• Alvaro Sevilla
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  • Member since 2014

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Hi, I have a question, how I can remove the left  red border at of the input fields that are obligatories, but without that quit to be obligatories
I have a question, when you have a
    <apex:outputLabel />
      <apex:outputText />
   </ apex: pageBlockSectionItem>
the browser renders it as a
<table> <tr> <th> </ th> <td> </ td> </ tr> </ table>
and does not allow to apply css styles to th, only to td, as I can convert the th to td or apply styles to th.
But knowing that the change do at the
    <apex:outputLabel />
      <apex:outputText />
   </ apex: pageBlockSectionItem>
How I can modify the CSS style per default of visualforce tags and attribute?
I can include a Visualforce page in an HTML page besides using iframes?
I can include code php into visualforce pages or which other the server language is can include
I can include code php into visualforce pages or which other the server language is can include
Is there any way to monitor and control the limit  to cursors for public sites Salesforce?
Hello such, anyone know or have worked force.com accessible sites for disabled people , ie having some difficulty to accede or to use the content, and that both support have Visualforce  for this type of styles or have to  use external technologies how css and html.
Is there any way to monitor and control the limit  to cursors for public sites Salesforce?
I have a question, when you have a
    <apex:outputLabel />
      <apex:outputText />
   </ apex: pageBlockSectionItem>
the browser renders it as a
<table> <tr> <th> </ th> <td> </ td> </ tr> </ table>
and does not allow to apply css styles to th, only to td, as I can convert the th to td or apply styles to th.
But knowing that the change do at the
    <apex:outputLabel />
      <apex:outputText />
   </ apex: pageBlockSectionItem>
I can include a Visualforce page in an HTML page besides using iframes?
I can include code php into visualforce pages or which other the server language is can include
Hello such, anyone know or have worked force.com accessible sites for disabled people , ie having some difficulty to accede or to use the content, and that both support have Visualforce  for this type of styles or have to  use external technologies how css and html.