• Damon Hedgspeth
  • 20 Points
  • Member since 2014

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I have a invoicing app that tracks incoming invoices each month.  I would like to find out if any invoices are missing.

parent object is 'Service", "Invoice is a child".

The service record contains a numeric value of the day of the month that the invoice is usually due. 
Ideally, I would have a scheduled apex run nightly to check that an invoice record exists for each month since the Service was created. It could store the results in a field on the parent record (Missing_Invoices).

Service - (created 12-10/2015 , Invoice Due Day = 30
Invoice 1-23-16
Invoice 2-24-16
Invoice 4-17-16

The above example would update the missing_invoices field with "Invoice for March is missing".

A start on effinciently coding this would be greatly appreciated. 
I have a trigger on lead convert that creates a record in a managed package app.  When I run my test code, i get the following error: "Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts". I have tried the httpmock code and istestrunning.  What am I missing?

Here is my trigger
trigger LeadConvert on Lead (after Insert,after update) {
   String recordTypeName = 'ID Lead Record Type'; // <-- Change this to your record type name
  Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
  Schema.RecordTypeInfo rtInfo =  rtMapByName.get(recordTypeName);
  id recordTypeId = rtInfo.getRecordTypeId();
 if(!test.isrunningtest()) {
 For(Lead o : Trigger.New){
 If(o.RecordTypeId == recordTypeId){
  // no bulk processing; will only run from the UI
  if (Trigger.new.size() == 1) {

    if (Trigger.old[0].isConverted == false && Trigger.new[0].isConverted == true) {

      // if a new account was created
      if (Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId != null) {

        // update the converted account with some text from the lead
        Account a = [Select a.Id, a.Description From Account a Where a.Id = :Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId];
        a.Description = Trigger.new[0].Name;
        update a;


      // if a new contact was created
      if (Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId != null) {

        // update the converted contact with some text from the lead
        Contact c = [Select c.Id, c.Description, c.Name From Contact c Where c.Id = :Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId];
        c.Description = Trigger.new[0].Name;
        update c;
If(o.Create_Apttus_Proposal__c == True) {
        // insert a custom object associated with the contact
        Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c obj = new Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c();
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Proposal_Name__c = c.Name;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Description__c = c.Description;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Account__c = Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId;
        obj.Due_to_Funder__c = Date.today().addDays(+60);
        obj.Program__c = Trigger.new[0].Program__c;
        obj.Proposal_Reviewer_list__c = Trigger.new[0].Proposal_Reviewer_list__c;
        obj.Total_Proposal_Value__c = 1;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__ExpectedStartDate__c = Date.today().addDays(+60);
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__ExpectedEndDate__c = Date.today().addDays(+365);
        obj.Account_Contact__c = Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId;
        obj.Lead_Id__c = c.id;
        obj.Proposal_Status__c = 'Awaiting RFP';
        insert obj;


   } }


Here is my test code:
public class LeadConvertTest {
    static testMethod void insertNewLead() {

        Lead newLead = new Lead();
        newLead.LastName = 'Lee';
        newLead.FirstName = 'James';
       newLead.Company = 'TestTrigger';
       newLead.Program__c = 'Assessment & Standards Development Services';
       newLead.Proposal_Reviewer_list__c = 'Aida Walqui';
       newLead.Create_Apttus_Proposal__c = True;

        insert newLead;
      Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());

        Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();


       LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];

       Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);



I've created an email template that will be sent to Accounts payable once an Invoice (custom object) has been approved.  In the email, I would like to show the full approval history for that invoice. including when it was submitted, and any rejections and subsequent approval.

My problem is, I can not seem to pull the dates/times in any order that makes since.    See code - notice that the Dates and Status areUser-added image out of order.
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="A new IS Invoice has been approved." recipientType="User" relatedToType="Bill_Item__c">
 <messaging:htmlEmailBody >

         var people, asc1 = 1,
            asc2 = 1,
            asc3 = 1;
        window.onload = function () {
            people = document.getElementById("people");
           var peps = people;

        function sortTable(){
    var tbl = document.getElementById("caltbl").tBodies[0];
    var store = [];
    for(var i=0, len=tbl.rows.length; i<len; i++){
        var row = tbl.rows[i];
        var sortnr = parseFloat(row.cells[0].textContent || row.cells[0].innerText);
        if(!isNaN(sortnr)) store.push([sortnr, row]);
        return x[0] - y[0];
    for(var i=0, len=store.length; i<len; i++){
    store = null;

      <body onload="sortTable()">

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        <apex:variable var="count" value="{!0}" /> 
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">

     <apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!cc.Allotment_User_Id__c != '-Select-'}">
   <apex:variable var="count" value="{!count+1}"/>
        <font face="arial" size="3" color="#534e4e">
           <div id="Logo">
           <div id="DIV_Top">
            <p>&#10004; &nbsp; Invoice Approved</p>
           <div id="Top_Text0">
           <apex:outputText value="{!IF(count=0  ,"","**New Process**")}"/>
            <p />
            The invoice related to {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Request_Type__c} <a href="  {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.PO_Link__c}">{!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Purchase_Order__c}</a> has been approved. <br />
            Please print this page and the associated Invoice for your records. <a href="{!relatedTo.Box_Share_Link__c}" class="myButton">Print Invoice</a>
           <p />
              <div id="Top_Text">
        Approval History
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <tr border-bottom="1"> 
               <th class="green">Approver</th>
               <th class="green">Date Approved</th>
               <th class="green">Status</th>
               <th class="green">Comments</th>
    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.ProcessSteps}">
        <tr class="green" >
             <td >{!cx.Actor.name}</td>
              <td><apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!cx.ProcessInstance.CompletedDate}" /> 
     <p />

     <p />
        <hr class="Top_Text"/>
             <div id="Top_Text">
             Invoice Information
          <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
            <tr > 
               <th class="blue">Service Name</th>
               <th class="blue">Account Number:</th>
               <th class="blue">Invoice Number:</th>
               <th class="blue">Invoice Date:</th>
               <th class="blue">Billing Cyle</th>
               <th class="blue">Month Processed:</th>
              <th class="blue">Total:</th>
                <tr class="blue">
               <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Invoice_Date__c}" /> 
                <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_Start__c}" /> 
</apex:outputText>  -  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_End__c}" /> 
          <p />
 <div id="Top_Text">
        Applied Cost Codes
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
   <tr border-bottom="1"> 
               <th class="orange">Cost Code</th>
               <th class="orange">User Id</th>
               <th class="orange">Amount Charged</th>
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">
    <tr class="grey"><td>
        {!IF(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c = "[]","",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c,"[", ""),"]","" ))}
       <td>{!IF(cc.Allotment_User_Id__c = "-Select-","",  cc.Allotment_User_Id__c )}
       <td style="text-align:right">${!cc.Allotment_Amount__c}</td></tr>

<p />

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

The invoice related to PO# {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Purchase_Order__c} has been approved.

Please print this page and the associated Invoice for your records located here >> {!relatedTo.Box_Share_Link__c}

Invoice Information:

Service Name: {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Name}
Account Number: {!relatedTo.Account_Number__c}
Invoice Number:   {!relatedTo.Invoice_Number__c}
Invoice Date: <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Invoice_Date__c}" /> </apex:outputText>
Billing Cyle:  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_Start__c}" /></apex:outputText>  -  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_End__c}" /> </apex:outputText>
Month Processed: {!relatedTo.Month_Processed__c}
Total: {!relatedTo.Total_Allotted_Amount__c}
Approval History:
 <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.ProcessSteps}">        
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
<apex:param value="{!cx.ProcessInstance.CompletedDate}" /> 
//history = SELECT Id, (SELECT Actor.name, CompletedDate, StepStatus)
FROM ProcessInstance           
Applied Cost Codes / User ID
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">
{!IF(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c = "[]","",cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c)}{!IF(cc.Allotment_User_Id__c = "-Select-","",cc.Allotment_User_Id__c)}


So, I've managed to learn a bit of apex. Now I really need a hand with testing the code so that I can move it to production.  Could someone please help me with the following?
public class multiAddCEx {

public Id cID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); //grab the Vendor Bill ID
//Integer count = 0;
string num_name = '';
// Lookup against Available Cost Codes Junction Object
public List<SelectOption> costcodes {get; set;}
    public multiAddCEx ()
        costcodes  = new List<SelectOption>() ;
          for(Cost_Code_Connection__c cc : [select Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c , Cost_Code_Percentage__c, id,name from Cost_Code_Connection__c where Cost_Code_Connection__c.Bill_Item_Junction__c =: cID order by Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c, Cost_Code_Percentage__c ])
        costcodes.add(new SelectOption(cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%',cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%' )) ;
//Lookup to find User Intranet ID in User records
public List<SelectOption> intranetids {get; set;}
        intranetids = new List<SelectOption>() ;
        intranetids.add(new SelectOption('-Select-','-Select-'));
        for(User ui : [select Intranet_ID__c , id, name, IsActive from User where IsActive = True order by Intranet_ID__c])
if (ui.Intranet_ID__c != null){ 
num_name = ui.name;
        intranetids.add(new SelectOption(ui.Intranet_ID__c, ui.Intranet_ID__c +' - '+ num_name  )) ;
List <Bill_Allotment__c> CExList;
public Id getID {get; set;}
public PageReference reset()  { //pull at most 8 expense records to show so we don't clutter up the page
CExList = [select name, Bill_Allotment__c.Phone_Number__c ,  Allotment_Amount__c, Bill_Allotment__c.Allotment_User_Id__c,  Bill_Allotment__c.Bill_Cost_Code__c  from Bill_Allotment__c where Bill_Item__c =: cID order by createddate limit 0 ];
return null; }
public List <Bill_Allotment__c> getCExs() {
 if(CExList == null) reset();
 return CExList;
public void setAccounts(List <Bill_Allotment__c> cexs) {
   CExList = cexs;}
public PageReference save() {//upsert records on save
       upsert CExList;
       ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
return null;   
    catch(DmlException ex){
    return null;       
//ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
//return null;}
public PageReference cancel() {//close window without upsert
return null;
public PageReference add() {
CExList.add(New Bill_Allotment__c(Bill_Item__c = cID)); //add records to Bill Items and associate with current Bill
return null; }
 //public Integer getCount() {
        //return count;
   // }
I have a trigger on lead convert that creates a record in a managed package app.  When I run my test code, i get the following error: "Methods defined as TestMethod do not support Web service callouts". I have tried the httpmock code and istestrunning.  What am I missing?

Here is my trigger
trigger LeadConvert on Lead (after Insert,after update) {
   String recordTypeName = 'ID Lead Record Type'; // <-- Change this to your record type name
  Map<String,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> rtMapByName = Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
  Schema.RecordTypeInfo rtInfo =  rtMapByName.get(recordTypeName);
  id recordTypeId = rtInfo.getRecordTypeId();
 if(!test.isrunningtest()) {
 For(Lead o : Trigger.New){
 If(o.RecordTypeId == recordTypeId){
  // no bulk processing; will only run from the UI
  if (Trigger.new.size() == 1) {

    if (Trigger.old[0].isConverted == false && Trigger.new[0].isConverted == true) {

      // if a new account was created
      if (Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId != null) {

        // update the converted account with some text from the lead
        Account a = [Select a.Id, a.Description From Account a Where a.Id = :Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId];
        a.Description = Trigger.new[0].Name;
        update a;


      // if a new contact was created
      if (Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId != null) {

        // update the converted contact with some text from the lead
        Contact c = [Select c.Id, c.Description, c.Name From Contact c Where c.Id = :Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId];
        c.Description = Trigger.new[0].Name;
        update c;
If(o.Create_Apttus_Proposal__c == True) {
        // insert a custom object associated with the contact
        Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c obj = new Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c();
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Proposal_Name__c = c.Name;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Description__c = c.Description;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__Account__c = Trigger.new[0].ConvertedAccountId;
        obj.Due_to_Funder__c = Date.today().addDays(+60);
        obj.Program__c = Trigger.new[0].Program__c;
        obj.Proposal_Reviewer_list__c = Trigger.new[0].Proposal_Reviewer_list__c;
        obj.Total_Proposal_Value__c = 1;
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__ExpectedStartDate__c = Date.today().addDays(+60);
        obj.Apttus_Proposal__ExpectedEndDate__c = Date.today().addDays(+365);
        obj.Account_Contact__c = Trigger.new[0].ConvertedContactId;
        obj.Lead_Id__c = c.id;
        obj.Proposal_Status__c = 'Awaiting RFP';
        insert obj;


   } }


Here is my test code:
public class LeadConvertTest {
    static testMethod void insertNewLead() {

        Lead newLead = new Lead();
        newLead.LastName = 'Lee';
        newLead.FirstName = 'James';
       newLead.Company = 'TestTrigger';
       newLead.Program__c = 'Assessment & Standards Development Services';
       newLead.Proposal_Reviewer_list__c = 'Aida Walqui';
       newLead.Create_Apttus_Proposal__c = True;

        insert newLead;
      Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new MockHttpResponseGenerator());

        Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();


       LeadStatus convertStatus = [Select Id, MasterLabel from LeadStatus where IsConverted=true limit 1];

       Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc);



I've created an email template that will be sent to Accounts payable once an Invoice (custom object) has been approved.  In the email, I would like to show the full approval history for that invoice. including when it was submitted, and any rejections and subsequent approval.

My problem is, I can not seem to pull the dates/times in any order that makes since.    See code - notice that the Dates and Status areUser-added image out of order.
<messaging:emailTemplate subject="A new IS Invoice has been approved." recipientType="User" relatedToType="Bill_Item__c">
 <messaging:htmlEmailBody >

         var people, asc1 = 1,
            asc2 = 1,
            asc3 = 1;
        window.onload = function () {
            people = document.getElementById("people");
           var peps = people;

        function sortTable(){
    var tbl = document.getElementById("caltbl").tBodies[0];
    var store = [];
    for(var i=0, len=tbl.rows.length; i<len; i++){
        var row = tbl.rows[i];
        var sortnr = parseFloat(row.cells[0].textContent || row.cells[0].innerText);
        if(!isNaN(sortnr)) store.push([sortnr, row]);
        return x[0] - y[0];
    for(var i=0, len=store.length; i<len; i++){
    store = null;

      <body onload="sortTable()">

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          TR {border: solid #CCCCCC; border-width: 1; padding: 0px;}
        <apex:variable var="count" value="{!0}" /> 
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">

     <apex:outputPanel layout="none" rendered="{!cc.Allotment_User_Id__c != '-Select-'}">
   <apex:variable var="count" value="{!count+1}"/>
        <font face="arial" size="3" color="#534e4e">
           <div id="Logo">
           <div id="DIV_Top">
            <p>&#10004; &nbsp; Invoice Approved</p>
           <div id="Top_Text0">
           <apex:outputText value="{!IF(count=0  ,"","**New Process**")}"/>
            <p />
            The invoice related to {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Request_Type__c} <a href="  {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.PO_Link__c}">{!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Purchase_Order__c}</a> has been approved. <br />
            Please print this page and the associated Invoice for your records. <a href="{!relatedTo.Box_Share_Link__c}" class="myButton">Print Invoice</a>
           <p />
              <div id="Top_Text">
        Approval History
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
    <tr border-bottom="1"> 
               <th class="green">Approver</th>
               <th class="green">Date Approved</th>
               <th class="green">Status</th>
               <th class="green">Comments</th>
    <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.ProcessSteps}">
        <tr class="green" >
             <td >{!cx.Actor.name}</td>
              <td><apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!cx.ProcessInstance.CompletedDate}" /> 
     <p />

     <p />
        <hr class="Top_Text"/>
             <div id="Top_Text">
             Invoice Information
          <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
            <tr > 
               <th class="blue">Service Name</th>
               <th class="blue">Account Number:</th>
               <th class="blue">Invoice Number:</th>
               <th class="blue">Invoice Date:</th>
               <th class="blue">Billing Cyle</th>
               <th class="blue">Month Processed:</th>
              <th class="blue">Total:</th>
                <tr class="blue">
               <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Invoice_Date__c}" /> 
                <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_Start__c}" /> 
</apex:outputText>  -  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
    <apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_End__c}" /> 
          <p />
 <div id="Top_Text">
        Applied Cost Codes
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
   <tr border-bottom="1"> 
               <th class="orange">Cost Code</th>
               <th class="orange">User Id</th>
               <th class="orange">Amount Charged</th>
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">
    <tr class="grey"><td>
        {!IF(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c = "[]","",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c,"[", ""),"]","" ))}
       <td>{!IF(cc.Allotment_User_Id__c = "-Select-","",  cc.Allotment_User_Id__c )}
       <td style="text-align:right">${!cc.Allotment_Amount__c}</td></tr>

<p />

<messaging:plainTextEmailBody >

The invoice related to PO# {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Purchase_Order__c} has been approved.

Please print this page and the associated Invoice for your records located here >> {!relatedTo.Box_Share_Link__c}

Invoice Information:

Service Name: {!relatedTo.Vendor_Account__r.Name}
Account Number: {!relatedTo.Account_Number__c}
Invoice Number:   {!relatedTo.Invoice_Number__c}
Invoice Date: <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Invoice_Date__c}" /> </apex:outputText>
Billing Cyle:  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_Start__c}" /></apex:outputText>  -  <apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}"><apex:param value="{!relatedTo.Billing_Cycle_End__c}" /> </apex:outputText>
Month Processed: {!relatedTo.Month_Processed__c}
Total: {!relatedTo.Total_Allotted_Amount__c}
Approval History:
 <apex:repeat var="cx" value="{!relatedTo.ProcessSteps}">        
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MM'/'dd'/'yyyy}">
<apex:param value="{!cx.ProcessInstance.CompletedDate}" /> 
//history = SELECT Id, (SELECT Actor.name, CompletedDate, StepStatus)
FROM ProcessInstance           
Applied Cost Codes / User ID
<apex:repeat var="cc" value="{!relatedTo.Bill_Payments__r}">
{!IF(cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c = "[]","",cc.Bill_Cost_Code__c)}{!IF(cc.Allotment_User_Id__c = "-Select-","",cc.Allotment_User_Id__c)}


So, I've managed to learn a bit of apex. Now I really need a hand with testing the code so that I can move it to production.  Could someone please help me with the following?
public class multiAddCEx {

public Id cID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('Id'); //grab the Vendor Bill ID
//Integer count = 0;
string num_name = '';
// Lookup against Available Cost Codes Junction Object
public List<SelectOption> costcodes {get; set;}
    public multiAddCEx ()
        costcodes  = new List<SelectOption>() ;
          for(Cost_Code_Connection__c cc : [select Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c , Cost_Code_Percentage__c, id,name from Cost_Code_Connection__c where Cost_Code_Connection__c.Bill_Item_Junction__c =: cID order by Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c, Cost_Code_Percentage__c ])
        costcodes.add(new SelectOption(cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%',cc.Cost_Code_Junction2__r.Cost_Code_ID__c +' - '+ cc.Cost_Code_Percentage__c +'%' )) ;
//Lookup to find User Intranet ID in User records
public List<SelectOption> intranetids {get; set;}
        intranetids = new List<SelectOption>() ;
        intranetids.add(new SelectOption('-Select-','-Select-'));
        for(User ui : [select Intranet_ID__c , id, name, IsActive from User where IsActive = True order by Intranet_ID__c])
if (ui.Intranet_ID__c != null){ 
num_name = ui.name;
        intranetids.add(new SelectOption(ui.Intranet_ID__c, ui.Intranet_ID__c +' - '+ num_name  )) ;
List <Bill_Allotment__c> CExList;
public Id getID {get; set;}
public PageReference reset()  { //pull at most 8 expense records to show so we don't clutter up the page
CExList = [select name, Bill_Allotment__c.Phone_Number__c ,  Allotment_Amount__c, Bill_Allotment__c.Allotment_User_Id__c,  Bill_Allotment__c.Bill_Cost_Code__c  from Bill_Allotment__c where Bill_Item__c =: cID order by createddate limit 0 ];
return null; }
public List <Bill_Allotment__c> getCExs() {
 if(CExList == null) reset();
 return CExList;
public void setAccounts(List <Bill_Allotment__c> cexs) {
   CExList = cexs;}
public PageReference save() {//upsert records on save
       upsert CExList;
       ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
return null;   
    catch(DmlException ex){
    return null;       
//ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.message(ApexPages.Severity.Info, 'Records Saved Successfully'); //show confirmation message on save
//return null;}
public PageReference cancel() {//close window without upsert
return null;
public PageReference add() {
CExList.add(New Bill_Allotment__c(Bill_Item__c = cID)); //add records to Bill Items and associate with current Bill
return null; }
 //public Integer getCount() {
        //return count;
   // }