• Naresh Chanda
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  • Member since 2014

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How to query the opportunity stage type (Open,Closed/Won, Closed/Lost) when an opportunity Id is given.

Also, is it possible to add more entries to Type picklist and can this field be used in integrations with other applications?
Hi, I am trying to show a error message in validation rule and used something like this - $Label.LBL_ItemValidations or VALUE(
$Label.LBL_ItemValidations), but the actual mesage is not shown and instead only the $Label.LBL_ItemValidations is shown. This is a serious limitation, as we cannot show multi language error messages on validation rules.
When using Sfdc.canvas.parent.publish, get the error-  Sfdc is not defined while editing the lightning record page in lightning app builder. It works and doesn't show an error on the lightning record page when you just open it, but when you click 'Edit Page' to view in lightning app builder get the error - Sfdc is not defined. Is it a platform bug?
How can we add logic to prevent users from adding, editing, or removing lines on Quotes in Salesforce. We are integrated with third party application for quoting needs and all the changes should occur from third party application and will be pushed from there to the SF Quote via an integration user. What is a non-invasive way to accomplish this. Thanks.
Lets say we have a home grown quoting application and have to use it for quoting needs from Salesforce, so inorder to sync quotes between two systems, 1. we create a quote in Salesforce 2. invoke the home grown quoting app's webservice with the quote details from Salesforcce (step 1 like quote id, opp id) to create the quote in home grown application 3. if the callout is successful, update the salesforce quote with the external id from the callout response. 4. If the callout is not successful, then delete the salesforce quote. This seems to be a simple requirement that's seen in integrations, but in the approach we have taken, we face a lot of overhead and with the platform limitations have to put in workarounds. What is the best practice used in the industry to handle these kind of integration scenarios with other systems from Salesforce? 

I have a developer edition org 'A', that is used as a packaging org for developing a lightning managed package. It has a namespace 'A'. As it is not a good practice to directly do development in packaging org, want to create another developer edition org for development purposes, but it will have a namespace 'B'. This is a problem as my code base that is developed in packaging org is strongly referencing namespace 'A'. How and what is the best practice that is followed to handle this situation in the industry?

When trying to execute a batch with the query - 

'Select id,name,billingstreet,billingcity,billingpostalcode,BillingState,BillingCountry,EQProcessedTime__c,'+
                        'HasEQProcessed__c, Fax, Phone, CurrencyIsoCode from ' +objToMigrate+' WHERE createddate > EQProcessedTime__c OR LastModifiedDate > EQProcessedTime__c  order by createddate asc limit '+numRecsToMigrate; 

I get the below error - 
FATAL_ERROR|System.QueryException: expecting a colon, found 'EQProcessedTime__c'.  EQProcessedTime__c is a custom column on Account that contains the timestamp the account is processed. Can anyone please advise on how to solve this?
How to query the opportunity stage type (Open,Closed/Won, Closed/Lost) when an opportunity Id is given.

Also, is it possible to add more entries to Type picklist and can this field be used in integrations with other applications?
How can we add logic to prevent users from adding, editing, or removing lines on Quotes in Salesforce. We are integrated with third party application for quoting needs and all the changes should occur from third party application and will be pushed from there to the SF Quote via an integration user. What is a non-invasive way to accomplish this. Thanks.

This just started today (9/26/2011) and won't let me save the file to force.com. The file is a long existing apex class. Only making some minor changes.



Save error: Unable to perform save on all files:


com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor


I deleted the whole project and re-added it. I was able to get everything back, then tried to make changes again. Same error. I tried to refresh my file from the ORG and received a pop up with the same error.