• Subhranshu Mohanty
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  • Salesforce Developer

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I have created some object specific actions for a custom object like create new record & update record.Then i added it to the layout but actions are not displying in salesforce1 detail layout. i have tried to check some permissions , it has the permission, added correctly in page layout..Anything am i missing to get those actions be visible?
Hi All,
I want to create a page where i can display records like listview manner in salesforce1,my concern is how manu records can we display on that mobile visualforce page , if i have more than 2000 or even more how i will going to handle for that mobile specific page.

Any idea & answers !!!!!
Hi All,

My requirement is to create a record for on object & its related attachment in salesforce from php. So for that i created one webservice class & method exposed it .From php side we can able to pass parameters(fields) & record aslo created in salesforce , But How could we pass files which will going to store in the attachment of that record? what should i do to accept that file in my class?
If a new record is created then we want to attach a file through chatter feed to that record,& pass it around for feedback, input & approval. instead of downloading the file & adding comments, then uploading a new version, we would like to add comments while online.
I have created some object specific actions for a custom object like create new record & update record.Then i added it to the layout but actions are not displying in salesforce1 detail layout. i have tried to check some permissions , it has the permission, added correctly in page layout..Anything am i missing to get those actions be visible?
Hi All,
I want to create a page where i can display records like listview manner in salesforce1,my concern is how manu records can we display on that mobile visualforce page , if i have more than 2000 or even more how i will going to handle for that mobile specific page.

Any idea & answers !!!!!
Hi All,

My requirement is to create a record for on object & its related attachment in salesforce from php. So for that i created one webservice class & method exposed it .From php side we can able to pass parameters(fields) & record aslo created in salesforce , But How could we pass files which will going to store in the attachment of that record? what should i do to accept that file in my class?
Hi All,

I have a custom object named as deal__c.
for Deal object, i enabled Field history tracking and i selected fields to track the history and also enabled the Reports.
But, i am not able to see History Report Type  for my object when i click on new Report.

is there anything missedout.
Any suggestions on this...
Thanks in advance!

-- Suma.
I need to count the working days or leave of any employee excluding the weekends,then i need to write code for same.
Hi All,

We need to Download the data Displayed in a VF Table in a VF page to a CSV or an Excel file on a button Click.

Could someone please suggest a method to get this done.

Thanks in Advance,


I have created a  new button on standard page of a Custom Object, which is calling a pop-up window, for that I have wrote following code

JS code On Cllick on button for  Standatrd Object Page
 var newWin=null;
function closeSuggestedPopup()

//Following is the VF Pop-up VF Page

<apex:page standardController="Contact_Centre_Campaign__c" extensions="CC_CallListQueueLookup" showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
    function setID(elem){
        var queueID = elem.options[elem.selectedIndex];
        var hiddenElem = document.getElementById('{!$Component.seletForm.hiddenId}');
        var queueName = document.getElementById('{!$Component.seletForm.QueueName}');
        hiddenElem.value = queueID.value;
        queueName.value = queueID.text;
        window.alert(hiddenElem.value+ queueName.value);
    function CloseWindow(){
    <apex:form id="seletForm">
            <apex:actionFunction action="{!reAssignQueue}"  name="CallreAssignQueue"/>
            <apex:outputLabel value="{!$Label.Queues}"></apex:outputLabel>
             &nbsp; &nbsp;
             <apex:inputHidden value="{!Contact_Centre_Campaign__c.HiddenQueueID__c}" id="hiddenId"/>
             <apex:inputHidden value="{!Contact_Centre_Campaign__c.Queue__c}" id="QueueName"/>
            <apex:selectList multiselect="false" id="selectQueue" size="1" onchange="setID(this);">
                <apex:selectOptions value="{!items}"></apex:selectOptions>
            <apex:commandButton action="{!reAssignQueue}" value="Assign Queue" onComplete="javascript:CloseWindow()"/>

I have tried same approch with VF page and that was working but for standard Object page it is not working and after oncomplete action I am getting following error
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://c.cs9.visual.force.com' is therefore not allowed access.

Please help me, I am trying out for this since a week.......... please send dynamic resource or static resource with code for the visalForce page including any datapick field...........

How to implement an online proofing tool in chatter,where user can go add some comments to the file itself & save, no need up downlaoding ,then modifying,

then uploading again, please guide me!!
  • August 07, 2014
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i wand to convert a number like 120 to one Hundred Twenty.

but i dont want to  use javascript in my apexcode to print any number.

please help me as soon as posible.