• Matthias Guenther
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  • Member since 2014

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Since the Winter 19 release, I am getting the above error when I run any unit test that modified a user record.

We are using the User License type: Overage Authenticated Website

I cannot locate the permission "Edit Self-Service Users" I turned off the enhanced user management to look for it and also tried giving my Users a permission set with all permissions under Users section.

Doing some research on previous posts about the  "Edit Self-Service Users" that what was recommended.

Thanks in advance,
Hi I have a lightning:datatable:
<lightning:datatable data="{!v.OpportunityLineItem}" columns="{!v.Columns}" keyField="Id" hideCheckboxColumn="true"/>
That show all OpportunityLineItem filtered by type and it is working fine to display the records. I am trying to figure out how to make the row clickable so it will open the OpportunityLineItem?

Here is the full component:
<aura:component controller="OpportunityLineItemListProductAuraCon" implements="flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId" access="global" >
    <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="Id" />
    <aura:attribute name="Opportunity" type="Opportunity" />
    <aura:attribute name="OpportunityLineItem" type="OpportunityLineItem" />
    <aura:attribute name="Columns" type="List" />
    <aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
    <force:recordData aura:id="accountRecord"
    <lightning:card iconName="standard:product_item" title="{! 'Products and Services for ' + v.Opportunity.Name}">
        <lightning:datatable data="{!v.OpportunityLineItem}" columns="{!v.Columns}" keyField="Id" hideCheckboxColumn="true"/>

Thanks in advance

I have a controller that get a record:
    public static Opportunity getOpp(Id oppId) {
        return [SELECT Id, Name, RecordType.Developername FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId];

It works fine and gets the information, but I cannot figure out how to get to RecordType.Developername in lightning.
var o = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('Current o: ' + o);
console.log('Current o.Id: ' + o.Id);
console.log('Current o.RecordType.Developername: ' + o.RecordType.Developername);
Current o: [object Object]
Current o.Id: 0060L00000VyqTYQAZ
Current o.RecordType.Developername: undefined

I could get just the recordtype Id and make another call to get the developer name, but that seems to be an avoidable step. I did not find anything about this in the documentation or searching.
Hi all:
I have the following debug statement:
for(String f: sfields.keySet()){
                			System.debug('~~~keySet f: ' +  f
	                					+',\n ~~~f/currentHeader: -' + f + '-/-' + currentHeader +'-'
	                					+',\n ~~~currentHeader.difference(f): ' + currentHeader.difference(f)
	                					+',\n ~~~f.contains(currentHeader): ' + f.contains(currentHeader)
	                					+',\n ~~~sfields.containsKey(f): ' + sfields.containsKey(f)
	                					+',\n ~~~ sfields.get(f): ' +  sfields.get(f)
	                					+',\n ~~~ sfields.containsKey(currentHeader): ' + sfields.containsKey(currentHeader));
                		Schema.SObjectField sf = sfields.get(f) ;
                		Schema.SObjectField sf2 = sfields.get(currentHeader) ;

but somehow my variable "f" and "currentHeader" don't seem to be mantched:
13:56:57.337 (1337502663)|SYSTEM_METHOD_ENTRY|[141]|System.debug(ANY)
13:56:57.337 (1337512569)|USER_DEBUG|[141]|DEBUG|~~~keySet f: employee_count__c,
 ~~~f/currentHeader: -employee_count__c-/-employee_count__c-,
 ~~~currentHeader.difference(f): employee_count__c,
 ~~~f.contains(currentHeader): false,
 ~~~sfields.containsKey(f): true,
 ~~~ sfields.get(f): Employee_Count__c,
 ~~~ sfields.containsKey(currentHeader): false
13:56:57.337 (1337524375)|SYSTEM_METHOD_EXIT|[141]|System.debug(ANY)
I would expect f.contains(currentHeader) to be true, but it comes back as false.

The data is coming from a csv file and I am cleaning the string with 

String currentHeader = header[k].toLowerCase().trim().unescapeCsv();

also this method is called via a @future method.

I must be overlooking something. Any sugestions  is appriciated.
I am trying the new lighting process builder and would like to update a datetim field to NOW or NOW() on a status change.

That does not seem to be an option as they are in workflow. Option are to hard code the datetim or set it to another field value

Just getting familiar with the ConnectAPI.

I want to repost a file to a parent object. I have a Trigger on FeedItem, is there a way to create a ConnectApi.FeedElement / ConnectApi.FeedItem form a FeedItem with the ConnectAPI?

Is there a relese of the Eclipse force.com IDE API 32 available or planned?
Your requested install failed. Please try this again.

None of the data or setup information in your salesforce.com organization should have been affected by this error.

If this error persists, contact salesforce.com Support through your normal channels and reference number: 1833182815-21168 (1376232810)

please advise about what error I received.

Thank you,

Since the Winter 19 release, I am getting the above error when I run any unit test that modified a user record.

We are using the User License type: Overage Authenticated Website

I cannot locate the permission "Edit Self-Service Users" I turned off the enhanced user management to look for it and also tried giving my Users a permission set with all permissions under Users section.

Doing some research on previous posts about the  "Edit Self-Service Users" that what was recommended.

Thanks in advance,
I have a controller that get a record:
    public static Opportunity getOpp(Id oppId) {
        return [SELECT Id, Name, RecordType.Developername FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId];

It works fine and gets the information, but I cannot figure out how to get to RecordType.Developername in lightning.
var o = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('Current o: ' + o);
console.log('Current o.Id: ' + o.Id);
console.log('Current o.RecordType.Developername: ' + o.RecordType.Developername);
Current o: [object Object]
Current o.Id: 0060L00000VyqTYQAZ
Current o.RecordType.Developername: undefined

I could get just the recordtype Id and make another call to get the developer name, but that seems to be an avoidable step. I did not find anything about this in the documentation or searching.
So we have an application used on mobile where we include an <Apex:inputFile> tag and then upload the images to an attachment record.  On iOS if you take a picture in the portrait position (home button down) the image is uploaded to Salesforce sideways.  I did research on this and it appears to have to do with the way that Apple stores images using an EXIF tag to store the orientation of the image:
There is debate as to whose fault it is but I am reading it as Salesforce needs to look at these EXIF tags when uploading an image so that it uploads it in the correct orientation.  Has anybody else run into this and has a creative solution?