• Harish GS
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i want to learn integration in salesforce ,help me to learn the concept 


Thanks in advance
harish GS

Hi am Mca Graduate , looking for salesforce job, as complete course in instutate i am done some handfull project too, i am ready to deploy in derctly in project....
Governer limts for Apl in free developer account .. how to slove the problem ....
in admin developer loging ... what is use of delegated user....?
HI I want to create the custome application which capictures some student information through web pages..
and after saving all information must be saved in my salesforce database and i see the total information of student in my salesforce object of student...
Can u guide me how to achive this task....
Please guide me ... where which all topics to cover to get 401 certification
I DONE 201 AND 401 NOW I WANT TO STUDY 501 ...
I have written the below trigger and helper class that adds a partner user to a specific public group when a checkbox is ticked on the contact record.

trigger Addtogroup4 on Contact (after insert, after update) {
      List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
       Set<String> contactEmails = new Set<String>();
       for(Contact con : Trigger.New) {
          //create a set with the contact email addresses
       //query for the related users and put them in a map,
       //where the key is the email and the value is the user
       Map<String, User> emailUserMap = new Map<String, User> ();
       for(User aUser : [select id, email from User where email in : contactEmails]){
          emailUserMap.put(aUser.email, aUser);
           List<Id> userIdList = new List<Id>();
      for(Contact con : Trigger.New) {
        if(con.Public_Group_Technology_Partner_Content__c == TRUE) {    
      //dymanically get the get group id.
      Group theGroup = [select id from Group where Name = 'Technology Partner Content'];
      if(null != theGroup){
          //call the contact trigger helper if the group exists. 
          //This method adds the user to the group
          ContactTriggerHelper.addUsersToGroup(theGroup.id,userIdList );

Helper Class
public class ContactTriggerHelper{
      //future call to do the group adding.  the future call will spawn a new thread.
      public static void addUsersToGroup(String groupId, List<Id> userIds){
          List<GroupMember> GMlist = new List<GroupMember>();
          for(ID userId: userIds){
              GroupMember gm = new GroupMember();
              gm.GroupId = groupId;
              gm.UserOrGroupId = userId;
          if(gmList.size() > 0){
              insert gmList;

The trigger and class are working fine in sandbox. The problem is I am a newbie to apex and have no Idea how to write the test class for this. I pieced the trigger and clas together with assistance on this forum. Do I need a test class for the class and the trigger? Can anyone advise what it would look like?

Thank you
Several openings for Jaipur location, interested candidate please send your resumes at info@briskminds.com

1) Fresher (3 opening) - Must know Java, JS, HTML

2) Salesforce experienced developer (one opening for 2-3 years of experience) - Must have worked on Apex, Visualforce, Integrations, W/F, Approvals and a little knowledge on communities is preferred

3) QA (one opening for 2-3 years of experience) - Must know automated testing (say selenium)

Please do respond ASAP, we need to fill these positions before October. Spread this to your friends who may be interested.

Ankit Arora
Briskminds Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
HI I want to create the custome application which capictures some student information through web pages..
and after saving all information must be saved in my salesforce database and i see the total information of student in my salesforce object of student...
Can u guide me how to achive this task....

not that you would ever need this, however it appears that the AJAX sforceClient does not like 15 charID's in Retrieve, so I ported this late last night from the java version posted elsewhere.

only tested for a short time, but it appears to work.

function normaliseSforceID( id) { // fluff up a 15 char id to return an 18 char id
 if (id == null) return id;
 id = id.replace(/\"/g, ''); // scrub quotes from this id
 if (id.length != 15) {
  //print('well, id is not 15, bye' + id + ' ' + id.length);
  return null;
 var suffix = "";
 for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
  var flags = 0;
  for (var j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
   var c = id.charAt(i * 5 + j);
   if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
    flags += 1 << j;
  if (flags <= 25) {
   suffix += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".charAt(flags);
  } else {
   suffix += "012345".charAt(flags-26);
 return id + suffix;