• Tyler Ball 1
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We're trying to create an account field which displays the last activity date for activities created by the account owner. Has anyone found a way to do this?

Thank you,
My goal is to override the standard new quote button so that the expiration date on the quote defaults to today()+30. I don't want to use a workflow to accomplish this since I want the default expiration date to appear before the user saves the quote. I started creating the following visualforce page:

<apex:page standardController="Quote" showHeader="False" action="/0Q0/e?ExpirationDate={!TODAY()+30}

I got stuck because I don't know how to set the oppid to autopopulate with the associated opportunity id. I've just manually entered a static oppid  to test with. Does anyone know how I would modify this code to populate the associated opportunity id automatically? 
We're trying to create an account field which displays the last activity date for activities created by the account owner. Has anyone found a way to do this?

Thank you,
My goal is to override the standard new quote button so that the expiration date on the quote defaults to today()+30. I don't want to use a workflow to accomplish this since I want the default expiration date to appear before the user saves the quote. I started creating the following visualforce page:

<apex:page standardController="Quote" showHeader="False" action="/0Q0/e?ExpirationDate={!TODAY()+30}

I got stuck because I don't know how to set the oppid to autopopulate with the associated opportunity id. I've just manually entered a static oppid  to test with. Does anyone know how I would modify this code to populate the associated opportunity id automatically?