• praveen kumar thota
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  • Member since 2014
  • Application Developer
  • Sambodhi Tech Solutions

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I created a custom button for custom object by using Onclick execute javascript. it is working fine in my developer sandbox but failing in other sanbox.
When i click this custom button in other sandbox then Url in addressbar of browser changed to my developer sandbox and immediately redirected to login page of my developer sandbox.this is affecting deployment of my project.

i am pasting the java script code that i have written for this custom button

var url='/apex/newrequest?recordtype=smart1.0&rec.name={!conatct.name}'; 

This issue occured in final stage of deployment
Urgent solution required for this issue
Thanks in advance for helping out me in this issue
as i am new to integration ,i would like start  by integrating google calender to saleforce

i checked many links over web but all are providing apps but i need the procedure for integrating google calender to salesforce.

i want to develop code integration between google and salesforce

i am a newbie to integration in saleforce

i am getting this error  for all my integration programs using SOAP API
Apex Generation Failed
Unable to find complexType for {http://soap.sforce.com/schemas/class/SoapClass}address

I dont understand why this is  happening and whats the reason for this error

I really appreciate any help and thanks in advance

I want to disable a vf page save button which is in <apex:pageBlockButtons> block. I have read many articles related to this and tried them but none had helped me.

I have tried the action function from some other post but its posting my data twice to server.
Please see below my code.

<apex:actionStatus id="mySaveStatus1"> <apex:facet name="stop"> <apex:commandButton action="{!saveOverride}" status="mySaveStatus1" value="Save" disabled="false" rerender="pgMsg"/> </apex:facet> <apex:facet name="start"> <apex:commandButton status="mySaveStatus1" value="Saving..." disabled="true"/> </apex:facet>

Please suggest me a way to get this done.
Thanks in advance.
I created a custom button for custom object by using Onclick execute javascript. it is working fine in my developer sandbox but failing in other sanbox.
When i click this custom button in other sandbox then Url in addressbar of browser changed to my developer sandbox and immediately redirected to login page of my developer sandbox.this is affecting deployment of my project.

i am pasting the java script code that i have written for this custom button

var url='/apex/newrequest?recordtype=smart1.0&rec.name={!conatct.name}'; 

This issue occured in final stage of deployment
Urgent solution required for this issue
Thanks in advance for helping out me in this issue