• NewCoderBoy
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on activities(task object) we have a standard field called "subject".  I created a custom field called Subject Topic.  I moved the subject field to the bottom of the page layout to be used only if a person is setting an open activity for a later date.  I created a workflow rule so that everytime someone enters a picklist option on subject topic it will automatically update on the subject field.  the problem is now people are changing the subject field to different options.  

I'm trying to figure out how to create a validation rule so people cannot change the subject field and it must always stay the same as the subject topic field.   Any suggestions???
I'm having trouble with creating the formula syntex for a date field update.  I am trying to get a custom date field to update.  the field is called "Survey Sent Date and it is on a custom object called Special Events.   i have email alerts set up to send out an email 24 hours after the date listed on another field called "End Date" that's on the special events object.   so I was wondering how can i write the formula for the Survey sent date as an immediate workflow action based on the date entered from End Date.  the date in (Survey Sent Date field) should be 24 hours away from the End date.  I hope this makes sense.  any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Hello Everyone,
I need to create a formula field off of the Created by Date.  I'm looking to create a field that will calculate the following:
2 weeks after created date
30 days after created date
60 days after created date
90 days after created date

I have looked over documents but still hard to understand.  if you could EXPLAIN to me how i create and the syntax format that would be greatly appreciated. 
a couple of months ago i got a position as a jr. salesforce developer.  Over the past three years I used sales force but only in the capacity of running reports, documenting customer information, basically operated as an end user.  I'm currently learning APEX and now that I'm learning salesforce I wanted to know if it would be easier to pursue the salesforce Adminstrator certification first or the developer certification?  my goal is to sit for the exam in November.  I want to study and learn on the job but not sure which way is the best. 


my firm has the premier support and training.  would the videos from the premier plan be sufficient in passing the exams?

thank you!

I would like to here the recommendations from veteran Salesforce Developers.  when writing code and testing classes, do you prefer to use developer console, force.com IDE, or user interface.  Why?
I wrote a trigger on a parent object to update the child object so an email alert does not get sent out.  the email alert is on a workflow rule attached to the child object called Lead Source.  any help you can provide would be appreciated.

the Parent object is Opportunity and I continue to get this error on line 15:

Illegal assignment from SOBJECT:Opportunity toSOBJECT:Lead_Source__C

here's the code:

trigger FieldVisitComplete on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    Set <Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
        for (Opportunity parentObj : Trigger.new)
           Map<Id, Opportunity> parentObjList = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([Select Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c FROM Opportunity WHERE ID IN :oppIds]);
               for (Opportunity opp : Trigger.new) {
                   if (opp.Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c != null) {
                       Lead_Source__c  lsrc  = parentObjList.get(opp.Id);
                       lsrc.Initial_Field_Visit__c = opp.Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c;
                 update parentObjList;
hello everyone.  I'm new to the salesforce team at my company and I need help writing my first apex trigger.   I need my trigger to stop an email alert from a workflow rule.  stop the email from going out whenever the following field has a date: Initial Field Visit Completed.   what's been happening is the emails have been going out when the date has been updated.  the only way to update the child record from the parent and have it fire the workflow rule would be to us a trigger.   The workflow rule looks like this:

AND(Effort__r.RecordTypeId = '01250000000UISS', Effort__r.Inactive__c = False, Effort_Probability__c < 0.2),
AND(Effort__r.RecordTypeId = '01250000000UISQ', Effort__r.Inactive_FiNet__c = 'False',
OR(Effort_Probability__c < 0.33, ISBLANK(Effort__r.Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c)))

ISPICKVAL(Lead_Source__c , "External Recruiter"),
Inactive__c = False,
ER_Email__c <> "",
Today() <= DQ_Reminder_Date__c


Could you guys give me ideas on how to write the trigger to make sure the emails stop when the date has been entered?

thank you.

I am looking to take my developer certification next month.  I went through the force.com fundamentals and created the recruiting app.  could someone please send me practice test questions I can go over.   my email is wick6628@yahoo.com.  

please only send the latest dump relating to 2014
I'm having trouble with creating the formula syntex for a date field update.  I am trying to get a custom date field to update.  the field is called "Survey Sent Date and it is on a custom object called Special Events.   i have email alerts set up to send out an email 24 hours after the date listed on another field called "End Date" that's on the special events object.   so I was wondering how can i write the formula for the Survey sent date as an immediate workflow action based on the date entered from End Date.  the date in (Survey Sent Date field) should be 24 hours away from the End date.  I hope this makes sense.  any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Hello Everyone,
I need to create a formula field off of the Created by Date.  I'm looking to create a field that will calculate the following:
2 weeks after created date
30 days after created date
60 days after created date
90 days after created date

I have looked over documents but still hard to understand.  if you could EXPLAIN to me how i create and the syntax format that would be greatly appreciated. 
I am having a hard time figuring this one out. Your suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
To complete this challenge, add a validation rule which will block the insertion of a contact if the contact is related to an account and has a mailing postal code (which has the API Name MailingPostalCode) different from the account's shipping postal code (which has the API Name ShippingPostalCode).Name the validation rule 'Contact must be in Account ZIP Code'.
A contact with a MailingPostalCode that has an account and does not match the associated Account ShippingPostalCode should return with a validation error and not be inserted.
The validation rule should ONLY apply to contact records with an associated account. Contact records with no associated parent account can be added with any MailingPostalCode value. (Hint: you can use the ISBLANK function for this check)
I wrote a trigger on a parent object to update the child object so an email alert does not get sent out.  the email alert is on a workflow rule attached to the child object called Lead Source.  any help you can provide would be appreciated.

the Parent object is Opportunity and I continue to get this error on line 15:

Illegal assignment from SOBJECT:Opportunity toSOBJECT:Lead_Source__C

here's the code:

trigger FieldVisitComplete on Opportunity (after insert, after update) {
    Set <Id> oppIds = new Set<Id>();
        for (Opportunity parentObj : Trigger.new)
           Map<Id, Opportunity> parentObjList = new Map<Id, Opportunity>([Select Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c FROM Opportunity WHERE ID IN :oppIds]);
               for (Opportunity opp : Trigger.new) {
                   if (opp.Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c != null) {
                       Lead_Source__c  lsrc  = parentObjList.get(opp.Id);
                       lsrc.Initial_Field_Visit__c = opp.Initial_Field_Visit_Completed__c;
                 update parentObjList;