• Srik Poth
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I am unable to upload a NULL value.  I have set "Insert Value to Null" and turned off bulk upload.
 User-added image

I am looking to disable couple of fields when I launch my Visual Force Page from a Custom Button, can I get som help in terms of a sample code ?  I know this is basic but am new to Apex and Visual Force. Appreciate the help

I have a custom object(ShipTo__c) that has a field (customer_code__c) that holds a value that is common to the account object. When I insert the Ship To record, I would like to use an Apex trigger to get the account id based on the (SELECT id from Account WHERE customer_code__c = XXXX) then populate that value on the custom object to link it to the account object. Am I over-thinking this and should I be joining the tables differently other than trying to SFDC ID's?

trigger SetAccountField on ShipTo__c (before insert, before update) {
    for (ShipTo__c shipto : Trigger.new) {
        String accid = shipto.Customer_Code__c;
        List<Account> account = [SELECT Id FROM Account WHERE Customer_Code__c = :accid];
        shipto.Account__c = account.get(0).Id;
Hello! Can somebody help me unlock a field and rearrange my fields in the account object? Please? thanks.

I want to display more than 10 columns for a related list. Is that possible? or I have to do it in a visualpage coded myself?
