• Zishan Razzaq
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Some of my code that has been working for about 2 years now is recieveing a Visualy Force Error - The URL goes to a recession page which I have never seen before.
Someone else has this issue... /visualforce/recsession?? Please advise on how to correct.
Hi all,
I am trying to write a trigger that would obtain unique set of values from a child object and update the parent object Multi-Select Picklist field.
Now the issue is that when I edit the same record in the child twice and the status is equal to Active it comes up in the Multi-Select twice when it should be there once.
For example,
Market Type Child field = RV,Truck,Car
On the account the Market Type is the same until I edit the child record again let say RV
on the Account it will then show RV;RV;Truck;Car...
Here is my code:
trigger PopulateMarketType on Account_Market__c (after insert,after update) {
/*************************Variable Section*************************************/
    List<ID> AccIDs = new List<ID>();
    List<Account> updateAccList = new List<Account>();
    Map<ID,Account> AccUpdateMap = new Map<ID,Account>();
    Set<String> subAccNames = new Set<String>();
    List<Account> clearvaluesMT = new List<Account>();
    String[] UniqueMTs;
    String FinalUnique;
    Integer x=0;
/**********************Retrieve Account Id's from the new AMI records***************/    
    For( Account_Market__c ami: Trigger.New)
    For(Account acc : [Select ID, Market_Type__c from Account where ID in:AccIDs])
             AccUpdateMap.put(acc.ID ,acc );

    /****I like to clear out all the values in the Market Type Field in the Account and then re-insert them in****/
   /*For (Account clearthis : [Select Market_Type__c from Account where ID in:AccIDs])
            clearthis.Market_Type__c = '';   
             update clearvaluesMT;  
    If (clearvaluesMT != null && clearvaluesMT.size() > 0) 
        update clearvaluesMT;   
    /**Re-Insert the Market Types in for the associated Account*****/ 
    For (Account_Market__c amii: Trigger.New)
             Account updateacc = AccUpdateMap.get(amii.Account__c);
                If (amii.Status__c == 'Active') 
                     If (updateacc.Market_Type__c ==null)
                         updateacc.Market_Type__c = amii.Market_Type__c;   
                      //1st - get all the values
                          updateacc.Market_Type__c += +';'+ amii.Market_Type__c; 
                     //2nd - place them in a set to  become unique     
                          subAccNames.add(updateacc.Market_Type__c );
                     //3rd - put them in a string   
                          FinalUnique = String.valueof(subAccNames);
                      //4th - take away the {} from value
                                FinalUnique = FinalUnique.replace('{', ' ');
                                FinalUnique = FinalUnique.replace('}', ' ');                                  
                     //5th - Finally update the Market type with the Final Value     
                         updateacc.Market_Type__c  = FinalUnique;      
    If (updateAccList != null && updateAccList.size() > 0)
            update updateAccList;


Thank you
Hi all,
I am trying to write a trigger that would obtain unique set of values from a child object and update the parent object Multi-Select Picklist field.
Now the issue is that when I edit the same record in the child twice and the status is equal to Active it comes up in the Multi-Select twice when it should be there once.
For example,
Market Type Child field = RV,Truck,Car
On the account the Market Type is the same until I edit the child record again let say RV
on the Account it will then show RV;RV;Truck;Car...
Here is my code:
trigger PopulateMarketType on Account_Market__c (after insert,after update) {
/*************************Variable Section*************************************/
    List<ID> AccIDs = new List<ID>();
    List<Account> updateAccList = new List<Account>();
    Map<ID,Account> AccUpdateMap = new Map<ID,Account>();
    Set<String> subAccNames = new Set<String>();
    List<Account> clearvaluesMT = new List<Account>();
    String[] UniqueMTs;
    String FinalUnique;
    Integer x=0;
/**********************Retrieve Account Id's from the new AMI records***************/    
    For( Account_Market__c ami: Trigger.New)
    For(Account acc : [Select ID, Market_Type__c from Account where ID in:AccIDs])
             AccUpdateMap.put(acc.ID ,acc );

    /****I like to clear out all the values in the Market Type Field in the Account and then re-insert them in****/
   /*For (Account clearthis : [Select Market_Type__c from Account where ID in:AccIDs])
            clearthis.Market_Type__c = '';   
             update clearvaluesMT;  
    If (clearvaluesMT != null && clearvaluesMT.size() > 0) 
        update clearvaluesMT;   
    /**Re-Insert the Market Types in for the associated Account*****/ 
    For (Account_Market__c amii: Trigger.New)
             Account updateacc = AccUpdateMap.get(amii.Account__c);
                If (amii.Status__c == 'Active') 
                     If (updateacc.Market_Type__c ==null)
                         updateacc.Market_Type__c = amii.Market_Type__c;   
                      //1st - get all the values
                          updateacc.Market_Type__c += +';'+ amii.Market_Type__c; 
                     //2nd - place them in a set to  become unique     
                          subAccNames.add(updateacc.Market_Type__c );
                     //3rd - put them in a string   
                          FinalUnique = String.valueof(subAccNames);
                      //4th - take away the {} from value
                                FinalUnique = FinalUnique.replace('{', ' ');
                                FinalUnique = FinalUnique.replace('}', ' ');                                  
                     //5th - Finally update the Market type with the Final Value     
                         updateacc.Market_Type__c  = FinalUnique;      
    If (updateAccList != null && updateAccList.size() > 0)
            update updateAccList;


Thank you