Auto populate the Body from Template
            email.setFileAttachments(new Messaging.EmailFileAttachment[] {efa7,efa8});
            // Sends the email
            Messaging.SendEmailResult [] r = 
                Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {email}); 
        return new PageReference('/'+opp.Id);
    //Creating attachments
    public void StoringAttachments() {
        //Send attachments if Branch is India and Product type is Standard
        if((opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'India' || opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'United Kingdom') && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Standard'){
            Attachment myAttach1 = new Attachment();
            myAttach1.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach1.name = opp.account.Name+'-CCL.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf1 = Page.CCLPdf;
            myAttach1.body = myPdf1.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach1;
            Attachment myAttach2 = new Attachment();
            myAttach2.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach2.name = opp.account.Name+'-Invoice.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf2 = Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;
            myAttach2.body = myPdf2.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach2;
        //Send attachments if Branch is India and Product type is Canada
        if((opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'India' || opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'United Kingdom') && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Canada'){
            Attachment myAttach3 = new Attachment();
            myAttach3.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach3.name = opp.account.Name+'-CANCCL.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf3 = Page.CANCCLPdf;
            myAttach3.body = myPdf3.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach3;
            Attachment myAttach4 = new Attachment();
            myAttach4.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach4.name = opp.account.Name+'-CANInvoice.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf4 = Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;
            myAttach4.body = myPdf4.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach4;
        //Send attachments if Branch is saudi Arabia and Product type is Standard
        if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Standard'){
            Attachment myAttach5 = new Attachment();
            myAttach5.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach5.name = opp.account.Name+'-KSACCL.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf5 = Page.KSACCLPdf;
            myAttach5.body = myPdf5.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach5;
            Attachment myAttach6 = new Attachment();
            myAttach6.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach6.name = opp.account.Name+'-KSAInvoice.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf6 = Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;
            myAttach6.body = myPdf6.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach6;
        //Send attachments if Branch is saudi Arabia and Product type is Canada
        if(opp.Branch_Name__r.Name == 'Saudi Arabia' && opp.Product__r.Product_Type__c == 'Canada'){
            Attachment myAttach7 = new Attachment();
            myAttach7.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach7.name = opp.account.Name+'-KSACANCCL.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf7 = Page.KSACANCCLPdf;
            myAttach7.body = myPdf7.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach7;
            Attachment myAttach8 = new Attachment();
            myAttach8.ParentId = opp.Account.PersonContactId;
            myAttach8.name = opp.account.Name+'-KSACANInvoice.pdf';
            PageReference myPdf8 = Page.ProformaInvoicePdf;
            myAttach8.body = myPdf8.getContentAsPdf();
            insert myAttach8;
    //Reads the Template from Custom settings        
    public String getTemplateId(String prodName, String prodType){
       template = [Select Name, Email_Template_Id__c, Product_Type__c from Product_EmailTemplates__c 
                        where Name = : prodName and Product_Type__c = : prodType];
       return template.Email_Template_Id__c;


Test Class:

public class CreateCaseTests{

     private static Id leadId;

static testMethod void testCreateCase() {
        //Inserting Products
        Product2 prod = new Product2();
        prod.Name = 'Resident Visa';
        prod.ProductCode = 'RV';
        insert prod;
        //Inserting Products
        Product2 prod1 = new Product2();
        prod1.Name = 'Permanant Visa';
        prod1.ProductCode = 'PV';
        insert prod1;
        //get standard pricebook
        Pricebook2  standardPb = [select Id, Name, isActive from Pricebook2 where IsStandard = true limit 1];
        //Inserting pricebook
        Pricebook2 pb = new Pricebook2();
        pb.Name = 'India';
        pb.IsActive= true;
        insert pb;
        //Inserting pricebook
        Pricebook2 pb1 = new Pricebook2();
        pb1.Name = 'Saudi Arabia';
        pb1.IsActive= true;
        insert pb1;
        //Inserting pricebookEntry
        PricebookEntry pbe = new PricebookEntry();
        pbe.Pricebook2Id = standardPb.Id;
        pbe.Product2Id = prod.Id;
        pbe.UnitPrice = 1.0;
        //pbe.UseStandardPrice = true;
        pbe.IsActive = true;
        insert pbe;
        //Inserting pricebookEntry
        PricebookEntry pbe1 = new PricebookEntry();
        pbe1.Pricebook2Id = standardPb.Id;
        pbe1.Product2Id = prod1.Id;
        pbe1.UnitPrice = 1.0;
        //pbe.UseStandardPrice = true;
        pbe1.IsActive = true;
        insert pbe1;
        Lead testLead = new Lead();
            testLead.FirstName = 'Test First';
            testLead.LastName = 'Test Last';
            //testLead.Company = 'Test Co';
            //testLead.RecordTypeId = '012110000004b9Q';
            testLead.Status = 'Converted';
            testLead.LeadSource = 'Web';
            testLead.Date_Received__c = System.Today();
            testLead.Email = 'ranjith@rixyncs.co.in';
            testLead.Payment_Plan__c = '2 Monthly Payments';
            testLead.Phone = '+919590854842';
            testLead.MobilePhone = '+919590854842';
            //testLead.Branch__c = 'India';
            testLead.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
            testLead.Destination_Visa__c = 'Denmark';
            testLead.Product__c = prod.Id;
            testLead.Date_of_Birth__c = System.Today();
            testLead.Age__c = 30;
            testLead.Occupation__c = 'SE';
            testLead.Number_of_years_in_this_occupation__c = 2;
            testLead.Highest_Qualification__c = 'MCA';
            testLead.Experience__c = 'Full - Time';
            testLead.Dependents__c = '2';
            testLead.Nationality_Immigration_Status__c = 'Pending';
            testLead.Criminal_Health__c = 'No';
            testLead.Job_Offer__c = True;
            testLead.Maintenance__c = 'Yes';
            testLead.Family_Links__c = True;
            testLead.Country = 'India';
            testLead.Country__c = 'India';
            insert testLead;
            leadId = testLead.Id;

        Database.LeadConvert lc = new database.LeadConvert();
        //lc.setAccountId(myRecordType.Id) ;
        //lc.strAccountId= '1';
        //lc.strContactId= '1';
        LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];
        Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);
        //this line returned my lead with isConverted:true and ids for related contact and account
    /*Lead leadFromDB = [select 
                       from Lead where id = : testLead.Id];
    System.debug('this lead looks like: ' + leadFromDB);

    // successfully queried contact, would produce query exception if no contact found
    Contact c = [select Id,FirstName,LastName from Contact where Id = : leadFromDB.ConvertedContactId];

    // again success, no query exception
    Account a = [select Id,Name from Account where Id = : leadFromDB.ConvertedAccountId];

    // confirmation in my log of what I got back.

    //System.assert(lcr.isSuccess()); //<--assert passed   

        /*Inserting Lead and converting
        Lead ld = new Lead();
        ld.Status = 'Converted';
        ld.LeadSource = 'Web';
        ld.Date_Received__c = System.Today();
        ld.Email = 'ranjith@rixyncs.co.in';
        ld.Payment_Plan__c = '2 Monthly Payments';
        ld.Phone = '+919590854842';
        ld.MobilePhone = '+919590854842';
        ld.Branch__c = 'India';
        ld.CurrencyIsoCode = 'INR';
        ld.Destination_Visa__c = 'Denmark';
        ld.Product__c = prod.Id;
        ld.Date_of_Birth__c = System.Today();
        ld.Age__c = 30;
        ld.Occupation__c = 'SE';
        ld.Number_of_years_in_this_occupation__c = 2;
        ld.Highest_Qualification__c = 'MCA';
        ld.Experience__c = 'Full - Time';
        ld.Dependents__c = '2';
        ld.Nationality_Immigration_Status__c = 'Pending';
        ld.Criminal_Health__c = 'No';
        ld.Job_Offer__c = True;
        ld.Maintenance__c = 'Yes';
        ld.Family_Links__c = True;
        insert ld;            

        ld =  [SELECT Id,Status, FirstName,LastName,Company,LeadSource
             FROM Lead
             WHERE Id = :ld.Id];

        System.assertEquals('Converted', ld.Status);*/
        RecordType myRecordType = [select id from RecordType where SobjectType='Account' AND IsPersonType=True limit 1];
        //Inserting Account
        Account acc = new Account();
        acc.LastName = 'Ranjith';
        acc.RecordTypeId = myRecordType.Id;
        insert acc;
        //Inserting Contact
        Contact con = new Contact();
        con.LastName = 'kumar';
        //con.AccountId = acc.Id;
        insert con;    
        //Inserting Potential
        Opportunity opp = new Opportunity();
        opp.Name = 'Ranjith kumar';
        //opp.Potential_Number__c = '0011';
        opp.AccountId = acc.Id;
        opp.CloseDate = System.today()+20;
        opp.StageName = 'CCL Sent';
        opp.Contact_Name__c = con.Id;
        opp.Type  = 'Existing Business';
        opp.English_Language__c  = 'Vocational';
        opp.Payment_Plan__c = '2 Monthly Payments';
        opp.Tax_Amount__c = 1000.00;
        opp.Total_after_Tax__c = 1000000.00;
        opp.Amount = 10000000.00;
        opp.Date_of_Birth__c = System.today();
        opp.Destination_Visa__c = 'US';
        opp.TimeFrame__c = '3 Months';
        opp.Eligibility_Score__c = 60;
        //opp.Branch__c = 'India';
        opp.Occupation__c = 'SE';
        opp.Number_of_years_in_this_occupation__c = 2;
        opp.Highest_Qualification__c = 'MCA';
        opp.Experience__c = 'Full - Time';
        opp.Dependents__c = '2';
        opp.Nationality_Immigration_Status__c = 'Pending';
        opp.Criminal_Health__c = 'No';
        opp.Job_Offer__c = True;
        opp.Maintenance__c = 'Yes';
        opp.Family_Links__c = True;
        opp.payment_1_Amount__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_2_Amount__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_3_Amount__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_1_Received_Date__c = System.today();
        opp.Payment_2_Due_Date__c = System.today()+30;
        opp.Payment_3_Due_Date__c = System.today()+60;
        opp.Payment_1_Before_Tax__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_2_Before_Tax__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_3_Before_Tax__c = 100.00;
        opp.Payment_1_Status__c = 'Received';
        opp.Payment_2_Status__c = 'Pending';
        opp.Payment_3_Status__c = 'Pending';   
        opp.Pricebook2Id  = pbe.Pricebook2Id; 
        opp.Product__c = prod.Id;
        insert opp;
         Blob content;        
         PageReference pf = page.CCLPdf;
         Attachment objAtt = new Attachment();
         objAtt.Name = opp.Account.Name + '-CCL.Pdf';
         objAtt.body =  Blob.valueof('string');
         objAtt.ParentId = opp.Id;        
         if (Test.IsRunningTest()){
         insert objAtt;
ApexPages.StandardController stdController = new ApexPages.StandardController(opp); 
        SendEmail send = new SendEmail(stdController);
        send.getTemplateId('Permanant Visa','Standard');

Can anyone please help me to write a Test class for my Extensions?

Thanks In Advance.......

  I need to autopopulate the number datatype field after the record is deleted.
For example,
I have 5 records and their serial numbers are  1,2,3,4 and 5. If i delete the 3rd record , then the serial number of the 4th record should be automatically populated as 3 and 5th records as 4.
How to achieve this delete operation?

My Trigger Code:

trigger RecordSteps on Record__c(before insert,after delete) 
        List<Record__c> cp = new List<Record__c>(); 
        set<id> id = new set<id>();
        List <AggregateResult> requirements = new List<AggregateResult>();  
       if (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert)
        for(Record__c pt:trigger.new)
         requirements=[select Count(Seq__c) from Record__c];
         if(requirements.size() > 0)
         for(AggregateResult ar:requirements)
         pt.Seq__c = Decimal.ValueOf(String.ValueOf(ar.get('expr0')));
      if (Trigger.isAfter&& Trigger.isDelete) 
      for(Record__c pt1:trigger.old)

Salesforce launched Lighting Connect by which can intergrate with exteal data source like SAP, DB etc. Does Salesforce itself provide external data source service? Or i can only use lighting connect by adopting third partners like Mulesoft, Progress Software, TIBCO...?
